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  • Show more than 6 decimal places in prediction profiler

    Hello JMP Community, I have Box-Cox transformed data and have a prediction profiler at the end of my fit model dialog.To use the output (yellow box) for further calculations outside of jmp, I need 11-12 decimal places, but don't know how I get jmp to show them. I already changed the format of my data to 12 fixed decimal places, but the predicted value did not adjust.When I reduce the format to e.g...

    CoxPanther919 CoxPanther919
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2023 10:40 AM
    851 views | 1 replies
  • Summarize Function

    I use the summarize function quite a bit in the course of my work.  Oftentimes, I want a frequency distribution of a variable. To do this I use Summarize( ex=By(dt:var), exCnt = Count(dt:var)). ex contains the levels of the variable and exCnt contains the frequency distribution. This works fine when the var is numeric, though not when the var is string. The work around I use is to create a dummy s...

    modelFit modelFit
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    Jul 17, 2023 10:36 AM
    1785 views | 4 replies
  • Script

    Bonjour à tous, Voici ma base de données :   J’aimerais pouvoir supprimer toutes les colonnes (de la 4ème à la dernière colonne).J’utilise le script suivant mais cela ne fonctionne pas correctement. dt22 = current data table();

    max = N cols(dt22);
    For (i=4 , i <= max , i++, dt22 << delete columns(i); );
    Merci pour vos réponses !

    hcarr01 hcarr01
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2023 7:24 AM
    805 views | 1 replies
  • Issue with adding ref line in JMP 17

    Hi folks, I just upgraded to JMP 17 and noticed that the add ref line doesn't work on JMP 17 but it works perfectly on JMP 16 . Any suggestions?

    JMP 16:JMP 17: The below JSL code generates variability chart and adds reference line from the limits file:  dt = Data Table("Limits_file"); dt2 = Data Table("Data_table"); newli = {}; For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dt ), i++, Insert Into( newli,...

    Jackie_ Jackie_
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2023 6:14 AM
    1026 views | 3 replies
  • Using a list of column names in a varability chart

    When creating multiple variability graphs, JMP generates a script example similar to the code below that includes the multiple Y Response columns as a comma separated list. Variability Chart( Y( :Col1, :Col2 ), Model( "Main Effect" ), X( :unit ) );   If I have a list of columns that I would like to generate graphs for: ListofColumnNames = dt << Get Column Names(); ListofColumnNames = {Col1, Col...

    DSchweitzer DSchweitzer
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2023 4:54 AM
    907 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Process Capability by group

    hi,May I know where is wrong in the scrip I would like to generate the process capability report by lot_id as below.     Names Default To Here( 1 ); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\semiconductor" ); // Create a complex name for a column to make sure it will be // processed correctly dt:NPN1 << set name( "NPN1-7/Best" ); // Get a list of columns to be used colList = dt << get column names...

    mylifemyrule mylifemyrule
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2023 12:45 AM
    957 views | 3 replies
  • "Actual by Predicted plot" - How confidence intervals are really calculated ?

     Hello Community, My Question:I have a question concerning how I can access the confidence intervals of the Actual by predicted graph below:  I attach the jmp file if you want to try yourselves. Now I am gonna tell you what I have tried up to know: What I have tried:I have save the columns “mean confidence limit formula as shown below: However, when I try to reproduce the “Actual by Predicted plot...

    Julianveda Julianveda
    Discussions |
    Jul 17, 2023 12:23 AM
    1668 views | 3 replies
  • How to use JMP software JSL to efficiently find the minimum value?

    How to use JMP software JSL to efficiently find the minimum value in the same row, multiple columns, and the rank of the column in which the minimum value resides. dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" ); New Column( "mi" ); New Column( "ix" ); Column( "mi" ) << Formula( ? ); dt << run formulas; Column( "mi" ) << deleteFormula; Column( "ix" ) << Formula( ? ); dt << run formulas; Column( "ix" )...

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Jul 16, 2023 11:54 PM
    1260 views | 3 replies
  • How to create number based on group in a column

    Hi, I have a categorical column that has repeated same string order randomly. I want to label number to each group that has same string like the example in picture. How I can do to create the column of result?


    dadawasozo dadawasozo
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    Jul 14, 2023 2:26 PM
    2017 views | 6 replies
  • Significant values in parameter estimates

    Hi all,I have made a custom DOE and have been analysing my data first step-wise to identify important effects then standard least square to find significant effects. I could see the following significant effects:I then checked the Lack of fit, which was also okI then looked further down through the parameter estimates and saw a lot of red values for the parameter estimates. What does this mean for...

    hradzey hradzey
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    Jul 14, 2023 9:19 AM
    2263 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Design space profiler not showing number of random sample

    Hi,  I just started to use the new design space profiler in <JMP 17.0.0>. I am wondering why in some cases I can add a number of random sample and sometimes not when starting the design  space profiler. I used the design space profiler with several responses fitted with their prediction formula. This is the window that is sometimes not showing up   Has anyone experienced the same problem? Emmanuel

    eruffet eruffet
    Discussions |
    Jun 27, 2023 12:53 AM
    498 views | 0 replies
  • bounded KDE (Kernel Density Estimator)?

    Has anyone created or heard of function for JSL that returns a bounded KDE (Kernel Density Estimator)? I'm aware of the KDE used inside of the distribution platform, but one is not able to provide bounds to the domain.

    Prokaryote Prokaryote
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 11:56 AM
    561 views | 0 replies
  • How to set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function?

     HI, I want  set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function,  but always something wrong. the red code have some problem. I need color scale as Quantile Graph Builder( Size( 839, 726 ), Variables( X( :Prober_X ), Y( :Prober_Y ), Color( :OpticalPower ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) ), SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 6, Pr...

    Solarwing Solarwing
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2023 9:32 AM
    469 views | 0 replies
  • New Series on JSL and Visual Code Studio

    Just a heads up that we've been posting some additional JSL tricks on our LinkedIn Blog.   We have a weekly series that's been running currently focused on our Visual Code Studio Extension for JMP. Week 1: 2:

    wjlevin wjlevin
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    Jun 19, 2023 2:26 PM
    697 views | 0 replies
  • Overlaying histograms: Iterating a function through N number of columns?

    @PatrickGiuliano ,  As a response to our latest discussion : Re: How to overlay histograms in JMP Thanks a lot for the response. Also, 1) I would like to get more guidance on ' possibilities of iterating the Overlap function for more columns ( N number of Columns), if possible. the code for : Y Function(N, x):  can be iterated ?  Y Function(N, x);
    For(i = 1, i <= N Col(xm), i++,
    ym[i] = Min(Normal D...

    DecileDromedary DecileDromedary
    Discussions |
    Jun 19, 2023 6:31 AM
    447 views | 0 replies
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