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  • Creating a validation column in JMP PRO

    is there a quick way or addins to create the validation column when using JMP PRO (and not to have to go through the steps in new colunm>missing data>random...).I'm aware of the save validation in the neural platform, but it only creates training and validation category (I like to also have a test category).Thanks!Agnès

    agneshb agneshb
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    Dec 16, 2019 6:32 AM
    16647 views | 7 replies
  • 2k-p fractional factorial designs vs Plackett-Burman designs (similarities and differences)

    Regarding the 2k-p fractional factorial designs (n= 4, 8, 16, 32, etc) & Plackett-Burman designs that are not a power of 2 (eg, n= 12, 20, 24, etc).a. What is similar about these two types of designs especially regarding their balance and orthogonality properties?b. What is the main difference between these two types of designs especially regarding 2 factor interactions? I know the following:2k-p ...

    mrahouma mrahouma
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    Dec 16, 2019 5:47 AM
    4841 views | 2 replies
  • OLS Variable importance , interaction terms and some unexpected errors

    HelloI am doing a simple OLS regression with continuous DV and IV. I enabled the prediction profiler and chose assess variable importance and got the table with main and total effects and their std. errors. If I add an interaction term to my OLS model, the prediction profile is throwing an error " variable importance requires at least two rows in the data table). Not sure if it is due to interacti...

    theseventhhill theseventhhill
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    Dec 16, 2019 3:57 AM
    2408 views | 4 replies
  • Data Filter Display Options

    It appears that certain data types allow for only specific display options in a data filter. I can't find any information regarding any sort of restrictions. For instance if I used a data type below no matter how i script it it won't let me use lets say Blocks Display. Is there a cheat sheet that tells me how the data needs to be structured  (assigned) so i can format it in a way that I can use th...

    Yngeinstn Yngeinstn
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    Dec 15, 2019 7:16 AM
    3402 views | 5 replies
  • creating a pdf (probability density function) of likely means differences as output of bivariate analyses

    as an output from a means comparison during a bivariate analysis, i would like to generate a pdf plot of estimated means differencesi could create this manually by performing a means comparison or t-test with a given confidence level alpha (say 0.05) capture the corresponding confidence interval for the means difference to a table and then repeat the exercise for a range of alphas say 0.01, 0.025,...

    galactus3000 galactus3000
    Discussions |
    Dec 15, 2019 4:16 AM
    2522 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • OLS Variable importance , interaction terms and some unexpected errors

    HelloI am doing a simple OLS regression with continuous DV and IV. I enabled the prediction profiler and chose assess variable importance and got the table with main and total effects and their std. errors. If I add an interaction term to my OLS model, the prediction profile is throwing an error " variable importance requires at least two rows in the data table). Not sure if it is due to interacti...

    theseventhhill theseventhhill
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    Dec 16, 2019 3:57 AM
    2408 views | 4 replies
  • Data Filter Display Options

    It appears that certain data types allow for only specific display options in a data filter. I can't find any information regarding any sort of restrictions. For instance if I used a data type below no matter how i script it it won't let me use lets say Blocks Display. Is there a cheat sheet that tells me how the data needs to be structured  (assigned) so i can format it in a way that I can use th...

    Yngeinstn Yngeinstn
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    Dec 15, 2019 7:16 AM
    3402 views | 5 replies
  • creating a pdf (probability density function) of likely means differences as output of bivariate analyses

    as an output from a means comparison during a bivariate analysis, i would like to generate a pdf plot of estimated means differencesi could create this manually by performing a means comparison or t-test with a given confidence level alpha (say 0.05) capture the corresponding confidence interval for the means difference to a table and then repeat the exercise for a range of alphas say 0.01, 0.025,...

    galactus3000 galactus3000
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    Dec 15, 2019 4:16 AM
    2522 views | 2 replies
  • Changing the % of Total Tabulate statistic to calculate based on the grouping column

    In the plot below, the percentages are being calculated with reference to all of the values in the entire table, but I would like for them to be calculated with respect to the value in each grouping column. In essence, I want all the percentages in each column to add up to 100% for each indiviual column, instead of them adding up to 100% across all 5 of them. 

    iperczak iperczak
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    Dec 13, 2019 8:35 AM
    3513 views | 3 replies
  • Effect summary on jmp10

    Hi,I am new in jmp. I have a jmp10 version. I am looking for the effect summary table, to compare variables effect in multiple regression. I can't find it in my jmp version. Is it possible that there is not such an option in jmp10? Or can I find it in another menu?Thanks

    VeronicaGiorgi VeronicaGiorgi
    Discussions |
    Dec 13, 2019 5:39 AM
    2214 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Difference between std error in "Parameter Estimates" and "Least Squares Means Table"?

    I am running mixed effects models and have noticed that the standard error for an effect in the "Parameter Estimates" table is different from the standard error reported in the Least Squares Means table for the same effect. How are they calculated differently? Thanks! 

    Ranae Ranae
    Discussions |
    Nov 26, 2019 11:44 AM
    1399 views | 0 replies
  • How can I run a .py python script and python scripts compiled as .exe from JMP

    Hello,  So I've written a JMP UI, and once I gather data from the user I have a button that dumps the form data to a CSV.Now I need to launch my python script and other .exe  (as an administrator), my python scripts pick up the user input from the CSV and perform the next steps.Right now it's a .py but I may need to run it through py2exe and compile it into an exe later so a solution that supports...

    xxvvcczz xxvvcczz
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    Oct 30, 2019 6:44 PM
    1645 views | 0 replies
  • Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for Split plot Design

    Hi, I have a problem where I want to do ANCOVA and It is new for me.We have,Main plot data (2 treatments)Subplot data (10 treatments)Yield datawe want to add lodging (%) score as a covariate. How to do it? (I have seen some video tutorial from Youtube but its not easy to understand for me) Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.

    Harun-Or-Rashid Harun-Or-Rashid
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    Oct 29, 2019 9:03 PM
    1127 views | 0 replies
  • Send Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' Error

    I create a new window with variability chart, and put into journal. After that i want to save into pdf. But at the last line to save into PDF, it give me error like below. and nothing is saved into pdf. Need some advice which part i am doing wrong?  ErrorSend Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' , report_R235 << /*###*/SavePDF( "C:\LimTY\NXP\Product\Pegasus\Characterization\...

    OneNorthJMP OneNorthJMP
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    Oct 10, 2019 8:43 PM
    1173 views | 0 replies
  • Extract Report Data and Export it to Excel

    I am totally new to the JMP community and have a limited coding background. I am working with Life Distributions (Weibulls mostly), and I would like to create an Add-in that can do the following tasks once I have selected the best distribution fit: 1. Save specific report data from distribution (see the data tables in red) 2. Export the data into an excel sheet 3. Have the add-in button available ...

    jemairsmartes jemairsmartes
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    Sep 11, 2019 10:27 AM
    1917 views | 0 replies
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