Workflow Builder Hands-on Activity and Solution
This hands-on activity allows you to practice using Workflow Builder to import data from Excel, reshape the data table in JMP, then build a graph using Graph Builder. The instructions are below and...
This hands-on activity allows you to practice using Workflow Builder to import data from Excel, reshape the data table in JMP, then build a graph using Graph Builder. The instructions are below and...
Before launching the course, please download and extract the zip file above ( for use with the course activities. This course covers a range of scripting...
JMP 16 introduces action recording and enhanced log mode to let JMP capture activities performed during an interactive session and then write the corresponding JSL cod...
Code folding markers show the beginning and the end of the code block, so you can collapse and expand code. To turn on code folding: Select File > Preferences > Script Editor.Select Code folding.Click OK. Note: By default, code does not remain collapsed after you save the script and restart JMP. To save the state of the folded code, select Save and restore document state information in the Script ...
Code folding markers show the beginning and the end of the code block, so you can collapse and expand code. To turn on code folding: Select JMP > Preferences > Script Editor.Select Code folding.Click OK. Note: By default, code does not remain collapsed after you save the script and restart JMP. To save the state of the folded code, select Save and restore document state information in the Script E...
For ease of comprehension, use Squarify to arrange the rectangles in order of size in your treemap. The largest rectangle appears in the top left corner and the smallest rectangle appears in the lower right corner. Turn on Squarify: From Graph Builder: In the Treemap properties panel, change the Layout to Squarify.From Treemap: In the launch window, select Squarify from the Layout list. Example of...
To overlay an element on an existing element in Graph Builder, press Shift then click the element icon that you want to overlay. For example, if you already have points showing in your graph, and you want to overlay a contour, press Shift and click the Contour element. Overlay Graph Builder Elements
Here are some helpful tips when working with the legend in Graph Builder: Double-click anywhere in the legend to hide or rearrange items. Right-click an item in the legend to change its properties. Click an item in the legend to select the corresponding rows in the data table. Legend Settings Window
A dashboard is a visual tool that lets you run and present reports on a regular basis. To create a dashboard: Open the windows that you want to combine. Select File > New > Dashboard (Windows) or File > New > New Dashboard (Macintosh).Select the Blank Dashboard template.From the Reports pane, double-click each open window to place it on the dashboard.From the Dashboard Builder red triangle menu, s...
To access JMP tools, press the following keys: Arrow tool = aHelp tool = ?Selection tool = sScroller tool = rGrabber (Hand) tool = hBrush tool = bLasso tool = lMagnifier (Zoom) tool = zCrosshairs tool = cRuler tool = d(Text) Annotate tool = tLine, Polygon, and Simple Shape tool = no shortcuts Note: The letter can be lowercase or capitalized.
If your data table contains row states and you do not want to affect them, use the Local Data Filter. The actions of this data filter are temporary and you can experiment with it. Choose how to add a Local Data Filter to a report: In the Report toolbar, click Local Data Filter Local Data Filter Icon.If you don't see the Report toolbar, select View > Toolbars > Report. From the report's red trian...
If your data table contains row states and you do not want to affect them, use the Local Data Filter. The actions of this data filter are temporary and you can experiment with it. Add a Local Data Filter to a report: Click the right arrow at the top of the report window and select Local Data Filter.Local Data Filter Option If the report window is wide enough, click the Local Data Filter icon that ...
Display the embedded log to quickly see the results of your changes as you run and develop a script. To open the embedded log, right-click in the Script Editor and select Show Embedded Log. Or, to open the embedded log every time you open the Script Editor, select File > Preferences > Script Editor > Show embedded log on script window open. Embedded Log
Display the embedded log to quickly see the results of your changes as you run and develop a script. To open the embedded log, right-click in the Script Editor and select Show Embedded Log. Or, to open the embedded log every time you open the Script Editor, select JMP > Preferences > Script Editor > Show embedded log on script window open. Embedded Log
Switch columns in a report using the Column Switcher: There are two ways to open the Column Switcher:In the Report toolbar, click Column Switcher Column Switcher Icon.If you don't see the Report toolbar, select View > Toolbars > Report. From the red triangle menu, select Redo > Column Switcher. Choose the column that you want to switch from. Choose the columns that you want to switch to.Click OK....
Switch columns in a report using the Column Switcher: From the red triangle menu, select Redo > Column Switcher.Choose the column that you want to switch from. Choose the columns that you want to switch to.Click OK. If you have multiple columns, use the buttons to animate the column switching or step through each column manually. Column Switcher
Apply attributes and properties (such as formulas) to several columns at once: Select the column with the attributes that you want to copy.Select Cols > Standardize Attributes.Click the Attributes button and select the attribute name that you want to copy to the destination columns.Click the button next to Format and select the format that you want to use and any additional options.In the data t...
Frequently, raw data is coded in a non-informative way. For example, a person's gender might be coded with a M for male and a F for female. To see better labels in reports, use the Value Labels option. These labels are used in all reports and also in the data table. Right-click the column name of raw data and select Column Info.Click the Column Properties button and select Value Labels.Enter eac...
Specify columns in launch windows in two ways: Select their names and click the appropriate button (for example, Y, Columns).Drag and drop columns from one list to the other. To remove a column from a role, double-click it. Dragging a Column
Double-click a numeric column in a report to change the number of displayed decimal places. Numeric Output
To select several commands simultaneously: In a JMP report, hold down the Alt key and click the red triangle. The window contains all of the options on the red triangle menu. Change as many options as you want.(Optional) To save your changes as preferences, under Platform Preferences, click Save Changes to.Click OK. Select Multiple Options
Running a script in a data table has never been easier. Simply click the green triangle. Note: To edit a data table script, right-click the script name and select Edit. Click Green Triangle
To copy a portion of a report, use the selection tool () on the toolbar or the Tools menu. Select the areas that you want to copy. Hold the Shift key to select more than one area.Select Edit > Copy.Follow the other application's directions for pasting text and objects from other programs. You can also drag the selection from JMP to the destination. Note: JMP makes clipboard data available in m...
To copy a portion of a report, use the selection tool () on the toolbar or the Tools menu. Select the areas that you want to copy. Hold the Shift key to select more than one area.Select Edit > Copy.In the other application, select Edit > Paste or Edit > Paste Special. You can also drag the selection from JMP to the destination. Note: JMP makes clipboard data available in multiple formats, and ...
Automatically save all open projects, reports, data tables, journals, or scripts at specified intervals. Select File > Preferences > General, and set the number of minutes next to Autosave Timeout. Automatically Saving Open Windows
Automatically save all open projects, reports, data tables, journals, or scripts at specified intervals. Select JMP > Preferences > General, and set the number of minutes next to Autosave Timeout. Automatically Saving Open Windows
When you place your cursor over a data point in a plot, you see that data point's information (including images, if they exist) in a hover label. To copy the label information, right-click on the hover label and select Copy. Then, you can paste the information into another application. Copy Data in a Plot To pin the hover label information, click the Pin icon in the top corner of the hover label...
To see more options or select several options at once, in a report or plot, hold down the Alt key (Option on MacOS) and right-click. Right-Click Options in a Report