2017 Plenary - Christine Anderson-Cook
Christine Anderson-Cook, Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory Related Add-In: Top N Pareto Front Search for Structured Decision-Making Complex...
Christine Anderson-Cook, Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory Related Add-In: Top N Pareto Front Search for Structured Decision-Making Complex...
Life On Purpose: Integrating Predictive Modeling, Big Data, and Mobile Technology for Health and Well-Being Victor Strecher, Professor and Director for...
Ghost Data John Sall, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, SAS One of the most important skills to develop is handling data that isn’t really there....
Getting to Know JMP® Life Sciences - MiclausGetting to Know JMP® Life Sciences - MiclausGetting to Know JMP® Life Sciences - Miclaus
Robert Carver, PhD, Professor of Business Administration, Stonehill College Some of the most creative applications in business analytics combine data from multiple sources in novel ways. When a pro...
Utilizing and Leveraging Multivariate Control Charts - WegmanUtilizing and Leveraging Multivariate Control Charts - Wegman
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Planning in JMP® - SalmonUnmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Planning in JMP® - Salmon
The Intersection of Art and Data - MooreThe Intersection of Art and Data - Moore
Process Capability Analysis for Non-Normal Processes With JSL Extensions to Detect Process Shifts - MlejnkovaProcess Capability Analysis for Non-Normal...
Simulating Responses and Fitting Definitive Screening DesignsSimulating Responses and Fitting Definitive Screening Designs
Visualizing Regression Concepts in JMP ®: Picture = (1000*words)Visualizing Regression Concepts in JMP ®: Picture = (1000*words)Visualizing Regression...
Wrangling and Exploring Data on a Path to Understanding and Hypotheses - GraysonWrangling and Exploring Data on a Path to Understanding and Hypotheses...
Introduction to the Analysis of Censored Data - Michael CrottyIntroduction to the Analysis of Censored Data - Michael CrottyIntroduction to the Analysis...
Karen Copeland, PhD, Owner, Boulder Statistics The Distribution platform is an original, in that it has been part of JMP since day one. For those of us who like stability, the basic look of the Dis...
A Quality by Design Approach Used to Develop an Accurate and Precise Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for the Determination of Milk Allergens...
Wenzhao Yang, Statistician, The Dow Chemical Company Jin Zhao, Scientist, The Dow Chemical Company Jamie Curtis-Fisk, Scientist, The Dow Chemica...
Joshua Phelps, Assembly Process Integration Engineer, Micron Technology Nicholas Clyde, Assembly Process and Equipment Engineer, Micron Technolo...
Trang Nguyen, MBA Student, Analytics Concentration, Oklahoma State University Hind Manou, MBA Student, Analytics Concentration, Oklahoma State Un...
Authors: Peter Mroz, Manager, Statistical Programmer, Methods, Analysis and Programming, Global Medical Safety, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companie...
Ryan Lekivetz, JMP Senior Research Statistician Developer, SAS Joseph Morgan, JMP Principal Research Statistician Developer, SAS ...
Mary Ann Shifflet, Assistant Professor, Romain College of Business, University of Southern Indiana Jane Oppenlander, Assistant Professor, Clarkso...
Joseph G. Ramírez, PhD, Chief Statistician, Quality Excellence Group, Amgen This paper was voted one of the three finalists for Best Contributed Paper. After the analysis of a designed ex...
Canh Khong, Quality Technician II, Samson Rope Technologies Stephen W. Czupryna, Quality Process Engineer, Samson Rope Technologies As a manufact...
Getting to Know JMP® Life Sciences - Miclaus
Richard C. Zink, JMP Principal Research Statistician Developer, SAS Xiaotong Jiang, Doctoral Student in Biostatistics, University of North Carol...
Kevin Singer, Statistician, US Army ARDEC Military grade systems, particularly energetic materials, require particularly high levels of safety an...
Query Builder for Tables: A "No Tears" Way for Newcomers to Relate to the Relational Model - Carver
Justin Chilton, Sr. Associate Technical Support Engineer, SAS Abstract Since add-ins were introduced in JMP 9, many have been created and shared...
James Wisnowski, PhD, Principal Consultant and Co-Owner, Adsurgo Kristopher Kriechbaum, Senior Mechanical Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion LabThe 20...
Byron Wingerd, PhD, JMP Life Sciences Systems Engineer, SAS Brian Garrett, Principal Solutions Architect, SAS The use of open technologies like P...
Jason Wiggins, Senior Research Engineer, US SyntheticPerforming measurement systems analyses (MSA) on test instruments or gauges prior to experim...
Utilizing and Leveraging Multivariate Control Charts - Wegman
Sameer Vittal, PhD, Director of Data & Analytics, General Electric Mark Sporer, Technical Leader, General Electric Abstract In this paper, we pro...
Eric Stephens, Manager of Population Health Analytics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Mary Ann Shifflet, PhD, Assistant Professor, Romain C...
Michael Schuh, PhD, Data Scientist, Oshkosh Corporation Rongjun Zhang, PhD, Senior Chief Engineer, Oshkosh Corporation Heavy duty machine opera...
Sean Schubert, Senior Program Manager, Sherwin-Williams Discrete choice models are a powerful way to discover consumer preferences. By systematic...
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Planning in JMP® - Salmon
Heman Robinson, JMP Principal Software Developer, SAS John Powell, JMP Principal Software Developer, SAS HTML Version 5, or Interactive HTML, supports many of the exploratory features of J...
Thor Osborn, PhD, Principal Systems Research Analyst, Sandia National Laboratories Most large organizations link employee salaries to an internal...
Cause Analysis Georgia Z. Morgan, Sr Statistician, Retired Cause analysis is a general term applied to the tasks used to investigate, analyze and...