Topic: | additional info |
Graph Builder and Reports
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Graph Builder + multiple response + multiple histograms
| TS-00034150 actually, not just an issue with histograms ... |
not possible to create plots with same size of the plot area (e.g. for export to PowerPoint + smooth transitions from page to page)
| Graph builder Frame size JSL TS-00076249 |
In Jmp it is not "as easy as" in Excel to overlay plots from different columns / data tables | workaround
the colors in Graph Builder differ from the color settings in other platforms | workaround: use another color scheme, e.g. JMP Blue Red Green
The size of xGroup/yGroup/Wrap labels can NOT be changed interactively. | to cycle through differet size settings, use on the Graph Builder Toolbar |
Graph builder - Summary Statistics not possible for multiple X values | workaround: For each column, manually add a separate plot element. |
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Data Tables | |
Why is Tables/Concatenate so slow? | delete Files scripts - or merge them into one script TS-00173141 |
Collisions when several users work on a file stored in Sharepoint. | Optimize Sharepoint Integration |
blocked data tables: it's not possible to sort a table, to concatenate tables or to add rows if a linked subset or a report is open | Sort data table + add rows + concatenate -> make it possible |
some platforms don't allow pivate(0) | TS-00127556 Private yes/no? |
formula column with contains doesn't get updated Differentiate between entire column and current row | TS-00053745 what's the reason behind this issue? |
When a column data type is changed, e.g. from character to numeric, non matching entries get lost | Retain data when column data type is changed |
Text to Columns differs from Text to Columns in MS Excel: groups of separators are treated as a single one -> empty data leads to shifted data (!) | Text To Columns: handle missing data correctly [actually, the Jmp version is also very useful!] |
2 (tiny) issues with grouped columns - one cannot move a column to the top of a column group
(fixed in JMP19) - a new formula column is generated outside of the group | TS-00035674 |
Tables/Update: speed issue | TS-00053519 |
A collision between localized/translated column names and default column names can lead to a funny issue with column names | TS-00176113 |
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Data Filters | |
A Data Filter gets reset if there is no row in the current data table which matches the filter setting. Outlier (👽) screening with Jmp Dashboards - how? | TS-00046650 In the queue:🙏 Column Property: Inclusive Values
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JSL | |
JSL Debugger: doesn't show local variables | Function locals in JSL Debugger |
JMP Expr() weirdness, can anyone explain? inserting an expression into the same kind of expression flattens the expression | TS-00076135 Insert Into: Flatten(0|1) |
When column names are changed, table scripts get updated automatically (so cool!!!) - but other scri... | catch "missing column" error and provide a selection menu delete column: safe mode |
By default, the first >full< Week of Year(...) is #2 - and in 2023, the last one was #54. --> use | Calculating-WEEKOFYEAR-for-weeks-that-start-on-a-day-other-than/m-p/714426/highlight/true#M89773 |
Informat("XX.YY.year") and File import (!!!) assume "" for XX.yy.zzzz with xx ≤ 13 (!) | The Doctor Cures Your Date and Time Import Problems for informat, use Format Pattern option! for file import, vote here: CSV import force MDY or DMY date format |
Date Increment converts missing to 0! Date Increment(., "Week", 0) = 01Jan0000; | harmful because Graph builder uses this trick for its date binning: TS-00147884 |
Multi File Import - File List has to be evaluated (Name filter gets automatically evaluated) further info | TS-00152969 |
Display Tree Indexing - how does it work? | |
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Application Builder | |
Table reference is removed from an application if the data table is closed. | application builder: dangerous if data table is closed |
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Namespaces | |
Namespaces and Projects | root variable to globalize the namespace + local variable to get access from within a project |
is namespace() is 1 for deleted namespaces namespace exists(ns) is 1 even if ns is no namespace | Fatal JMP16 bug |
Formula Column + Namespaces re-evaluation is triggered every time a cell is selected. | Workaround: What makes the formula evaluate over and over? |
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Jmp in general | |
Do you use the preferences? ... it can lead to unpredictable results | TS-00043014 |
MS Teams and Sharepoint prevent interactive HTML pages from executing the scripts. | Interactive HTML - catch problems |
PickFile(), Projects and Network Drives -> slow! | TS-00128387 |
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