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  • Reproducing JMP Genomic Scripts in JMP Pro

    Hi, I am transitioning from running microarray data in JMP Genomics to JMP Pro. I routinely use the predefined JMP Genomics scripts such as:Analytical Processes/Workflows/Basic/Basic Expression Workflow orAnalytical Processes/Expression/Normalization/Data Standardize procedures.I was able to reproduce the STD normalization steps of the Normalization script but not the Basic Expression workflow.One...

    JeandO JeandO
    Discussions |
    Sep 29, 2023 6:54 AM
    1720 views | 1 replies
  • Possible to overlay text on a plot?

    Hi.  Does anyone know if there is a scripting method to add text on top of a plot?  For example, I have a script to create a pareto plot and I'd like to add text over the plot, as shown in the attached file.  Note I don't mean adding a title above the plot.  I mean to ask if there is a way to actually place the text within the plot area.  I feel there is a way, but so far my search has been unsucc...

    nikles nikles
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    Sep 29, 2023 6:48 AM
    1773 views | 3 replies
  • How to drop duplicates and only retain maximum value

    I'm trying to consolidate this data table.  I previously used Excel for it but it is >18,000,000 lines of data which is too big for Excel.  I have multiple different values for the same subject and I only want to retain the maximum value and delete the rest.  The table-join-table method does not have a maximum value only option.  How do I go about consolidating this?

    sgschauer sgschauer
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    Sep 28, 2023 9:37 PM
    926 views | 1 replies
  • Locked Columns are messing up script

    I teach Outlier Box plots and wrote a script to add the entire length of the whisker so I can visually show my class how the whiskers are calculated.   The script works great unless my columns are locked.    Why would locking the columns impact my script?  After the script runs I saved the script to a script window and it is correct, but it will not draw out the whiskers on some groups.   Here is ...

    lisamaley lisamaley
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    Sep 28, 2023 6:41 PM
    1593 views | 5 replies
  • JSL help with proper reference to a report

    Hi All,   I'm having difficulty with the proper referencing of a report when trying to send to the report the command <<Save Simulation Formula.    I have an automated script to perform certain analyses, and in this script, I get a list of the open reports to obtain the report_of_interest, see JSL below: report_windows = Get Window List( "Report" ); report_of_interest = Empty(); For Each( {report_...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Sep 28, 2023 6:34 AM
    1049 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Reproducing JMP Genomic Scripts in JMP Pro

    Hi, I am transitioning from running microarray data in JMP Genomics to JMP Pro. I routinely use the predefined JMP Genomics scripts such as:Analytical Processes/Workflows/Basic/Basic Expression Workflow orAnalytical Processes/Expression/Normalization/Data Standardize procedures.I was able to reproduce the STD normalization steps of the Normalization script but not the Basic Expression workflow.One...

    JeandO JeandO
    Discussions |
    Sep 29, 2023 6:54 AM
    1720 views | 1 replies
  • How to drop duplicates and only retain maximum value

    I'm trying to consolidate this data table.  I previously used Excel for it but it is >18,000,000 lines of data which is too big for Excel.  I have multiple different values for the same subject and I only want to retain the maximum value and delete the rest.  The table-join-table method does not have a maximum value only option.  How do I go about consolidating this?

    sgschauer sgschauer
    Discussions |
    Sep 28, 2023 9:37 PM
    926 views | 1 replies
  • Jonckheere-Terpstra trend test

    Hello all, I am new to posting on this forum, so excuse me on my etiquette. I am wondering if someone might direct me towards an add in , or another test that is similar to a non parametric trend test like the Jonckheere-Terpstra? Any help would be appreciated. Steve

    sbryce sbryce
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    Sep 27, 2023 11:29 PM
    1823 views | 1 replies
  • script to select all cols that contain a list of values?

    I've got a large dt (70k cols, character) that I'm digging through. Most cols have a wide range of values, but a noticeable population of them have only two nuisance values. I want to identify all these cols and then dump them.

    Any advice? These nuisance cols will contain ONLY the terms "**skipped**" or "dne".I've already dumped all cols that contain a single record value.  

    LambdaMarmoset7 LambdaMarmoset7
    Discussions |
    Sep 27, 2023 10:49 PM
    673 views | 2 replies
  • JSL: how to group all columns by common initial term?

    I've got a dt (70k cols) that I'd like to group into common bundles, based on the initial delineated terms. For example, 10K cols each that all start with "ChamberID", or "RecipeID", or "SlotNo". How can I script this to churn through the dt to find all common cols, group them into a collapsible bundle?  

    LambdaMarmoset7 LambdaMarmoset7
    Discussions |
    Sep 27, 2023 10:43 PM
    739 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • What determines which data table is seen as "Associated Data" for New Window?

    What determines which data table is seen as associated data for a new window? First drawn report and it's data table? Something else? Is there a way to change that associated table / determine on creation what it should be (without first creating some report which will be removed)?   This example script will have the summary table as associated data, but I would like it to be the Big Class table. ...

    jthi jthi
    Discussions |
    Sep 21, 2023 9:44 AM
    512 views | 0 replies
  • Using R - File path problem

    I have difficult to get the filepath correct. 
    Error message says "Cannot open table in access or evaluation of ....(Filepath)"   

    Prometheus Prometheus
    Discussions |
    Sep 17, 2023 10:46 PM
    622 views | 0 replies
  • Data Access Handler

    How can I define a function that is activated when Jmp accesses the data in a column.I found the Event Handler option in the Column Properties.  But there I can only define functions for the cases: Click, and Mouseover (and I can set the color of the link)- but there are no settings for Write Data Access and Read Data Access. Applications:- To check the performance of code (

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Sep 16, 2023 12:21 AM
    384 views | 0 replies
  • Use JMP Locale Settings( 0 ) not working on macOS

    It seems the following command does not work for JMP MacOS.   Use JMP Locale Settings( 0 )   Is there a general script to deal with the following scenario? Or do we need to put conditionals depending on the OS of the user? // Configuring JMP to save CSV as commas and not If( (Num( "3.14" ) == 3.14), is_EN_num_format = 1, //"English numeric format" is_EN_num_format = 0 //"Non-english"); )...

    FN FN
    Discussions |
    Sep 15, 2023 10:21 AM
    471 views | 0 replies
  • Inherited Plot settings

    I noticed some strange behavior in Graph Builder which is caused by the fact that formatting like

    One example:
    If the top-most plot (#1) has some specific settings and this plot is removed, instead of removing the settings with the subplot, the settings are then applied to the plot which is now @ "top" (old #2 -> new #1).So, old plot #2 will inherit the color settings and the manually changed axi...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Sep 14, 2023 11:11 PM
    471 views | 0 replies
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