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Overlaying histograms: Iterating a function through N number of columns?

@PatrickGiuliano , 


As a response to our latest discussion : Re: How to overlay histograms in JMP


Thanks a lot for the response.




1) I would like to get more guidance on ' possibilities of iterating the Overlap function for more columns ( N number of Columns), if possible.


the code for : Y Function(N, x):  can be iterated ?



Y Function(N, x);
For(i = 1, i <= N Col(xm), i++,
ym[i] = Min(Normal Density(xm [i], mean[i], stdev[i]) ; 


2) How to label the curves as 'Data1' and 'Data2' as such to recognise which the normal density belongs to?


Thank you!