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  • Problem to format numeric data from Txt file

    Dear Community, I am trying to build a jsl script to properly import data formatted as in the ecnlosed example file. I am facing to challenges:- The decimal sign is "," instead of ".". By using the default setup of my regional preferences, JMP interprets the "," as a thousand delimiter. How to force JMP properly interpret these number within a jsl script?- the negative numbers are formatted as fol...

    J_Bonnouvrier1 J_Bonnouvrier1
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    Jul 9, 2021 4:39 AM
    2146 views | 2 replies
  • JMP Script Needed - GRR Matrix

    Hey all. This is my first time posting in here so feel free to send pointers on forum protocol and such.I do a lot of gauge studies for work and am looking for a script (or help to build one) that will automatically run all combinations of operators (or tools in my case). I'm trying to get around having to include/exclude tools, set tolerance (which I don't use), etc. for every 2-tool GRR run. So ...

    Metro-Sam Metro-Sam
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    Jul 8, 2021 12:27 PM
    2219 views | 8 replies
  • Fit x by y on subset of data vs other subset of data

    Hi, this is not a JSL question like most of my others are. I have some data, and I'd like to fit x by y on it, one half of the data vs the other half of the data. I realize a caveman way of doing this is cut pasting the second half of the data into a new column. But I'd really rather not adjust the table like that. Any solutions? I was advised to use the Split function under Tables so I could toy ...

    mostarr mostarr
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    Jul 8, 2021 10:00 AM
    2912 views | 7 replies
  • Nom non reconnu à la fermeture d'une table de données

    Bonjour,Je rencontre un problème lors de la fermeture d'une table de données. Je vous met mon code ci-dessous :f_UI:details_top5_nok = Function({rank, ictFct, tab_top5, box, dt, date1, date2}, file_name = tab_top5[rank]; dt << Select Where (:Result == "NOK" & :ICT_FCT == ictFct & :Nom de fichier == file_name & Num(date1) <= Num(Char(:Date)) <= Num(date2)); dtSub = dt << Subset ( Selected Rows...

    Elise_B Elise_B
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    Jul 8, 2021 7:05 AM
    1481 views | 5 replies
  • Creating formulas in a new column. JMP script

    Hello all. I am needing to create a new column that will subtract the contents of consecutive rows and insert that value into the new column.  Essentially I want to say: In column X, subtract row 1 from row 2 and place that value in column Y. I want this to continue for the entirety of Column X. Therefore: Column Y = X(i+1) - Xi; i being the row number. Anyone know how to do this? Seems simple eno...

    handerson89 handerson89
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    Jul 8, 2021 6:24 AM
    2576 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • JMP Script Needed - GRR Matrix

    Hey all. This is my first time posting in here so feel free to send pointers on forum protocol and such.I do a lot of gauge studies for work and am looking for a script (or help to build one) that will automatically run all combinations of operators (or tools in my case). I'm trying to get around having to include/exclude tools, set tolerance (which I don't use), etc. for every 2-tool GRR run. So ...

    Metro-Sam Metro-Sam
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    Jul 8, 2021 12:27 PM
    2219 views | 8 replies
  • Creating formulas in a new column. JMP script

    Hello all. I am needing to create a new column that will subtract the contents of consecutive rows and insert that value into the new column.  Essentially I want to say: In column X, subtract row 1 from row 2 and place that value in column Y. I want this to continue for the entirety of Column X. Therefore: Column Y = X(i+1) - Xi; i being the row number. Anyone know how to do this? Seems simple eno...

    handerson89 handerson89
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    Jul 8, 2021 6:24 AM
    2576 views | 3 replies
  • Demonstrating Pareto's Law with JMP graph

    Hi everyone, I will like to create a graph to show that 80% of the revenue comes from the top 20% of the customers in a store. My current data columns are:1. CustomerID (around 4000+ data points)2. Revenue Would there be a way to build this graph in JMP? I've tried the Pareto Plot but have not been too successful.
    Thank you! Cheers.

    PearlyQuek PearlyQuek
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    Jul 8, 2021 5:48 AM
    1105 views | 3 replies
  • Maintaining "empty spaces" in resulting column after using if formula

    Hey everyone,

    I'm pretty new to jmp, so I might seem a little off with what I am asking and probably I won't use the correct terminology, but anyways I m rather despaired because I cannot think of a solution to my problem: 
    Let me describe my situation shortly: So I am a student and I am currently working on a set of data. I am looking at adverse drug effects of certain medication and the effect I'm...

    mmkaz mmkaz
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    Jul 8, 2021 1:12 AM
    1474 views | 4 replies
  • Paired T test vs ANOVA--and I cannot figure out how to run the ANOVA test.

    We did a marketing study for our product that incidentally appears to show strong clinical treatment effect (participants had less pain at the end than the beginning) and I was volunteered to do the statistical analysis.I did a paired T test on the baseline versus week 8 pain scores ( Specialized Modelling--> Matched Pairs -->) with very low p values. However I got ambitious (because JMP makes it ...

    PeterD PeterD
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    Jul 7, 2021 3:27 PM
    1991 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Obtaining a p-value for an odds ratio of a continuous variable

    Hi all,When performing an odds ration analysis on a nominal variable I get a p-value which is identical to the p-value of the parameter estimate (see pic below). When performing the same on a continues variable there is no p-value (see pic below). Could I use the p-value of the parameter estimate as the p-value of the odds ratio?If not how could I obtain the p-value in JMP?TIA

    eliyahu100 eliyahu100
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    Jul 7, 2021 10:27 AM
    1264 views | 0 replies
  • How do I get Odds Ratios after fitting a GLM with binomial distribution and logit function?

    Hi everyone,I need to get OR after fitting a GLM with binomial distribution and logit function - that is a logistic model. I cannot fit a "nominal logistic" where there's the option for OR because I need to use the Firth adjustment for small-sample bias (I can only do that for that GLM). Is there an option to get the Odds Ratios? Thank you in advance. Antony

    Antony Antony
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    Jul 7, 2021 10:04 AM
    694 views | 0 replies
  • Solving for new FPCs using a training set

    Had a question on the Functional Data Explorer system.  Feels like a dumb question but can't figure it out.  So I set up a training set and developed FPCs I like.   The next step is then to use that spline structure to solve the FPCs for new items as they come in.    What steps would I take to do that?    

    Evan_Morris Evan_Morris
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    Jul 6, 2021 11:08 AM
    552 views | 0 replies
  • Section 508 compliance

    Is there any guidance on how to make JMP graphs section 508 compliant (ADA issue for government documents)?  I found a post on how to remove the gray background, but is there any 508 specific guidance or other preference settings that would be helpful?  Maybe this is a wish list item?

    Discussions |
    Jun 30, 2021 10:03 AM
    687 views | 0 replies
  • Multi File Import of network folder slower in latest JMP version

    Hello, In JMP 14, Multi File Import of a network folder was relatively fast. For example, it takes ~11 seconds to load the below folder. With JMP 16 on the same computer/folder/network, it will first spend almost 3 minutes while "discovering files", before proceeding with the above "loading file names" step. Are there any settings or options that I could change to skip the "discovering files" step...

    jach jach
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    Jun 22, 2021 11:06 AM
    580 views | 0 replies
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