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  • Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) JMP Pro 13 ?

    Can JMP Pro 13 do generalized linear mixed models ? It seems that the Fit Model platform does not offer this option. If not, is there another way of doing this in JMP? ? 

    JW JW
    Discussions |
    Feb 16, 2020 1:22 PM
    12848 views | 7 replies
  • Generating confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity and AUC in ROC curves

    Hi,Can anyone help me with how to generate 95% confidence intervals in ROC curve analyses? I can generate the curves and view the tables but cannot find an easy way of getting the confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity and AUC. Many thanks.   

    Harj Harj
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    Feb 16, 2020 1:08 PM
    4478 views | 1 replies
  • Check Display box existence by JSL

    Hi, Is there some function to check whether exists certain display box by number/title? For instance:   dist = Distribution(Continuous Distribution( Column( :weight ) )); Exists((dist<<report)[OutlineBox(10)])// will return return false Exists((dist<<report)[OutlineBox("ABC")])// will return return false     Thank you.

    tom_abramov tom_abramov
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    Feb 16, 2020 8:44 AM
    1657 views | 1 replies
  • How to find best fit values for a and b in following function y=1-exp((-x/a)^b) to fit data points

    I have data, I'd like to find the values of a and b in the following function that best fits the data: y=1-exp((-x/a)^b). I'd also like to fit y=1-exp(-x/a) to see which function has the better fit. Is there a way to do this?  I'm using JMP 14.Relaxation function vs hours annealed in attached file.  

    Shannon Shannon
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    Feb 16, 2020 6:35 AM
    3202 views | 4 replies
  • unbalanced data and weight classification

    Hello, I have a database with an highly unbalanced oridnal response. The class of major personal interest is a minority class (patients with a rare but severe infection, around 5% of the observations).The classification of the other oridinal classes work well with a boosted forest tree classifier but these classes or not at my interest (less severe infection or no infection at all). I wander wheth...

    Lu Lu
    Discussions |
    Feb 16, 2020 4:13 AM
    3333 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • unbalanced data and weight classification

    Hello, I have a database with an highly unbalanced oridnal response. The class of major personal interest is a minority class (patients with a rare but severe infection, around 5% of the observations).The classification of the other oridinal classes work well with a boosted forest tree classifier but these classes or not at my interest (less severe infection or no infection at all). I wander wheth...

    Lu Lu
    Discussions |
    Feb 16, 2020 4:13 AM
    3333 views | 6 replies
  • Reference Line in X - Y graphs: Change to dashed line

    Using either Fit Y by X or Graph Builder, then clicking on Axis Settings, we can add reference lines to the graphs. An option is "Line Style". This options appears to be line width, not line style. Specifically, I would like to change a reference line to a dashed line rather than a solid line. Any suggestions?

    Discussions |
    Feb 14, 2020 7:38 AM
    3310 views | 1 replies
  • Multithreading troubleshooting using Parallel Assign

    I'm on a Mac system trying to get multithreading to work on a large datatable (>8MM) on row-wise operations. They're just simple calculations like division or copying values as is. I can't attach my proprietary data, but in this post I'll include in the JSL a random matrix the same size as my dataset but with random data. Names Default To Here(1);

    //For JMP community. dt = J(Random Integer(6000000

    msulzer_bsi msulzer_bsi
    Discussions |
    Feb 14, 2020 4:42 AM
    4045 views | 5 replies
  • Interactive HTML with filter

    I am able to create an interactive HTML using "save Interactive HTML". However, when I add a filter, it does not create the filter in the HTML, just gives me the plot. Is there something I am missing?

    My sample code: Names Default To Here( 1 ); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" ); a = Variability Chart( Y( :height ), X( :age ), Analysis Type( "Choose best analysis (EMS REML Bayesian)" ), ...

    sac sac
    Discussions |
    Feb 14, 2020 3:32 AM
    4746 views | 5 replies
  • Set MAp Role via script

    Hello, I am making a script to help beginners set some parameters in a data table, such as table variables and map roles.The issue is when I set the map role, the file path is not recorded in the column properties path = pick file (); dt0:my_column << set property ("Map Role", Map Role ("Shape Name Use" (path), "My_column") ) ) ;Any ideas what causes this ? 

    bobmorrane bobmorrane
    Discussions |
    Feb 14, 2020 2:07 AM
    3739 views | 8 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Calling Windows API ImageViewer.dll to display JPG files.

    I am working with a very large database of image files and want to be able to display the file for the user for visual inspection from a script. I have been able to get the following code to load the DLL but get an error requesting a signature argument. Does anyone know how to get a signature string from the system to pass to the DLL.   ERROR MESSAGE FORM LOG: Second argument to CallDLL must be a ...

    DMeakin1 DMeakin1
    Discussions |
    Jan 17, 2020 10:19 AM
    1486 views | 0 replies
  • Running script from command line on MAC

    Not a mac person.  Does anyone know how to run a jsl script from command line on a mac?  I specifically mean WITHOUT "//!" at the top of it.     I have this but it only opens the file unless I have the "//!" open -g -W -a /Applications/JMP\ Pro\ $(pwd)/myscript.jsl

    vince_faller vince_faller
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    Jan 10, 2020 2:26 PM
    1325 views | 0 replies
  • how to add confounding variable

    I am working with a multi level data. Data is attached.In this dataset, I have 8- X variable: cumulative risk (continuous), all other risk (dichotomous). 3- Y variables: insurance and practice (dichotomous) and time (continuous)I have one confounding variable Age (continuous). I will have to add random effect to X variable. But I am confused how to add confounding variable to this analysis. Can an...

    billi billi
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    Jan 6, 2020 9:39 AM
    1287 views | 0 replies
  • Difference between std error in "Parameter Estimates" and "Least Squares Means Table"?

    I am running mixed effects models and have noticed that the standard error for an effect in the "Parameter Estimates" table is different from the standard error reported in the Least Squares Means table for the same effect. How are they calculated differently? Thanks! 

    Ranae Ranae
    Discussions |
    Nov 26, 2019 11:44 AM
    1399 views | 0 replies
  • How can I run a .py python script and python scripts compiled as .exe from JMP

    Hello,  So I've written a JMP UI, and once I gather data from the user I have a button that dumps the form data to a CSV.Now I need to launch my python script and other .exe  (as an administrator), my python scripts pick up the user input from the CSV and perform the next steps.Right now it's a .py but I may need to run it through py2exe and compile it into an exe later so a solution that supports...

    xxvvcczz xxvvcczz
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    Oct 30, 2019 6:44 PM
    1645 views | 0 replies
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