Digging up Bones: Fisbone Diagrams
Fishbone diagrams can be phenomenally useful, but in general are a giant pain to draw. In this blog I'm digging in to an often forgotten "Diagram Platform".
Fishbone diagrams can be phenomenally useful, but in general are a giant pain to draw. In this blog I'm digging in to an often forgotten "Diagram Platform".
In several recent discussions about using parametric tests the question of whether the data is normally distributed (or passes a goodness of fit test for normality) has come up. In each of the cases the sample size was relatively low (<30) and the conclusion was that the data did not come from a normally distributed population.
Is your data obscuring your data labels?
https://community.jmp.com/t5/Byron-Wingerd-s-Blog/Action-and-Alert-Limit-Column-Property/ba-p/411279 How to add a new column property to use with "Add Limits" to plot Old and New Control limits in Control Chart Builder.
Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) Statistics SPC, CPV, CMC oh my!
This is the journal from the August 2022 Pharma series for the Session #3 on DOE.
The journal includes a DOE walkthrough as well as a dashboard for explaining different model terms.
Not just a right and left y-axis, but a whole pile of them, where all the data is scaled and displayed in an overlay plot.
Most instruments will export plate reader data to an Excel file; however, the format of the data is generally difficult to format before starting analysis. This is an attempt to deal with one of those formats
Want to add action and alert limits to you run charts? This bit of code launches a dialog that lets you add limits to multiple columns, either from a dialog or from a data table and plot data with those limits as reference lines. The script and an example table are included below.
Can I use JMP to generate RSM designs directly from factor tables?
As it turns out, with just a little JSL its pretty easy.
In Pharma and Biotech, there was a time when "foils" and 35mm slides were the standard for presentations. Most of the time these slides had dark backgrounds and light colored text and figures. IMHO this format looked great. Well, times have changed and now the most common format is exactly the opposite and this is reflected in the default settings. The old-school look can be yours again, and a l...
A quick trick to publish Nominal Logistic Regression model Profilers as Interactive HTML5 figures
Add a Cycle Marker column to a study where subjects receive multiple tapered doses. For each subject, a taper cycle is assigned a sequential Cycle Marker number. Add-In, Script and Script documentation
Abstract: In JMP, it is easy to capture and reuse scripts. Often the next step is to build custom dialogs, which use these scripts with different tables and column names. These basic projects can easily get derailed by difficulties in capturing file names and paths as well as useable column names. In this talk, I will cover methods for capturing paths, files and column names, as well as an essenti...
How to generate the data and figure behind the Coronavirus-2019-nCoV-Global-Cases post on the DevLive15 JMP Live Server. There are some really flashy dashboards displaying where Coronavirus cases are; however, they lose the time series dimension. Animating a bubble chart with a time dimension helps to visualize where the virus is spreading, or no longer increasing. https://devlive15.jmp.com/pa...
There is this one ANOVA figure that every scientist uses in every paper, for the last 50 years or more. And it's not a standard plot in JMP. This is how to easily make that figure.
A discussion on customizing control charts
For Each Row( If( Is Missing( :Comment ) == 0, V Line( row() ) ) );
Suppose you characterized the variation in the weight of tablets from a new process and then wanted to use that work to estimate the variation in weight that could be expected in a multi-tablet package. One way to get the multi-tablet estimate is to simulate a large number of tablets with a specified mean and sigma, using a normal distribution. Then divide the individual tablets into a large num...
Imagine I have a multi-step process, like maybe an additive dispense process, where I'm using well characterized pumps to deliver set volumes to container and then at the end I check the mass of the container. What I would like to know is how much variation to expect in the final fill weight. In my previous blog I showed how to simulate one categorical level. To extend that approach to multiple ...
Teaser, XKCD. Curve Fitting by XKCD