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SEM: Moderated-Mediation How-To
Good afternoon, JMP Community.Here is the scenario:Version: JMP Pro 18.0.2Research Question: To what extent do non-financial incentives (NFIs) influence employee retention as moderated by employee level (junior, middle, senior) and mediated by job satisfaction?Observations = ~130,000 | Variables = ~100 variablesMeasuresIndependent Variables/Factors (NFIs)Training and Development (TAD) - compris...
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Fisher's exact or Chi Square?
I want to know which is more accurate and should be used to invistigate the association between two categorical variables: Fisher's exact or Chi Square? The sample size is more than 300 and the table is 3*3. The good news is that: fisher's exact test is now available for this type of tables (more than2&2) in JMP pro 18Samira
14 views | 1 replies -
Force JMP to match line of fit line color to marker color along with a forced line style
JMP 17.2.0 EDIT: Example data file uploaded with main post. I have run into a slight issue when trying to customize my graphs, either through graph builder or via JSL (or combo). I have scoured the JMP forums and found some similar topics, but no solution that actually works for what I specifically want to do. What I want JMP to do is: color code my markers by test number (or in the code its...
161 views | 6 replies -
Applying Neural Fit from one data table to a different one
I have two tables of data from different sources. Both tables have the exact same set of column variables, but have different numbers of rows (one has 35 rows and the other has 150 rows).
I created a Neural Fit formula in JMP Standard for the larger dataset using 4 nodes and it resulted in a decent fit. I am now wanting to apply the exact formula created by the larger dataset to the smaller datas...NathanFisk
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Insert a Expr() object into another script as an unevaluated Expr() object to be used later?
Adding to @jthi 's answer at Insert contents of Parse expression rather than variable name into New Script, how to insert a Expr() object into another script as an unevaluated Expr() object to be used later? I am using JMP 18.1.2
Names Default To Here( 1 ); dt = New Table( "My Table" ); e1 = Expr( Print( "Run some code." ) ); e2 = Expr( e1; Print( "Run some other code." ); ); e3 = Eval
138 views | 2 replies
Latest Discussions
Fisher's exact or Chi Square?
I want to know which is more accurate and should be used to invistigate the association between two categorical variables: Fisher's exact or Chi Square? The sample size is more than 300 and the table is 3*3. The good news is that: fisher's exact test is now available for this type of tables (more than2&2) in JMP pro 18Samira
14 views | 1 replies -
Force JMP to match line of fit line color to marker color along with a forced line style
JMP 17.2.0 EDIT: Example data file uploaded with main post. I have run into a slight issue when trying to customize my graphs, either through graph builder or via JSL (or combo). I have scoured the JMP forums and found some similar topics, but no solution that actually works for what I specifically want to do. What I want JMP to do is: color code my markers by test number (or in the code its...
161 views | 6 replies -
Applying Neural Fit from one data table to a different one
I have two tables of data from different sources. Both tables have the exact same set of column variables, but have different numbers of rows (one has 35 rows and the other has 150 rows).
I created a Neural Fit formula in JMP Standard for the larger dataset using 4 nodes and it resulted in a decent fit. I am now wanting to apply the exact formula created by the larger dataset to the smaller datas...NathanFisk
165 views | 3 replies -
Insert a Expr() object into another script as an unevaluated Expr() object to be used later?
Adding to @jthi 's answer at Insert contents of Parse expression rather than variable name into New Script, how to insert a Expr() object into another script as an unevaluated Expr() object to be used later? I am using JMP 18.1.2
Names Default To Here( 1 ); dt = New Table( "My Table" ); e1 = Expr( Print( "Run some code." ) ); e2 = Expr( e1; Print( "Run some other code." ); ); e3 = Eval
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Import a CSV file to Include Date Created and Date Modified
I need to import a series of CSV files that do not explicitly contain a date stamp as data text. Am I able to somehow collect the date modified and / or date created to fill in the blanks?
77 views | 1 replies
Latest Discussions
When to remove outliers when reducing model?
Hi, When I am reducing a model, I watch the externally studentized residuals to know when outliers are appearing. When should I remove these outliers throughout the model reducing process? If I see no outliers when the model contains all terms, but then I remove a term and an outlier appears, do you remove that outlier immediately and continue reducing, or continue reducing and then remove the...
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DOE - blocking augmented design
Hi, I am planning a DOE to save on time/resources, no surprise here. I don’t have much experience with the topic, but would like to push for DOE instead of OFAT within the org I work at, I guess common idea too. About the problem, there are 10 continuous factor, 3 responses. The experiments can be done at 4 labs at physically different locations. Lab 1 has more resources than the other 3, thus the...
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Bootstrap f2 study timepoints used
Hello, I have not been able to find if the bootstrap f2 test applies the more than 85% dissolution discarding rule or it only signals these values in yellow. Does anyone know? Thank you
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Panel Data Analysis
Hi JMP Team, I am teaching Data analysis using JMP. Can we do a Panel Data analysis using JMP? Fixed Effects, Random Effects and Hausman Test? Also are there any JMP Add ins available for Econometric modeling? (ARCH, GARCH, etc) Thanks
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Discovery summit book signings - official list of books?
Fellow JMP enthusiasts! During the 2024 Manchester Discovery Summit I was surprised to learn that the handing out and signing of books is a tradition. So, I am wondering whether there is a list of the books handed out & signed so far. If it exists, where to find it?I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Bitch" by Lucy Cooke, and I have a feeling "Hello World" by Hannah Frey will be a good read too.
105 views | 0 replies
JMP Events
ChinaShanghai May 29
1:00PM - 2:30PM EDTMar 26Jump into Gauge Studies: Hands-On Workshop
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
Seats are limited to 30 attendees, so register now to save your spot. Date: M...
10:00AM - 11:00AM CETMar 28EMEA Mastering JMP - Die volle Leistungsfähigkeit des Graph Builders nutzen
Mastering JMP Webinar Graph Builder bietet eine Drag-and-Drop-Oberfläche mit Zonen, leicht au...
11:00AM - 12:00PM CETMar 28EMEA Mastering JMP - Déverrouiller la puissance avancée de Graph Builder
Graph Builder offre une interface de glisser-déposer avec des zones, des options de graphique facile...