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  • Script to clear a data filter back to original data table

    Hello,  I have a large data set that I want to generate multiple types of graphs for.  There is a column with 18 different categories that I want to create a set of graphs for.  So I have this data filter script:Current Data Table() << Data Filter(Location ( { 30, 30}),Mode (Select ( 0), Show (1 ), Include (1)),Add Filter(columns (:X),Where(:x == "A"),Display (:X, Size (204, 174), List Display)));...

    chadyoder chadyoder
    Discussions |
    Jan 27, 2015 5:58 AM
    9949 views | 4 replies
  • How to get “Quantile Profiler” and “Distribution Profiler” for a Survival Model in Nonlinear fit?

    Hi,I am using the Nonlinear fit in JMP to fit a Nonlinear Parametric (log-normal) Survival Model. After fitting the model, I want to plot the "Quantile Profiler" and "Distribution Profiler" with confidence interval as Survial Analysis Platform does. Is there an convenient way to do that?Any suggestion would be appreciated.

    isaac_liu isaac_liu
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    Jan 26, 2015 8:41 AM
    3675 views | 1 replies
  • bootstrapping

    Am looking for a bootstrapping JMP script that allows bootstrapping without much additional scripting. If it doesn't exits it should.... The knowledge of bootstrapping is alot more common than scripting knowledge.

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    Jan 26, 2015 8:20 AM
    8596 views | 4 replies
  • Plotting confidence intervals in parametric survival analysis(Weibull)

    Hi all,I am doing a parametric survival analyses (Weibull), and I would like to plot a curve similar to the one below. I could plot the mean (blue trace below), as JMP gave me the formula for it, but I am not able to plot the confidence intervals as JMP wont give the formula. However I could see the plot (mean and CIs) in the "profiler" of the platform.The formula to compute row wise mean quantile...

    mikethejumper mikethejumper
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    Jan 26, 2015 7:48 AM
    4479 views | 1 replies
  • How to customize Quantiles setting for a distribution in JMP?

    Hi, thereBelow is a example of quantiles for a distribution. The question is how can I change the ith setting to the value I want (eg. 95%th) besides the default setting (100%,99.5%,97.5%,...,0.5%,0.0%)? Appreciate valuable reply, thanks.Quantiles100.0% maximum 103.3099.5%           95.7697.5%           90.3390.0%           83.1675.0% quartile   76.6550.0% median   69.9825.0% quartile   63.4110.0%...

    Discussions |
    Jan 23, 2015 9:49 AM
    21380 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How to get “Quantile Profiler” and “Distribution Profiler” for a Survival Model in Nonlinear fit?

    Hi,I am using the Nonlinear fit in JMP to fit a Nonlinear Parametric (log-normal) Survival Model. After fitting the model, I want to plot the "Quantile Profiler" and "Distribution Profiler" with confidence interval as Survial Analysis Platform does. Is there an convenient way to do that?Any suggestion would be appreciated.

    isaac_liu isaac_liu
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    Jan 26, 2015 8:41 AM
    3675 views | 1 replies
  • Plotting confidence intervals in parametric survival analysis(Weibull)

    Hi all,I am doing a parametric survival analyses (Weibull), and I would like to plot a curve similar to the one below. I could plot the mean (blue trace below), as JMP gave me the formula for it, but I am not able to plot the confidence intervals as JMP wont give the formula. However I could see the plot (mean and CIs) in the "profiler" of the platform.The formula to compute row wise mean quantile...

    mikethejumper mikethejumper
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    Jan 26, 2015 7:48 AM
    4479 views | 1 replies
  • Help to improve display resolution of a surface profiler graph in JMP itself

    My main issue is that the display is very low resolution from the get to go. I've tried to look through settings and I can only see preferences for exporting at 300 dpi or higher but I don't see any settings to change my own display of the graph in jmp too a higher resolution. Consequently even if I export as an eps or vector file, I don't have a good quality picture because it looks so poor from ...

    sibylle_herzer sibylle_herzer
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    Jan 22, 2015 1:57 PM
    34539 views | 10 replies
  • Summarize function

    I need some help utilizing the summarize function and I will use the big class as an example dataset.  The below example works perfect but I need to summarize the data by sex.  When I use the BY(:Sex) operator I keep getting an error.  The purpose of me doing this is to output the results and use this in a calculated reference number per multiple variables for graphing purposes.  .   DTData= Open(...

    david_w_westall david_w_westall
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    Jan 6, 2015 2:27 PM
    7699 views | 2 replies
  • Parsing JSON data

    Does anyone know of an existing script or code snippets to get me started on parsing JSON data?  I'm particularly interested in how to handle the process of reading each key:value hash and writing it to the JMP data table.Here's a sample with a group ID number, followed by the timestamp:reading hashes.{ "1":[[1341118805, 0.654], [1341205195, 0.654]] , "10037506":[[1341118820.000, 0.900], [13411188...

    afterword afterword
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    Dec 29, 2014 3:04 PM
    5860 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • test statistics on odds ratios in logistic regression

    I've been using logistic regression with multiple categorical predictors.  I'm particularly interested in the odds ratios, and I understand how the odds ratios themselves are calculated, but I'm having trouble understanding how the test statistics associated with each odds ratio are calculated.  JMP gives the disclaimer "Tests and confidence intervals on odds ratios are likelihood ratio based."  M...

    mjahnke mjahnke
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    Dec 5, 2014 11:03 PM
    3394 views | 0 replies
  • What robust methods are common for Process Capability Indices for Non-Nornal distributions?

    In Europe, we found it common to use Cpkn as a non-normal Cpk metric, where mean was replaced with median, and stdev was replaced with IQR/1.35.   For some "regulatory" or "customer" reports, this seems to be accepted rather than the usual "torture the data until it says its normal" approach with transformations.   Does anyone have similar experience or better ideas?   (Note:  any use of capabilit...

    mclayton200 mclayton200
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    Jun 19, 2014 2:05 PM
    4490 views | 0 replies
  • Graph Builder Remove Variable

    Hello,I am trying to use jsl to remove the x-axis variable and replace it with a different one.  It looks like I should use the GraphBuilderBox <- Remove Variable() tool, but since I change the x-axis variable multiple times, I do not know its name and would like to use the Remove Variable(Role("X"), Position(1)) method, but this does not work.  Any assistance would be appreciated.Thank you,Martin

    Martin Martin
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    Apr 15, 2014 6:44 AM
    2590 views | 0 replies
  • How to calculate average (median) of a group of variables to get the eudlidean centre

    How would I calculate the shape of the average (using the median) of a variable from a group within a data set? I need a certain function for calculating the centre of gravity (centroid) or Euclidian centre of this group of variable.
    Many thanks!!

    alexsheehy1992 alexsheehy1992
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    Apr 2, 2014 12:17 PM
    3973 views | 0 replies
  • How to establish a DOE related to multivariate analysis

    I have encountered a DOE aspect issue as below:Background:1. A new plastic mold with 20-cavity, that means each shot/trial will yield 20 parts2. each part has two critical dimensions.3. there are 11 factors/variables (injection molding machine parameters) which will have impact on these 2 critical dimensionPurpose of DOE1. By DOE, custom design, to detect which factors/parameters are RED factor or...

    mujahida mujahida
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    Mar 23, 2014 6:43 AM
    2912 views | 0 replies
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