Hi All,
I have created a final table which has a bunch of columns. The data I want to plot start from 35th column every time. The number of columns I want to plot keeps varyign with every iteration. It could vary from 1 column to many columns.
What is the best way to plot with variables continuously changing?
Is there a way to change the type of plot using an external variable like "plot_type" saying Linear or box?
Is there a way to change the log or linear plot with every iteration using a similar idea?
Below is an example with 5 columns. It doesn't work with any other number of columns.
collist = tdt << get column names();
Show( collist );
m = {};
b = 1;
For( z = 35, z <= N Cols( tdt ), z++,
m[b] = Char( collist[z] );
b = b + 1;
Show( m );
gbfc = tdt << Graph Builder(
Size( 1515, 922 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
X( :Index ),
X( :Name, Position( 1 ) ),
X( :Wafers, Position( 1 ) ),
Y( Column( tdt, m[1] ) ),
Y( Column( tdt, m[2] ), Position( 1 ) ),
Y( Column( tdt, m[3] ), Position( 1 ) ),
Y( Column( tdt, m[4] ), Position( 1 ) ),
Y( Column( tdt, m[5] ), Position( 1 ) )
Elements( Points( X( 1 ), Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Y( 3 ), Y( 4 ), Y( 5 ), Legend( 18 ) ) ),
SendToReport( Dispatch( {}, "X title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "Index / Lot / Wafers" )} ) )
Thank you so much.