JMP Add-Ins
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The Documentation add-in installs the individual PDF files for all JMP books, and the Documentation Library, which is a concatenation of all the books...
Qiana_EaglinThe Documentation add-in installs the individual PDF files for all JMP books, and the Documentation Library, which is a concatenation of all the books...
Qiana_EaglinThis JMP Add-in is to transform non-normal quantitative trait data typically analyzed in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). The method implemente...
Chris_KirchbergNote: This was previously called Column Filter (jthi.column.filter). Uninstall that version before installing this. This add-in lets you easily chan...
jthiThese shape files are fairly easy to use. Just open the files and edit the table variables so that they reflect the size of the wafer and ...
MikeD_AndersonThis is an Add-In to facilitate a decision-making process where multiple criteria are considered. The method uses layered Pareto Fronts to reduce the ...
seburke89In JMP 15.0 hover labels got extensions that provide the ability to the display images and rich text inside hover labels. The image displayed and what...
nascif_jmpThis class can be used to display an activity status window. It is designed to show progress when stepping through a sequence of time consuming steps...
David_BurnhamThis add-in ingests estimates from an ordinary least squares report (produced by Fit Model) and saves a table of model effect estimates, F-ratios, p-v...
julianThis addin contains several utilities for working more efficiently with data tables. With it, you can: Quickly set the number of decimal places dis...
brady_bradyThis is designed to help new users become comfortable with running different analyses in JMP. The add-in will ask the user to pick an analysis task, ...
Peter_HershThis add-in provides a library of common conversion functions for length, area, volume, mass, energy and temperature, time, speed and pressure, as w...
ChrisCostinMFR (from Map-Filter-Reduce) is a library of functional programming primitives for JSL. Includes basic tests. Inspired by
nascif_jmpThe Forest Plot add-in displays several confidence or credible intervals vertically. The user supplies the lower and upper limits, the center value (...
Richard_ZinkPurpose This Add-In replaces the fixed file name of the source script added automatically by JMP when opening a non-jmp file so it will open multiple ...
Mauro_GerberPurpose Calculating the area under the curve is common practice in various industries. The attached add-in automates the process of calculating this...
Emmanuel_RomeuIn JMP 14 we began adding support for multi-frame images in JMP. On Windows, JMP can read in and display multi-frame TIFF files as well as animated GI...
JohnPonteThese files accompany the exercises in Chapters 3-9 of the SAS Press book,Douglas Montgomery's Introduction to Statistical Quality Control: A JMP® Com...
ZenEosSpectral Tools is a collaborative effort of @JeremyAshJMPand @Bill_Worley . It provides some convenience functions for analyzing spectral data, or rel...
JeremyAshJMP日本語ネイティブ(自動翻訳ではない)で掲載しているJMPの技術関連情報サイトを一覧形式にしたアドインです。このアドインをインストールすると、JMPのメニューバー [アドイン] に、[JMP技術関連情報サイト] というメニューが追加されます。 その後にある項目([Webセミナー ライブ] など)を...
Masukawa_NaoWhat if this imperfect gauge is used in production? How often will it make Type 1 vs Type 2 errors? What do those errors cost your company, in terms o...
JerryFishThis add-in compares the properties of Levey-Jennings charts with Individual Measurement charts. For further details, consult the help document within...
Jordan_Hiller(Please note that this new version 06-28-2018 supports By groups. Otherwise, it is the same as before.) JMP provides the Shapiro-Wilk test in the Di...