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  • Discriminate analysis with nominal variables

    Hi, I have nominal variables and I want to do a discriminate analysis. when I run the algorithm it gave me the below error. However, I pressed the continue and I got an answer. Since I got the below error, Can it be considered a correct answer?   

    tuo88138 tuo88138
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 9:29 AM
    1110 views | 2 replies
  • saving results

    I want to save the result of the jmp, but there is a problem. Whenever I open the saved reports, the numbers related to the error rates are changing. I am saving it in the jmp format. What should I do?

    tuo88138 tuo88138
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 9:28 AM
    944 views | 2 replies
  • Add images from URLs in a column

    Hello dear Community, I have a datatable where I would like to add an image column based on an URL path that I have in another column ("Path").
    The URL column ("Path") is constructed based on previous column (name+number) in order to have correct URLs for each row. Path formula is in the toy dataset or here :Char( "" ) || Char( :"#"n ) || Char( :Name ) |...

    Victor_G Victor_G
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 9:11 AM
    5711 views | 9 replies
  • Group data in one column but sort by another

    Hi!  I have been trying to organize a set of data to group by the device column (ie all the a's are together, b's, etc), but sort them by the percent failed (ie c, F2 would be first followed by the rest of the c rows, then b, F3, and so on) similar to the picture below. When I sort by percent I get the left most table, by device I get the middle table, but I am not sure how to combine the filterin...

    SampleIguana839 SampleIguana839
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 8:18 AM
    1238 views | 3 replies
  • Scriptiing- Naming and closing Journals

    Here is a script trying to save a data table in a Journal and then from the Journal the data table is saved into a MS word document. One preference is to run the Journal part in the background. Among the scripts, only the Save MSWord part works To name the Journal:Set Name is not working. To hide the Journal in the background:Neither (Invisible) nor Close () is working. Thank you for your help! dt...

    GroupSquareWolf GroupSquareWolf
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 7:57 AM
    760 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Discriminate analysis with nominal variables

    Hi, I have nominal variables and I want to do a discriminate analysis. when I run the algorithm it gave me the below error. However, I pressed the continue and I got an answer. Since I got the below error, Can it be considered a correct answer?   

    tuo88138 tuo88138
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 9:29 AM
    1110 views | 2 replies
  • Script

    Hello,I worked in Excel before JMP, and sometimes when I have the same organize of tables (columns, formulas...) I used "Record Macro."Is there the same function in JMP where I can save the organization of tables (not analyze the graph)? Thank you

    Dennisbur Dennisbur
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    Dec 20, 2022 7:10 AM
    1039 views | 2 replies
  • Is JMP miscalculating my RMSE

    I plotted my observed vs predicted values, and added a line of fit with the RMSE, however, the values it's calculating/displaying is significantly lower than what I'm calculating and expecting (0.46 vs 2.07).  Here's the data:6.3431.6071196.2596.1770046.1390.4295395.2666.053685.4518.408346.4925.2263756.525.4402725.7845.9906386.1546.075276.1035.9654316.1220.4458465.5417.0007255.1815.9314565.3555.62...

    rummeln rummeln
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 6:46 AM
    2825 views | 6 replies
  • error message

    hi,I have this message when I used a data filter:  what doest it means ? best regards

    Françoise Françoise
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 1:10 AM
    661 views | 1 replies
  • What is the difference between random uniform and fixed setting of monte carlo simulation?

    I am making monte carlo simulation with DoE experiment result.As I understood, monte carlo simulation (simulation experiment of prediction profiler) works with below sequence.(1) Generate experiments with random X factors with ratin hypercube.(2) Each experiment has X factors which is generated randomly. Each experiment makes N runs of draws which have X factors as center point and they follow dis...

    jmpneeeewbie jmpneeeewbie
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2022 12:31 AM
    3562 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Data puzzles via Hanukkah of Data is underway

    If you're looking for some data wrangling puzzles, the Hanukkah of Data series of daily puzzles is underway at They're on day 2 of 8 now. As far as I can tell, you can do them whenever and there's no competitive part. I'm doing them in JMP, of course!

    XanGregg XanGregg
    Discussions |
    Dec 19, 2022 11:21 AM
    661 views | 0 replies
  • Slope and Intercept Collector error "matrix must be non-singular in access or evaluation of 'Inv' , Inv/*###*/(x` * x)"

    HI all,I have a question about an error I'm getting when using @stan_koprowski's slope and intercept add-in. I've posted my question on the add-in's thread but due to the much lower exposure compared to discussion posts, I thought that it might be a good idea to ask here as well. I made a mock data table with three groups and several observations in each group. When I run the add-in I am getting t...

    Lavik17 Lavik17
    Discussions |
    Dec 19, 2022 10:20 AM
    735 views | 0 replies
  • C Stack Usage Error When Sending Code to R

    Hello, I'm trying to invoke some commands in R using the R Submit function in JSL and am getting the error below. Is this an issue with JMP17 and R integration? It only happens when I invoke a specific package using JSL so it's hard for others to replicate w/o installing R and the package as well. I'm using JMP 17.0 and R 4.2.0. Never saw this error with JMP 16. "Error: C stack usage 4123778 is to...

    vigslayer vigslayer
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    Dec 15, 2022 8:14 PM
    770 views | 0 replies
  • How to fix X Axis Settings for Operating Characteristic Curves

    I'm playing around with different scenarios on an Operating Characteristic curve in which the fraction defective is very small (screen shot below).  Every time I run a scenario, the x-axis automatically changes to a range that is way too wide to be useful and I have to change it back manually.Is there a way to make the x-axis setting constant? (I'm using Jmp Pro 16.1)Thanks! 

    The_Annie The_Annie
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    Dec 15, 2022 2:29 PM
    642 views | 0 replies
  • Response Screening Effect Size - logistic

    Related to the previous post How to get "Effect size" column with Response Screening functionality , I am also wondering how effect size in the response screening platform is calculated, specifically for categorical Y vs continuous X.  JMP help shows:  "When Y is categorical and X is continuous, the effect size is the square root of the average ChiSquare value for the whole model test."  Running b...

    wgardnerQS wgardnerQS
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    Dec 14, 2022 12:54 PM
    774 views | 0 replies
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