I have a database with an highly unbalanced oridnal response. The class of major personal interest is a minority class (patients with a rare but severe infection, around 5% of the observations).
The classification of the other oridinal classes work well with a boosted forest tree classifier but these classes or not at my interest (less severe infection or no infection at all). I wander whether I can use the "weight" option to give more weight to the minority class. Moreover, I want to calculate at which optimal threshold of "weight" the classifier performed best. In unbalanced data, the AUC ROC seems not to be the appropriate performance measure. A F1-score (measure of false positive and false negative rates) seems more adequate for this.
Is anyone aware of autocalculation of F1-scores in JMP?
Is there a way to fine tune the option "Weight" in JMP classification models in highly unbalanced data in order maxiamalize the F1-scores ?
Does somebody has other suggestions to solve this problem?