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  • Graph builder: Saving y-axis scale and ref lines while using column switcher

    Hello, I am making plots in graph builder that look at how observations look relative to limits. I have rescaled the y-axis and would like to add reference lines too. I do this and looks good. However when I add the column switcher to go through different observations the rescaled y-axis and ref lines disappear. Does anyone know how I would get them to stay while using column switcher to loop thro...

    Abby_Collins14 Abby_Collins14
    Discussions |
    Aug 8, 2024 7:03 PM
    883 views | 5 replies
  • Weibull Alpha or shape factor from Fit Parametric Survival

    I am plotting a Weibull fit to "Time" with a location parameter "B" ("B" has several values) using the Fit Parametric Survival. I have made the "B" variable as numerical and nominal. The parameter estimates from the weibull fit gives me estimates but I can't figure out if these are the shape factors of the Weibull fits to each "B" value. How do I get the shape factor in Fit Parametric Survival plo...

    FrequencyBison9 FrequencyBison9
    Discussions |
    Aug 8, 2024 2:06 PM
    660 views | 1 replies
  • Trouble extracting text from a Text Edit Box JMP 16.1

    I am having trouble extracting text from the Text Edit Box in JMP 16.1.  When running the script below, the text that is entered by the user does not show up in the field "title".     maintitle = New Window("Project Name", <<Modal, Text Box("Enter Project Name for Reports. "), PNAME = Text Edit Box("Project Name", set width(80)), title = (PNAME << get text() ; ), Button Box("OK"), Button Box...

    olmadriaga olmadriaga
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    Aug 8, 2024 12:15 PM
    437 views | 2 replies
  • Finding the correct format of name jsl

    HI! I've made a jsl script which is the following one :  For Each Row( dt_fichier3, // Lire la valeur de la colonne "Process" et les offsets process_value = :Process; first_offset = :first_OFFSET; second_offset = :second_OFFSET; third_offset = :third_OFFSET; // Vérifier et assigner les valeurs des offsets si elles ne sont pas vides ou "." If( (Char(first_offset) != "." & Char(first_offse...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
    Discussions |
    Aug 8, 2024 7:35 AM
    1574 views | 10 replies
  • Workflow builder

    Hi, I want to automate the Load of data from Excel and set Speclimits to the loaded Columns. I have the limits in Limits Files. The script that I created with the Workflow builder stops in the "Manage Limits" Window where I can eighter enter the limits or load the limits file. Typing is not recorded, as well as loading the limit file does not work. The error code is attached as picture as well as ...

    peter_michel peter_michel
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    Aug 8, 2024 2:16 AM
    1129 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Graph builder: Saving y-axis scale and ref lines while using column switcher

    Hello, I am making plots in graph builder that look at how observations look relative to limits. I have rescaled the y-axis and would like to add reference lines too. I do this and looks good. However when I add the column switcher to go through different observations the rescaled y-axis and ref lines disappear. Does anyone know how I would get them to stay while using column switcher to loop thro...

    Abby_Collins14 Abby_Collins14
    Discussions |
    Aug 8, 2024 7:03 PM
    883 views | 5 replies
  • Weibull Alpha or shape factor from Fit Parametric Survival

    I am plotting a Weibull fit to "Time" with a location parameter "B" ("B" has several values) using the Fit Parametric Survival. I have made the "B" variable as numerical and nominal. The parameter estimates from the weibull fit gives me estimates but I can't figure out if these are the shape factors of the Weibull fits to each "B" value. How do I get the shape factor in Fit Parametric Survival plo...

    FrequencyBison9 FrequencyBison9
    Discussions |
    Aug 8, 2024 2:06 PM
    660 views | 1 replies
  • Trouble extracting text from a Text Edit Box JMP 16.1

    I am having trouble extracting text from the Text Edit Box in JMP 16.1.  When running the script below, the text that is entered by the user does not show up in the field "title".     maintitle = New Window("Project Name", <<Modal, Text Box("Enter Project Name for Reports. "), PNAME = Text Edit Box("Project Name", set width(80)), title = (PNAME << get text() ; ), Button Box("OK"), Button Box...

    olmadriaga olmadriaga
    Discussions |
    Aug 8, 2024 12:15 PM
    437 views | 2 replies
  • How can I interpret interaction plot according to effect test tabel?

    While most of the sources are significant in the parameter estimates and the effect test table, why no intersections are seen in the interaction plot?

    Nimaxim Nimaxim
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    Aug 8, 2024 2:04 AM
    1786 views | 5 replies
  • unrecognized as table argument in access For loop

    I am trying to concatenate my subset tables, but I kept getting this error:
    unrecognized as table argument in access or evaluation of 'dtSubsetList [ /*###*/i]' , dtSubsetList [/*###*/i]Im using JMP 16 names default to here(1); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" ); dtSubsetList = dt << Subset( By( :sex ), All rows, Selected columns only( 0 ), columns( :name, :age, :height, :weight ) ); d...

    UserID16644 UserID16644
    Discussions |
    Aug 7, 2024 6:48 PM
    387 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • App Interface saved in a journal

    Hi There 
    Some time ago, I created a nice interface using Application Builder and I saved it as a journal. Now I need to make a few modifications to the interface, rearrange buttons, add boxes, and so on. I am unable to import the journal into the app and have the interface appear in the Module tab. It is a very busy interface ...Is there a way to have it?

    Mioffe Mioffe
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    Aug 7, 2024 5:01 PM
    332 views | 0 replies
  • Multivariate Rho Boostrap option not in Mac Jmp 17.

    I am not getting the bootstrap option after running multivariate Spearson's Rho. How to proceed further? I want a forest plot with correlation and CI. <Jmp17>

    NoSQLBird361 NoSQLBird361
    Discussions |
    Aug 2, 2024 11:00 AM
    340 views | 0 replies
  • Overlying map files and merging content

    I have two map files--one of economic and health conditions by US  county.  The other of  congressional districts. I wish to overlay the county map on the congressional district map and attrribute the county measures to the ( larger opr smaller) congressional districts.  For example, what is the average rate of coronary heart disease in districts represented by  women versus those represented by m...

    LNitz LNitz
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    Aug 1, 2024 2:04 AM
    350 views | 0 replies
  • Fitting distributions NOT in the distribution platform?

    I have many many non normal distributions I need to transform for later analysis of the data.  The Distribution platform fit all distributions is very slow with this task.  I know I saw another platform can do this fitting of the best distribution type, but can't remember which that was.Google has let me down. Thanks in advance

    cravin187 cravin187
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    Jul 31, 2024 8:29 AM
    312 views | 0 replies
  • How do I add Mean and other values to BoxPlot in JMP Pro 17

    I have created a Boxplot graph and I need to show the Mean and other relevant stats/values and text inside or close to the Box and not on the top as part of the Summary Stats. I also need to be able to manipulate the figures like make it bigger, bold, etc...full customization like the attached Boxplot picture. Any suggestions? Thank you, Helal

    Helal Helal
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    Jul 22, 2024 11:57 AM
    532 views | 0 replies
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