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  • Use of Logistic 3 Parameter (L3P) model

    Hi, We're looking at some biological data representing an amplification which we're using JMP to fit the L3P model to
    - and are thereby obtaining the growth rate, asymptote and inflection point on the sigmoid curves which result. 

    We're then using the growth rate parameter specifically in an ANOVA test to detect whether the curves (ie the biological test) are adversely affected by challenges, under ...

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    Dec 5, 2017 8:08 AM
    7375 views | 5 replies
  • column value ordering

    dear all,ı have lots of jmp file each have a column named "location" these columns have B, M, E values just only. When ı use these columns on graph builder its value ordering as alphabetic. B, E, M when ı go column value ordering part I always change value ordering B, M,E. I make this for each jmp file. Is there a simple way to apply this value ordering directly. Best Regards,  

    nac nac
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    Dec 5, 2017 5:22 AM
    11038 views | 1 replies
  • JMP automation & missing registry key

    I have a C# application that has some functions that run JMP automation. When the user starts the C# application, it checks to insure JMP is installed on the user’s system.  I had contacted JMP technical support on this issue on how to know if JMP is installed on a system.  The solution was to look for a registry key. In C# code, I have a bool to check if JMP is installed: bool jmpExists = Registr...

    ChrisM_X ChrisM_X
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    Dec 4, 2017 1:39 PM
    6357 views | 3 replies
  • Bivariate Chart - how to connect data points?

    Can data points be connected in a Bivariate chart? (no fit of any kind, just a straight connection among consecutive points within each of overlaid groupings) In this case, I am grouping by several items so that all groups display on a single bivariate chart. (so I'm attempting to connect each group's points together)  thx, DJ

    djhanson djhanson
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    Dec 4, 2017 12:38 PM
    17557 views | 5 replies
  • Opening a help file at a specific page

    Hi - I'd like to be able to open a compiled HTML help file (i.e. a .CHM file) created by the Windows Help Workshop from within JMP, but at a specified page.  The Open() command opens the file sure enough, but I can't work out how to specify the page - assuming of course that this is actually possible - either by adding an extra parameter or by modifying the address in some way.  The link to a Stac...

    Discussions |
    Dec 4, 2017 7:55 AM
    8384 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • IO problem

    Hi All,I am trying to understand the source of this in my log. I/O problem.
    Unable to open in ReadWrite mode.
    The system cannot find the file specified. It compiles and executes fine.  These were the 2 discussions I came across. ( I am making sure I have nosave everywhere)

    vishwasanj vishwasanj
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    Dec 1, 2017 10:01 AM
    3907 views | 1 replies
  • For one way ANOVA test, why results from "Fit Y by X" and "Fit Model" are different?

    Hi, I was trying to do one-way ANOVA test using "Fit Y by X" and "Fit Least Squares", the sample data that I used is "Snapdragon". Originally, I thought the P value and F Ratio I got from both methods should be the same (see highlighted part). However I was wrong. They are actually quite different Could someone tell me why they are different using these two methods? Which one is a more accurate an...

    luque007 luque007
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    Nov 30, 2017 5:29 AM
    54781 views | 3 replies
  • Advice on time series analysis/ ancova on temporal data

    I would like some  advise on how I should analyse my time series data.I have hourly measurements of water temperature data for 5 months across 5 sites.
    I have summarized my data in following way
    1.Site(5 sites)2.Day (0-150)
    2. Month (June-October,  5 levels)
    3. Daily Mean Temperature(Response variable 1)
    4. Daily Max Temperature (Response variable 2)
    5.  daily standard deviation,or some other measure of...

    tsingh tsingh
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    Nov 27, 2017 8:49 PM
    4083 views | 1 replies
  • Error Bars from column

    Hi,I generate my data using Matlab and end up with several distribution stats: mean, standard deviations, variance ... etc for thousands of points. I would like to use JMP to do scatter plots and would like to include error bars for every point that is already computed. Every time I see the error bars menu in graph builder it does not point to specific data column but is meant to compute the error...

    wskamoun wskamoun
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    Nov 25, 2017 7:56 AM
    7241 views | 4 replies
  • count in graph builder

    Hi All,   This may be an easy fix but I am trying to wrap my head around how to pursue this.   What is the best way to count few data values which are above a certain value?   Attached is the figure. In the figure I want to have the count of 500,000 and 1,000,000 cycle which are in the 70's, not the ones below 10.   Thanks,  

    vishwasanj vishwasanj
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    Nov 23, 2017 7:03 PM
    3983 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Sub-sampling data analysis in JMP

    In Biology (Plant Sci. and Agriculture) usually we have sub-sampling data for replicates. It's very difficult to analyze these data in commonly use Stat S/W (SPSS/Minitab) because MSS(Error) is calculating wrongly.  Without taking averages of samsamples, the easiest S/W for this is using JMP and I need some assistance for this. I've found very useful Youtube video about subsampling in JMP  (CRD: S...

    Kynda Kynda
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    Nov 15, 2017 2:32 PM
    3481 views | 0 replies
  • Conceptual question about the profit matrix

    This issue has been discussed previously, but I keep finding myself confused about how to use the profit matrix.  My question is conceptual in nature, so let's just use some simple numbers.  Suppose I have data on customer churn and I build a predictive model for churn (the particular technique does not matter for this question).  My decision errors are not symmetric, however, so I want to modify ...

    dale_lehman dale_lehman
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    Nov 10, 2017 6:02 AM
    2386 views | 0 replies
  • Confirmation of Repeated Measures Analysis, when sphericity if voilated

    Hi Everyone,    I would like confirmation on the appropriate analysis to run on a repeated measures design.Experimental design:Independent variable: Nutrient treatment (Control, Low, Med, High),Dependent variable: basal diameter, 5 replicates (plants)Repeated measurements were taken at Weeks 0, 1, 4, 7, 10, & 12Split data-> Fit Model-> Y: basal 0, basal 1, 4, 7, 10, 12, Add: Nutrient treatmentPers...

    uamiller uamiller
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    Oct 23, 2017 8:07 AM
    2496 views | 0 replies
  • Cox Proportional Hazard - adjusting risk ratio with std dev

    I'm working with someone who is using SAS and I'm trying to do the same analysis in JMP.  When I  questioned their hazard ratio they said it was adjusted by the standard deviation. They commented:In order to obtain results in units of 1 standard deviation – you simply get the standard deviation value for parameter of interest and introduce it in the PH regression statement, for example:proc phreg ...

    Maureen Maureen
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    Aug 22, 2017 1:18 PM
    3128 views | 0 replies
  • JSL How do I wrap the title text of a OutlineBox?

    Hi all, I often use the Set Title() message to overwrite the OutlineBox titles of charts, distributions, etc. My first issue is that the OutlineBox does not support the Set Wrap() message. Is there any replacement I could use? To work around the missing Set Wrap(), I started inserting newlines "\!n" in the tiitle text. After doing this, I have noticed a second issue: Whatever number of newlines I ...

    AlexanderKrebs AlexanderKrebs
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    Jun 13, 2017 5:38 AM
    4100 views | 0 replies
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