To expand on Adam’s response:
The reason is quite simple. In any given set of data there is a definitive amount of variability. In your specific case, this can be seen in the value of the Total Sum of Squares, 161.93143. As seen in each of the 3 analyses, this value is the same.
In a simple Anova, the Sources of Variance will all add up to the Total Sum of Squares. The generalized formula is:
Total SS = Model SS + Error
The critical item here is the Error term. The estimate of Error is assumed to be what is left over once the Model SS is calculated.
Error = Total SS – Model SS
If you look at the Analysis of Variance section in the output of each of your analyses, you will see this. For your analysis of Y by Soil:
161.93143 = 103.15143 + 58.78000
58.78000 = 161.93143 - 103.15143
The test to determine the Anova is an F test. An F test divides the amount of variability for the Model by the estimate of the variability of the Error The appropriate Degrees of Freedom are divided into each Sum of Squares before the actual F test is calculated. The results of this is called the Mean Square. For your analysis of Y by Soil
(103.15143 / 6 ) / 58.78000 / 14 ) = 4.0947
Now for the answer.
The estimate of the Error in your 2way Anova has been greatly reduced over the estimate of Error in the Oneway Anova’s because both the Soil and the Block SS are subtracted from the Total SS.
Error = Total SS – Soil SS – Block SS