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Label by Value: add / remove individual labels

Level XII

For Heatmap and Bar Graphs, one can add Labels by value.


  • - How can I remove values for a specific subset?
    e.g. just show the labels for pass, but don't show the labels for fail.


  • How can I define that a label must be shown - even if the area is small
    (M, 16y)


Additional question:
How can I change the color of the labels via JSL?


Re: Label by Value: add / remove individual labels

I have half an answer to your third question: you can change the color of the labels in the property editor. This change doesn't seem to be captured in the script for the graph, though.



Super User

Re: Label by Value: add / remove individual labels

I would think that using "<< Add Graphics Script" capability would be the easiest way control the color and visibility of a label for a graph.  One would actually not use the built in labels, but rather, use the text displaying capabilities of the graph primitives in JMP to solve the problem.  

Level XII

Re: Label by Value: add / remove individual labels

Hm, with cool Jmp features like a hierarchical X axis, stacked plot  and Label by % of Factor ... 
to recalculate the label values and positions ...
I think I will live with the unnecessary values

Or wait, cheating a bit, using @Jed_Campbell's reply to the third question



Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Titanic" );
Graph Builder(
		X( :Passenger Class ),X( :Sex, Position( 1 ) ),
		Overlay( :Survived )
			X( 1 ),	X( 2 ),
			Legend( 12 ),
			Bar Style( "Stacked" ),
			Summary Statistic( "% of Factor" ),
			Label( "Label by Value" )
		Dispatch({},"400",ScaleBox,{Legend Model(12,
				Properties( 0, {Fill Color( 36 )}, Item ID( "Yes", 1 ) ),
				Properties( 1, {Fill Color( 19 )}, Item ID( "No", 1 ) )

(Current Report() << xpath("//FrameBox")) << {Text Color( "Medium Dark Red" )}



Level XII

Re: Label by Value: add / remove individual labels

Thanks @Jed_Campbell for the suggestion.


I just noticed a disadvantage of the approach:
the colors of the labels are reset with every change of the data filter:

(the color of the axis stays as it is - even if the axis scale is changed)

Names Default to Here(1);
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
gb = Graph Builder(
	Summary Statistic( "Median" ),
	Graph Spacing( 4 ),
	Variables( X( :age ), Y( :height ), Overlay( :sex ) ),
	Elements( Bar( X, Y, Legend( 8 ), Label( "Label by Value" ) ) ),

ldf = gb << 	Local Data Filter(
		Add Filter( columns( :weight ), Where( :weight >= 102.57 ))
(report(gb) << Xpath("//FrameBox")) << {Text Color( "Green" )};
(report(gb) << Xpath("//AxisBox")) << {Text Color( "Green" )};

ldf << clear();