JMP_Taiwan機器學習在現在AI越來越盛行的時代占了很重要的比重, 一般人看到的大多是已完成的產品或是概念, 背後使用的方法其實才是關鍵。本篇文章將分享機器學習背後的概念,以及如何透過統計分析軟體JMP進行模型設定。
JMP_TaiwanIf you have a wood lathe, segmented turning is a fun -- but complicated -- way to turn boards into bowls and other shapes. There are any number of seg...
Jed_CampbellEn esta presentación en español, se introducen las capacidades de JMP Pro para realizar análisis genómicos. En este video se muestra el proceso anal...
MarilynWheatleyPrevious posts in this series have set up a problem that requires a Piecewise fit, and showed the equations that we will use to fit the data. But we a...
JerryFishThe fourth installment on how to use JMP's Nonlinear platform to fit a piecewise continuous function to an X-Y data set. Read on to see how well this ...
JMP_Taiwan本篇文章將透過一個生活案例,介紹如何使用自訂實驗設計 (DOE Custom Design) 以及統計工具 JMP 來優化製作珍珠口感、甜味等關鍵因子。經過分層的實驗設計,找到了最佳的煮珍珠方式,包括品牌、水量、悶煮時間、糖種類和糖浸泡時間。文章強調了實驗設計的價值,可以幫助改進口味,並期待在未來的...
JMP_TaiwanThese experts share their advances in DOE to fuel your innovation.
anne_milleyHere are the journals shared in A Case Study in Using JMP Statistical Tools to Tackle Chemical Engineering Challenges, a two-part webinar hosted by AI...
Jed_CampbellEn esta serie, exploramos cómo utilizar el software JMP para realizar análisis estadísticos en el campo de la salud y la nutrición animal. Diseña...
MarilynWheatleyModern DOE methods allow you to create an experiment that fits your system. Learn how to overcome the limitations of traditional DOE by using the Cust...
scott_allenNew to DOE? No problem! Easy DOE is a guided platform to get you started.
scott_allenOptimize functional responses with FDE/DOE and build better models with SVEM.
scott_allenLearn how definitive screening designs and augment DOE help you get more information out of your experiments.
scott_allenPaint, salad dressing, soap. What do they have in common? They are all mixtures and can be optimized using mixture DOE.