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  • Big Data / Automatic Column Elimination due to Zero Variance

    Hello  I am analyzing a very large data set, at a minimum of around 2000 parameters in columns. My samples have these parameter values for ~ 250k rows. My problem is with the columns, as opposed to rows.  I have a discrete classification defined for all samples, two discrete values, say class A and B.  I am analyzing data further in a different software which then fails if it detects parameters th...

    altug_bayram altug_bayram
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    Oct 17, 2017 7:22 AM
    10949 views | 11 replies
  • Column filling

    Hi,I have a table of data containing several hundred rows and need to create a column that is filled with incremental numeric values, the twist is that I require the incremental fill to follow as below:  The column is called "sample" and row 1 value = 1, row 2 value = 1, then increment by 1, so that row 3 value = 2, row 4 value = 2 and continue to the end of the data file.  sample

    Onjai Onjai
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    Oct 17, 2017 6:12 AM
    10476 views | 4 replies
  • REML mixed model: "Unable to allocate enough memory" error message

    Hi,  I'm getting an error message of "Unable to allocate memory" while trying to conduct REML (Random Effects). Could you please help me figure what's wrong? My dataset is 1.7 MBs in size, with on a 27 K rows and 7 columns.My machine is Win 10 , 12 GB RAM and 88 GB free HDD space.My model is also pretty simple (only three variables). I'm using JMP 13.2.1  My expectation was that this extra computa...

    mragaa mragaa
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    Oct 16, 2017 6:01 PM
    13424 views | 12 replies
  • Is there a way to create analyses that can then be applied to different datasets?

    I do the same multiple analyses on different data files.  Is there a way to create the analyses using one data file and then apply to different ones?  I hate having to repeat the same process all the time.B

    bhweinermd bhweinermd
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    Oct 16, 2017 3:01 PM
    17464 views | 7 replies
  • Applying the broadcasting command to a set of Outline Boxes

    Hi - I have a JSL script that sends a number of Outline Boxes to the journal from within a for loop (i.e. each cycle of the loop creates a new Outline Box, of which I send a copy to the journal as soon as it is created). Is there a way I can make the resulting set of Outline Boxes within the journal open or close in unison by using the broadcasting key combination (i.e. holding down the <Ctrl> key...

    Discussions |
    Oct 16, 2017 7:56 AM
    6626 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Adjusting variables on Graph builder automatically

    Hi All,   I have created a final table which has a bunch of columns. The data I want to plot start from 35th column every time. The number of columns I want to plot keeps varyign with every iteration. It could vary from 1 column to many columns.   What is the best way to plot with variables continuously changing?  Is there a way to change the type of plot using an external variable like "plot_type...

    vishwasanj vishwasanj
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    Oct 12, 2017 12:10 PM
    5139 views | 3 replies
  • Selecting specific columns and concatenating

    Hi All,   Right now, I open a bunch of data tables and put it in a list called datalist.   For(i = 2 ,i <= N Items(datalist) , i++, fdt = datalist[1]; fdt<< Concatenate(Data Table(datalist[i]),append to first table(1)); close(Data Table(datalist[i]),nosave); ); fdt << set name( "Final_Table");     This concatenates everything and it takes a lot of time when I try to concatenate 100's of tables to...

    vishwasanj vishwasanj
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    Oct 10, 2017 1:30 PM
    6009 views | 3 replies
  • Using Graph or GraphBox - How to change X,Y axis increment & Reverse axis

    Hello,I am trying to use the Graph function but am unsuccessful in making X-axis incremements of 1 and Reversing Y-axis order.  I tried swapping the numbers in the Y Scale properties but no luck. Only way to change is to physically change graph manually. Still unable to figure this out using JSL.  Any help is appreciated! Here is a snippet of my code New Window( "Map",
    Frame Size( 800, 800 ),

    alexbnieto alexbnieto
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    Oct 5, 2017 3:04 PM
    3524 views | 1 replies
  • Change the X axis label orientation to be angled as a default

    Hello again,For "fit Y by X", Is there a way to change the X axis label orientation to be angled as a default, instead of me needing to change it every time?Thanks again.

    ileshem ileshem
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    Oct 5, 2017 11:37 AM
    2421 views | 1 replies
  • vlookup in JMP

    Hi, anyone know how to do vlookup in JMP?

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    Oct 4, 2017 3:11 PM
    2706 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Cox Proportional Hazard - adjusting risk ratio with std dev

    I'm working with someone who is using SAS and I'm trying to do the same analysis in JMP.  When I  questioned their hazard ratio they said it was adjusted by the standard deviation. They commented:In order to obtain results in units of 1 standard deviation – you simply get the standard deviation value for parameter of interest and introduce it in the PH regression statement, for example:proc phreg ...

    Maureen Maureen
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    Aug 22, 2017 1:18 PM
    3130 views | 0 replies
  • JSL How do I wrap the title text of a OutlineBox?

    Hi all, I often use the Set Title() message to overwrite the OutlineBox titles of charts, distributions, etc. My first issue is that the OutlineBox does not support the Set Wrap() message. Is there any replacement I could use? To work around the missing Set Wrap(), I started inserting newlines "\!n" in the tiitle text. After doing this, I have noticed a second issue: Whatever number of newlines I ...

    AlexanderKrebs AlexanderKrebs
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    Jun 13, 2017 5:38 AM
    4101 views | 0 replies
  • Printing worksheet with cell colors

    Hello JMP Community, I'm currently using JMP version 10.0.0 and having trouble printing my data table with cells highlighted in certain colors.  Is there a way to print keeping the colors or to even export the file keeping the cells highlighted?


    ferdt58 ferdt58
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    May 16, 2017 9:14 AM
    2005 views | 0 replies
  • Linearity and Bias Report

    In Our MSA stsudy we are performing Linearity and Bias measurment. We are currently controlling at Linearity and Bias to be below 5%.  We actually generate the following report for Linearity and BIas. However in AIAG handbook the criteria for the gauge to pass bias criteria has the following criteria.

    Aravindan Aravindan
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    Apr 18, 2017 12:54 AM
    4007 views | 0 replies
  • CCC Optimal

    Hi,I have 2 clustering chooses as mentionned below,- Nr of cluster 15 : CCC = 69.99 (OPTIMAL)- Nr of cluster 15 : CCC = -92.87- Nr of cluster 15 : CCC = -112.8 The first one with CCC = 69.99 is mentionned as the best optimal. I don't understand why this one is the best by consedering the different values ?. What is the signification of these values ? Thanks,

    Lamine Lamine
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    Mar 17, 2017 5:25 AM
    3115 views | 0 replies
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