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How to display several interval columns into graph builder
Hello, I would like to improve the first graphic below (see data table enclosed first script attached).I am in JMP17.2.0, using graph builder to display two Y variables (A & B) in function of X (Labo), with an interval for each value of Y by level of X (U de A & U de B).I would like to have the two Y variables in the same axis, and not one below the other.But when I drag and drop to have the same ...
493 views | 4 replies -
Unlock column with formula
How do I unlock a column that contains a formula? I have a binary column which is computed based on a formula. I have allowed the formula to evaluate, then suppresed the formulas evaluation and would like to edit some of the rows to change form 0 to 1 or vice versa (essentially there is no good way for me to get my formula to give me the perfect result 100% of the time due to variablity in my data...
9950 views | 2 replies -
JMP 16 to JMP 18- get Legend Server/Item question
I recently moved from JMP 16 to JMP 18 and the following line in my script is causing an error while plotting using the graph builder
server = gb_obj<< Get Legend Server; For Each({item}, server << Get Legend Items, item << Set Properties({Marker("Minus")}));
where gb_obj is the graph builder object and error isSend Expects Scriptable Object at row 6 in access or evaluation of 'List' , {/*###*/Lege
95 views | 3 replies -
Simulating clusters using K Means - Negative Values
Hi,When I simulate clusters from the K Means platform I get some negative simulated values for one of my variables which, in practical terms, can only be positive. Looking at the original distribution of this variable, it is non-normal and bounded at zero (so something like a log-normal distribution fits it well). Is there a way to ensure the data generated from the cluster simulation remains posi...
79 views | 1 replies
Latest Discussions
JMP 16 to JMP 18- get Legend Server/Item question
I recently moved from JMP 16 to JMP 18 and the following line in my script is causing an error while plotting using the graph builder
server = gb_obj<< Get Legend Server; For Each({item}, server << Get Legend Items, item << Set Properties({Marker("Minus")}));
where gb_obj is the graph builder object and error isSend Expects Scriptable Object at row 6 in access or evaluation of 'List' , {/*###*/Lege
95 views | 3 replies -
Simulating clusters using K Means - Negative Values
Hi,When I simulate clusters from the K Means platform I get some negative simulated values for one of my variables which, in practical terms, can only be positive. Looking at the original distribution of this variable, it is non-normal and bounded at zero (so something like a log-normal distribution fits it well). Is there a way to ensure the data generated from the cluster simulation remains posi...
79 views | 1 replies -
Nonlinear platform custom loss function - shrinkage estimation
I would like to try to do nonlinear model fitting with the Nonlinear platform, using a custom loss function to do shrinkage parameter estimation, something that would be similar to the LASSO loss function for regression. For example, if I have this non-linear model (Named "NLFunction" with a, g, c, and Tz as the parameters in the model) I would like to use a loss function like thiswhich is "sort...
180 views | 3 replies -
Questions about the use of JSL encryption.
Consult the experts.
I want to design a JSL encryption method:
I this "original.JSL" is encrypted and used by others A.But I don't want him to give it to someone else.
What's a good way to do script encryption this way?lala
178 views | 3 replies -
Functional Data Explorer Validation
Hi, I am using functional data explorer to generate FPCs using 70 lots, each with about 15 functional data points. I want to use the model generated with these 70 lots to generate the FPCs for a number of new lots. To do this I use the validation option classifying the 70 lots as the training set and the new lots as the validation set. However, the FPCs generated for the new lots change depending ...
173 views | 3 replies
Latest Discussions
How do i plot error bars on log transformed graph?
The biological data that i have follows a log-normal distribution, so i have transformed the data to be displayed on a logY axis. However, i am struggling to display the corresponding error bars (2 sd) on the log graph. If plotted directly, the error bars will be asymmetrical and appear misleading. How can the error bars be better displayed? Came across this tutorial and would this approach be ap...
59 views | 0 replies -
How do I get Formula of calculate quantile spec limits in process capability
I do distributions analysis in jmp pro.18 with fit smooth curve function, then get USL/LSL value by using 6-sigma to calculate quantile spec limits under process capability function. I'd like to know what formula is used to calculate USL/LSL. I'm trying to run the same formula in the excel version.
71 views | 0 replies -
Panel Data Analysis
Hi JMP Team, I am teaching Data analysis using JMP. Can we do a Panel Data analysis using JMP? Fixed Effects, Random Effects and Hausman Test? Also are there any JMP Add ins available for Econometric modeling? (ARCH, GARCH, etc) Thanks
71 views | 0 replies -
Profiler for a function of a function
I fitted a B-spline model (cubic, 5 knots) to the data from 50 pH curves (pH vs Volume) using functional data explorer. I then created a least squares model to predict the functional principal components based on chemical composition. What I would really like to achieve is a profiler of predicted pH vs volume with sliders for chemical composition - predicting a pH curve for given composition. Beca...
73 views | 0 replies -
Pi Import Options - the Max count option
I haven't seen any recent posts about the Pi Importer options. This was supposed to be an upgrade in 18, but I'm struggling with the Max Count setting especially. I'm not sure there is really a question here, but sharing what I've learned and wondering if anyone else has other insight to share here. I focus on the Raw Data Import because of the structure of our data and trying to remove any laye...
123 views | 0 replies
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ChinaShanghai May 29
12:00PM - 1:00PM EDTMar 20JMP for Teaching Data Analytics Courses
REGISTER HERE: https://www.jmp.com/en_us/events/live-webinars/academic/jmp-for-data-analytics-course...
1:00PM - 2:00PM EDTMar 21Getting Started with JMP
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
1:00PM - 2:30PM EDTMar 26Jump into Gauge Studies: Hands-On Workshop
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
Seats are limited to 30 attendees, so register now to save your spot. Date: M...