In-Person Bay Area JMP Users Group Meeting
Do you have wide data where each observation occupies a single row, and where you have individual or groups of columns useful for making predictions? Do you need some direct way assure that your data is set up to assess relationships accurately and completely? Would you like to establish repeatable routines to assure the quality of new records when they are added? Wide format is great for regres...
This Club is is a participant-driven meeting designed to encourage attendee involvement and knowledge sharing. Join us for these lightly structured discussions to share your ideas and learn more about Design of Experiments (DOE). What can you expect? Quarterly meetings held in English at 15:00 CET (09:00 am ET).Lightly structured discussions about design of experiments in JMP.Experts and novice...
Join the JMP Scripters Club Learning Sessions, led by Scripter experts from different industries, to gain an understanding of the JMP Scripting Language (JSL). Session: Tips and Tricks + JMP Roast If you want to know what a JMP Roast is, please visit: Rgeister here
REGISTER HERE: Building off of intro statistics, regression and ANOVA courses help students master broadly applicable linear modeling skills. This webinar reviews tools and resources for teaching regression and ANOVA with the JMP Student Edition, with topics including: An overview of Fit Model, JMP’...
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter.Import all types of files, including SAS data sets.Capture and replay your analyses as scripts to share results with co-workers.Access the wealth of instructional resources built into JMP, including statistical indexes, tutorials, sample data, menu shortcuts and more. Register to attend.
Do you need to formulate drug products to match a specific dissolution profile? Do you need to re-formulate or validate that changes in raw material suppliers do not change a drug's dissolution profile? Do you develop dissolution methods for product release? In this session, we will: Compare a new formulation's dissolution profile to an existing formulation to determine similarity using Graph ...
Jump into Graphing
Wednesday, Feb. 26 | Live Web Workshop
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET
Hosted via Zoom
Registration Fee: FREE
This online workshop is designed for any JMP user with an interest in data visualization. Only minimal experience in JMP (opening files, using menus, etc.) is required. Attendees learn about common graphs, principles of good graphs, and what to avoid.
Register Now!
If ...
Mit JMP 17 wurde ein neuer interaktiver Profiler eingeführt, um die Auswirkungen von Faktorgrenzen auf die erwartete Rate zukünftiger Läufe zu untersuchen, die die Spezifikationen (In-Spec-Rate) der Antworten erfüllen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit dem Design Space Profiler Spezifikationsgrenzen für die Faktoren festlegen, die die Spezifikationsgrenzen für die Antworten einhalten, und einen Design Spa...
JMP 17 propose un profileur interactif qui permet d'explorer l'impact des limites de facteurs sur le taux de réussite attendu des futures exécutions par rapport aux spécifications (taux de conformité aux spécifications) des réponses. Découvrez comment utiliser le profileur d'espace expérimental sur les facteurs qui respectent les limites de spécification des réponses et comment configurer un espac...
JMP 17 introduced an interactive profiler to explore the impact of factor limits on the expected rate of future runs passing specifications (in-spec rate) of the responses. See how to use the Design Space Profiler to set spec limits on the factors that honor the spec limits on the responses and set up a Design Space in more than two dimensions according to FDA Quality by Design standards.
JMP includes shortcuts and capabilities that can streamline your JMP analyses and reporting. Learn interesting shortcuts and tips, including those new in the latest version of JMP. In this session, we will cover a variety of ways to easily format tables and graphs to simplify setting up analyses and presenting and drilling into reports.
REGISTER HERE: The American Chemical Society’s guidelines on undergraduate chemistry education recommend that students learn to “analyze data with appropriate statistical methods and software.” JMP statistical software, used widely in the chemical industry, can help students master statistical metho...
Are you looking for ways to determine an effective way to trade off power and speed to find a sweet spot for your semiconductor chip design? Are you an engineer responsible for designing or doing validation testing to assure that your hardware solutions satisfy the requirements or your customers? Do you seek efficient ways to predict the behavior of a system-on-a-chip (SOC)? under real conditions?...
REGISTER HERE: Data analytics courses are a core part of curricula in business, marketing, information systems, and related fields. These courses frequently cover a range of data analysis techniques, from basic data visualization and analysis through advanced methods that can include machine ...
Jump into Gauge Studies
Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET
Hosted via Zoom
Registration Fee: FREE
This online workshop is designed for intermediate to advanced users with at least one year of JMP experience who would like to dive deeper into quality. Attendees learn the basics of measurement system analysis.
Register Now!
If you have any questions about this ...
Graph Builder bietet eine Drag-and-Drop-Oberfläche mit Zonen, leicht auswählbaren Diagrammoptionen, interaktiven Filtern und verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, grundlegende Statistiken zu Ihren Daten anzuzeigen. Sie können den Diagrammtyp ändern, mehrere Diagrammtypen überlappen, mehrere Y-Variablen auf denselben Achsen anzeigen und berichten, die Achsen manipulieren und die Reihenfolge der Diagrammelem...
Graph Builder offre une interface de glisser-déposer avec des zones, des options de graphique facilement sélectionnables, des filtres interactifs et diverses façons de visualiser les statistiques de base de vos données. Vous pouvez changer le type de graphique, superposer plusieurs types de graphiques, afficher et rapporter plusieurs variables Y sur les mêmes axes, manipuler les axes et changer l’...
Graph Builder provides a drag-and-drop interface with zones, easily selectable graphing options, interactive filters and a variety of ways to view basic statistics about your data. See to change graph type, overlap multiple graph types, display and report on multiple Y-variables on the same axes, manipulate the axes and change the order of graph items.
REGISTER HERE: Predictive modeling encompasses a range of techniques for using historical data to predict future outcomes, and it has applications in nearly all quantitative disciplines. The JMP Student Edition has robust predictive modeling capabilities, including a range of algorithms for cla...
Jump into DOE
Wednesday, April 16 | Live Web Workshop
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET
Hosted via Zoom
Registration Fee: FREE
This workshop is designed for intermediate to advanced JMP users who are familiar with basic statistical modeling (ANOVA and regression) and are interested in learning about design of experiments (DOE) in JMP. Attendees gain a deeper understanding of DOE through demonstrations a...
REGISTER HERE: Semiconductor engineering is a data intensive process. Engineers need to visualize and analyze vast amounts of data to improve yield, identify and rectify drifts or failures, monitor process health, and more. JMP statistical software, used widely in the semiconductor industry, is ...
DOE Club This Club is is a participant-driven meeting designed to encourage attendee involvement and knowledge sharing. Join us for these lightly structured discussions to share your ideas and learn more about Design of Experiments (DOE). What can you expect? Quarterly meetings held in English at 15:00 CET (09:00 am ET).Lightly structured discussions about design of experiments in JMP.Exper...
Jump Start with JMP®
Wednesday, May 7 | Live Web Workshop
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET
Hosted via Zoom
Registration Fee: FREE
This online workshop is for beginning JMP users.
Learn how to explore and work with data in JMP through demonstrations and hands-on practices. Topics include importing data from Excel, graphical data exploration, data clean-up and manipulation, and automating processes with ...