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Basic JSL: Working With Column Dialogs and Buttons

Getting started with scripting can feel daunting at first. I've assembled a couple of links that might help you get started.


The first one is a recording from a discovery talk a couple of years ago, its a great place to start.  The Journal I used is attached below.

Basic JSL for Building Interactive Dialogs for Automated Workflows - Journal 


This talk was influenced by some conversations with Joseph Morgan, a deep JMPer, I think his title at JMP includes the phrase Principal Genius, but I'm not sure . Luckily he presented a talk that covered a lot of what was in several of our discussions. 

Using JSL to Develop Efficient, Robust Applications 


His talk is based on paper that was published in the JMPer Cable. I remember reading the article when it came out, but not really "getting" it. His talk made everything click. So read the JMPper Cable paper (pg 15) after you watch the video.


Joseph Morgan has presented this material at Pre-Discovery Conference tutorial talks too, although I don't think the talks are recorded. I highly recommend taking his tutorial if you have the chance. 

Tutorial - Using JSL to Develop Efficient, Robust, Non-Trivial Applications 


Last Modified: Jun 12, 2020 3:27 PM