Zora Mlejnkova, Statistician, Corning
In product manufacturing, multiple processes are typically monitored simultaneously with the goal to keep them stable and within specification limits, and the data are used to evaluate the performance of each process. There is a tendency to collect and organize process data in Excel spreadsheets where one can color-code the values out of spec, then perform process capability analysis using SPC XL, Minitab or some other software package. JMP facilitates a more efficient and simpler way for doing such analysis with its Process Capability platform. This presentation will show the workflow of transferring process data from Excel to JMP, including the specification limits and color-coding of the out-of-spec values. The Process Capability platform with its numerous options will be used to analyze multiple processes and provide detailed information about each process, including the capability indices that are based on best fitting distribution for each process. Furthermore, JSL helps to automate data updates and generation of additional summary tables and customized reports. These can be used for further analysis in cases in which the results indicate shifts in processes over time.