Process Timing Chart Creator
A timing chart is something process and system engineers use to visually see how the various components (actuators, solenoids, power relays, etc.) of a process are sequenced for a process cycle. In t...
jay_holavarriA timing chart is something process and system engineers use to visually see how the various components (actuators, solenoids, power relays, etc.) of a process are sequenced for a process cycle. In t...
jay_holavarriJMP has supported the reading and writing of images for some time, but it didn't support images with multiple frames until now. Version 13 of JMP now includes support for images with multiple frames,...
JohnPonteDid you know that JMP has an LP Solver? Linear programming (LP) is a technique for optimising a function subject to a set of linear constraints. [See here for the Wiki description of line...
David_BurnhamThis script will combine multiple txt or csv files into one file. The script asks for a target directory, opens the first file and then iteratively adds the subsequent files to the first using the Ta...
Byron_JMPThis script prompts the user to enter a value for a random draw from 1 to n. The resulting number is displayed in a second window. For instructional p...
julianThis script utilizes the JMP connection to R to create smooth-curve density plots with GGplot2, broken apart by the levels of a grouping variable. Me...
julianThis is a sample script used in a JMP blog post about the JSL Debugger (Solving a Problem with the JSL Debugger). Please read the blog post for more i...
Melanie_J_DrakeThis script demonstrates a new graphical ANOVA procedure developed by Box and Hunter. This script is for the general case of a N-way ANOVA . It is esp...
Mark_BaileyThis script demonstrates a new graphical ANOVA procedure developed by Box and Hunter. This script is for the particular case of a one-way ANOVA with o...
Mark_BaileyThis script creates an extensive report of information about a multiple regression. Much of the information is presented graphically but much of it is...
Mark_BaileyThe p-value is important in deciding to reject or not to reject the null hypothesis in a significance test. Unfortunately, p-values are also often mis...
Mark_BaileyThis script supports an interactive demonstration of the Box-Cox Power Transformation in the context of a simple linear regression. You can transform ...
Mark_BaileyThis script creates an interactive demonstration of simple linear regression. You can select data columns for the Y and X roles or you can use a rando...
Mark_BaileyThis script implements a method that evaluates the one-way ANOVA for significance. Only if the F-ratio is significant at the specified alpha level wil...
Mark_BaileyThis script opens an interactive calculator that performs a one-sample z-test, one-sample t-test, two-sample t-test, and a paired t-test using sample ...
Mark_BaileyOriginally created for demonstration at the 2007 JMP User Conference, this script is intended as an example and not as a full-fledged loan comparison ...
jschroedlThis script illustrates the variability within and between groups, and the total variability of samples from two or three populations. Includes contr...
brady_bradyExplore regression concepts, including: Intercept, slope, correlation, least squares and sum of squares, residuals, R Square, parameter estimates, te...
gail_massariHypothesis Testing for the Population Proportion. Illustrates the variability of the test statistic and the connection to Type I error rates and powe...
gail_massariThis script illustrates the variability of the test statistic and the connection to Type I error rates and power rates for different null and alternat...
gail_massariThis script illustrates the variability and capture rate of the confidence interval for the population proportion. Includes controls for population pr...
gail_massariThis script illustrates the variability and capture rate of the confidence interval for the population mean. Includes controls for population shape, m...
gail_massariThis script illustrates the distribution of sample proportions and the connection to the distribution of sample data. Includes controls for populatio...
gail_massariProvides students with a more visual understanding of the underpinnings of distributions and variability.Watch video.Note: To access this script, ins...
gail_massariIllustrates the distribution of sample means and the connection to the distribution of sample data. Includes controls for population shape, mean, and ...
gail_massariTwo scripts generated using JMP interface to R by Chris Kirchberg chris.kirchberg. Also see a short demo by Kelci Miclaus kelci.miclaus on JMP integr...
Chris_KirchbergJMP does not have a facility for fitting nonlinear mixed models, but this script can be helpful in invoking the SAS PROC NLMIXED to do the work, using...
John_SallThis script uses JSL Scene3D commands (JMP's interface to OpenGL programming) to create a spinning 3-dimensional DNA double helix object. Authors: ...
kelci_miclausThis script converts the current data table to text that can be displayed in Wikipedia and other sites based on the MediaWiki engine.