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  • Simple Find and Replace

    I'm looking to complete a simple find and replace. I'm building a larger script and would like to replace some text as a blank. I've tried looping and the munger function, but it seems all the examples I've found online are more complicated than I need. I've attached my dataset. I basically want to search the whole table for "< LOD" and replace it with a blank. Additionally I'd like to do the same...

    Lharbicht Lharbicht
    Discussions |
    Feb 16, 2018 12:59 PM
    13028 views | 8 replies
  • Stepwise model selection for mixed model

    Dear all,I want to use stepwise model selection in order to select important fixed effects from a mixel model (including one random effect).When changing the "Personality" in the Fit Model Platform from "Standard Least Squares" to "Stepwise" it seems, however, that the same model selection is performed as if I would have a "pure" fixed effects model, not taking into account the random effect. Is t...

    Tina Tina
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    Feb 16, 2018 7:19 AM
    10495 views | 4 replies
  • Calculating and Plotting Percent of Increase

    Hi. New to JMP.I am plotting resistance values over time from a csv dump. How do I calculate and plot the percent of increase or delta? Tab or script.  I am collecting data from 99 boards and reading 5 channels per board over time (10x). I am able to plot the resistance data over time. Table looks like this:Graph: Shows resistance values on the left. I want to plot the percent of change increase o...

    rmiyasato rmiyasato
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    Feb 15, 2018 4:20 PM
    9745 views | 5 replies
  • Transparent window / screenshot

    Is there a way to open a "transparent window" in JMP? The goal is to effectively take a screenshot of a segment of the screen, then place points on the image that was taken. Sort of like a snipping tool, but all in a JMP window. I have a script where I can open and image and do the same thing, but is there a way to take the image straight from the screen?

    pen51 pen51
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    Feb 15, 2018 2:18 PM
    7987 views | 6 replies
  • Repeated measure MANOVA: post-hoc test?

    JMP Users,

    I have a rather simple data set: repeated measures over time of a single variable within individuals grouped according to 4 treatments (1 control + 3 different drugs); N=10 / group.

    The basic Repeated Measure MANOVA shows significant Time, Treatment, and Time*Treatment effects.

    As a follow on to this observation, I would like to test which of the 3 treatment is significantly different from...

    Discussions |
    Feb 15, 2018 11:48 AM
    10347 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Overlay markers on multiple graphs

    These are the graphs that I'm working in. I'm new to JMP and I've been trying to figure out how to make all three of these graphs have the same attributes that the bottom one has from the legend. I need all three graphs to use the same overlay markers and colors. Any help would be appreciated!

    ebluhm ebluhm
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    Feb 14, 2018 10:37 AM
    2083 views | 1 replies
  • Axis in Loading plot of PCA in JMP

    Hi, I am relatively new to PCA analysis as well as to JMP. How can I change the PCA loading values on the x and y axis of the plot that JMP rovides when you do a PCA analysis? Right now the default is PCA1 on x axis and PCA 2 on y axis. I would like to plot PCA3 on y axis and get a similar plot with the vectors showing in diff directions, labels etc. 

    helga55 helga55
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    Feb 13, 2018 1:39 PM
    5916 views | 4 replies
  • using right y axis on graph builder and color coding

    Hi, I am building a graph with graph builder.  I have 4 variables that I am showing on the y-axis, two on the left axis and two on the right axis.  I am using points, and would like the points to be color coded based on another variable (which happens to be color).  The color coding is working only for the variables using the left axis.  Is there a way I can color the right axis variables? Thanks!

    tova tova
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    Feb 13, 2018 5:51 AM
    4545 views | 2 replies
  • Create a formula for temporary variable

    Hi all,  im still new to JMP scripting. I need help to create a formula to make the value as a variable but with its own name. What i mean is as below. So, i want to create a formula that can make column 4 below as a variable for distribution graph.  it is like Plastic = 0.424542 the problem right now is the formula name will be in the same which is t4 = :TYPE;:MIN;. So if i want to plot the min v...

    mhalwi mhalwi
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    Feb 11, 2018 3:04 AM
    18249 views | 15 replies
  • Hive SQL Query builder - Performance issues

    Hi Guys,I'm running JMP 13 and have used the cloudera hive ODBC driver to sucesfully connect the JMP query builder to our hadoop hive server. I am able to view the tables ok, but once i click on one of the tables it automatically sends a "select * from table" query to the hadoop cluster which completely hangs up my JMP due to the enormous size of the table its trying to pull without my consent. Is...

    scott_87 scott_87
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    Feb 7, 2018 10:11 PM
    3505 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • .jsl scripts will lock files even while set to read and execute permissions only

    I am having an issue where an add-in script which runs another script via the include(); function is locking the included script file while other users are running it. This renders me unable to update that script. I tried setting the permissions on the repository and the file as read and execute only but it still locks when other users access it.

    nbullen nbullen
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    Feb 5, 2018 12:05 PM
    2075 views | 0 replies
  • Sub-sampling data analysis in JMP

    In Biology (Plant Sci. and Agriculture) usually we have sub-sampling data for replicates. It's very difficult to analyze these data in commonly use Stat S/W (SPSS/Minitab) because MSS(Error) is calculating wrongly.  Without taking averages of samsamples, the easiest S/W for this is using JMP and I need some assistance for this. I've found very useful Youtube video about subsampling in JMP  (CRD: S...

    Kynda Kynda
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    Nov 15, 2017 2:32 PM
    3481 views | 0 replies
  • Conceptual question about the profit matrix

    This issue has been discussed previously, but I keep finding myself confused about how to use the profit matrix.  My question is conceptual in nature, so let's just use some simple numbers.  Suppose I have data on customer churn and I build a predictive model for churn (the particular technique does not matter for this question).  My decision errors are not symmetric, however, so I want to modify ...

    dale_lehman dale_lehman
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    Nov 10, 2017 6:02 AM
    2386 views | 0 replies
  • Confirmation of Repeated Measures Analysis, when sphericity if voilated

    Hi Everyone,    I would like confirmation on the appropriate analysis to run on a repeated measures design.Experimental design:Independent variable: Nutrient treatment (Control, Low, Med, High),Dependent variable: basal diameter, 5 replicates (plants)Repeated measurements were taken at Weeks 0, 1, 4, 7, 10, & 12Split data-> Fit Model-> Y: basal 0, basal 1, 4, 7, 10, 12, Add: Nutrient treatmentPers...

    uamiller uamiller
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    Oct 23, 2017 8:07 AM
    2496 views | 0 replies
  • Cox Proportional Hazard - adjusting risk ratio with std dev

    I'm working with someone who is using SAS and I'm trying to do the same analysis in JMP.  When I  questioned their hazard ratio they said it was adjusted by the standard deviation. They commented:In order to obtain results in units of 1 standard deviation – you simply get the standard deviation value for parameter of interest and introduce it in the PH regression statement, for example:proc phreg ...

    Maureen Maureen
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    Aug 22, 2017 1:18 PM
    3127 views | 0 replies
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