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  • Control chart

    Bonjour à tous, Je réalise des cartes de contrôle avec des filtres de données locales. J’aimerai que l’échelle X se mettent à jour automatiquement en fonction de la sélection dans les filtres. Par exemple ici : On pourrait avoir des X allant de 20 000 à 28 000 cela serait suffisant pour la visibilité de la carte. Merci pour votre aide.Cordialement.

    hcarr01 hcarr01
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 6:38 AM
    996 views | 3 replies
  • GLM Poisson regression with Firth Adjustment and comparison with R

    Hi, I came across a strange results when creating Poisson regression model in JMP and comparing them to R. I am modelling count (Y variable), using model with intercept and single categorical variable mod ("Before mod"/"Modified"). I am using Log(Time) as my offset variable. My sample size is 60. When running this model, my Parameters Estimates Std Error are very big (1291), but both parameters ar...

    Ceg1 Ceg1
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 6:02 AM
    1128 views | 1 replies
  • Issue with " Column properties / value colors"

    Hi everyone,

    I use scripts to generate larger amount of graph on a regular basis.
    Small changes in the script (Graph titels etc) are no problem for untrained colleagues but changing the colors of the data points is.

    I thought one could use column properties / value colors to change the colors in the graphs easily. But whenever we change the column property of the column "subjects" to a different colo...

    Matt_1 Matt_1
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 4:59 AM
    886 views | 2 replies
  • How do I let user select their files to open via JSL?

    Hi All,As I'm new user to JMP, I want to know how do I open any csv file  without specifying any folder in the JSL script. I have saved this script from data table but instead of opening the folder and hence csv file from here I want the users to select folder and open any csv like in below image.Thanks ! 

    Sukanyap Sukanyap
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 4:56 AM
    2506 views | 5 replies
  • image jpg

     Bonjour à tous,  J’ai une question par rapport aux images jpg, je ne trouve pas de documentation sur JMP à ce sujet.Dans mon cas, je dispose d’un dossier contenant environ 3000 images sous le format « jpg ». J’aimerais pouvoir afficher dans le constructeur de graphiques ces images au format « jpg » en fonction de la sélection des filtres de données locales.

    Par exemple :  Ici, il faudrait que s’af...

    hcarr01 hcarr01
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 4:43 AM
    1098 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • GLM Poisson regression with Firth Adjustment and comparison with R

    Hi, I came across a strange results when creating Poisson regression model in JMP and comparing them to R. I am modelling count (Y variable), using model with intercept and single categorical variable mod ("Before mod"/"Modified"). I am using Log(Time) as my offset variable. My sample size is 60. When running this model, my Parameters Estimates Std Error are very big (1291), but both parameters ar...

    Ceg1 Ceg1
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 6:02 AM
    1128 views | 1 replies
  • Issue with " Column properties / value colors"

    Hi everyone,

    I use scripts to generate larger amount of graph on a regular basis.
    Small changes in the script (Graph titels etc) are no problem for untrained colleagues but changing the colors of the data points is.

    I thought one could use column properties / value colors to change the colors in the graphs easily. But whenever we change the column property of the column "subjects" to a different colo...

    Matt_1 Matt_1
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 4:59 AM
    886 views | 2 replies
  • image jpg

     Bonjour à tous,  J’ai une question par rapport aux images jpg, je ne trouve pas de documentation sur JMP à ce sujet.Dans mon cas, je dispose d’un dossier contenant environ 3000 images sous le format « jpg ». J’aimerais pouvoir afficher dans le constructeur de graphiques ces images au format « jpg » en fonction de la sélection des filtres de données locales.

    Par exemple :  Ici, il faudrait que s’af...

    hcarr01 hcarr01
    Discussions |
    Jun 23, 2023 4:43 AM
    1098 views | 2 replies
  • Label by Value: add / remove individual labels

    For Heatmap and Bar Graphs, one can add Labels by value. - How can I remove values for a specific subset?
    e.g. just show the labels for pass, but don't show the labels for fail.How can I define that a label must be shown - even if the area is small
    (M, 16y)

    Additional question:
    How can I change the color of the labels via JSL?

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jun 22, 2023 11:56 AM
    1105 views | 4 replies
  • JMP functions (neural network)

    Hello everyone, I exported a python code from JMP with a neural network function. I am trying to run the code on Spyder but there is a function called "" and I don't know how to replace it. I do not know what this function does. Could anyone help me with this ? Thank you in advance for your time. Have a nice day. Alyson

    BathyAly BathyAly
    Discussions |
    Jun 22, 2023 11:38 AM
    816 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How to set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function?

     HI, I want  set Scale Values in Graph Builder use Col Quantile function,  but always something wrong. the red code have some problem. I need color scale as Quantile Graph Builder( Size( 839, 726 ), Variables( X( :Prober_X ), Y( :Prober_Y ), Color( :OpticalPower ) ), Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 6 ) ) ), SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 6, Pr...

    Solarwing Solarwing
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2023 9:32 AM
    468 views | 0 replies
  • New Series on JSL and Visual Code Studio

    Just a heads up that we've been posting some additional JSL tricks on our LinkedIn Blog.   We have a weekly series that's been running currently focused on our Visual Code Studio Extension for JMP. Week 1: 2:

    wjlevin wjlevin
    Discussions |
    Jun 19, 2023 2:26 PM
    697 views | 0 replies
  • Overlaying histograms: Iterating a function through N number of columns?

    @PatrickGiuliano ,  As a response to our latest discussion : Re: How to overlay histograms in JMP Thanks a lot for the response. Also, 1) I would like to get more guidance on ' possibilities of iterating the Overlap function for more columns ( N number of Columns), if possible. the code for : Y Function(N, x):  can be iterated ?  Y Function(N, x);
    For(i = 1, i <= N Col(xm), i++,
    ym[i] = Min(Normal D...

    DecileDromedary DecileDromedary
    Discussions |
    Jun 19, 2023 6:31 AM
    446 views | 0 replies
  • problème importation base oracle avec Jump

    bonjour, quand j'importe une base type oracle avec Jump, j'obtiens pour certaines valeurs des caractères spéciaux; voir image.alors que dans la base de données, les cellules sont vides. est-ce que celà vient du client Oracle sur mon poste?est-ce que celà vient de la base oracle sur le serveur,est-ce que celà vient du client Jmp? cordialement  

    Françoise Françoise
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2023 9:12 AM
    475 views | 0 replies
  • Combine Rule

    Referring to Rules: Stepwise Regression Control Panel ( and Example of the Combine Rule : JMP Help Could somebody please further elaborate on the 2 tests when considering the entry for a term. It would also be immensely helpful if the explanation was based on stepwise backward selection. "Calculates p-values for two separate tests when considering entry for a term that has precedents. The ...

    CorpVi CorpVi
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2023 2:59 AM
    564 views | 0 replies
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