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  • Box Plot coloring

    Hello JMP community, I saw already some posts around the topic box plot coloring.I am lacking the feature in the graph builder that after I used a variable for coloring that I can easily change colors of all e.g. boxplots/points of more than one y variable in one place.With the first dropping of the variable in the color drop zone, the coloring is applied to all parts of the graphs.But if one has ...

    Benjamin_Fuerst Benjamin_Fuerst
    Discussions |
    Aug 31, 2021 1:04 AM
    2021 views | 2 replies
  • JMP > Graph Builder > Dynamic Marker Size > Fixed Scaling when using Local Filter?

    Hi JMP Community,   Is it possible to define the Size variable in Graph Builder so that it keeps the same scale across graphs when switching between subset of the data based on a Local Filter? Details: When assigning a variable to the Size on a plot and using a Local Filter to generate interactively different plots, each time I change the subset of data being plotted, the scale of the Marker Size ...

    Thierry_S Thierry_S
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    Aug 30, 2021 1:12 PM
    1519 views | 3 replies
  • Power analysis for cluster randomized experiment

    Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to do sample size calculations (with power analysis) for cluster randomized experiments using JMP. We are planning a study where we would be comparing a classroom using one intervention versus another classroom using another intervention. We need to figure out how many classes (some using the first intervention some using the second intervention) are needed t...

    nyan nyan
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    Aug 30, 2021 8:00 AM
    688 views | 1 replies
  • Cox Regression variable selection

    Hello everyone, is there a way to select variables for Cox regression using a stepwise model in JMP? The stepwise regression model from the Fit Model only has a "Y" category, whereas for Cox-regression I would imagine that in order to choose the best variables I would need an option to add both a "Y" category (event), as well as an "X" category (Time to event)? If not would I put the event in for ...

    jmpquestions123 jmpquestions123
    Discussions |
    Aug 30, 2021 6:48 AM
    990 views | 1 replies
  • Date Format for a SQL (OSISOFT PI)

    Hi, after some trying i was able to get data from our PI Archive. We use PI (Osisoft) to archive our process data.With the following query I got the data but the timestamp is not there:SELECT t1.tag, t1.time, t1.value, t1.svalue, t1.status, t1.flags FROM picomp t1 WHERE ( ( ( t1.tag = 'AL2_Geschwindigkeit_Linienmotor_Formerstation' ) AND ( (t1.time >= ( '2017/03/05 1:47:16 PM' )) AND (t1.time <...

    mkennke mkennke
    Discussions |
    Aug 29, 2021 1:14 PM
    11600 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Power analysis for cluster randomized experiment

    Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to do sample size calculations (with power analysis) for cluster randomized experiments using JMP. We are planning a study where we would be comparing a classroom using one intervention versus another classroom using another intervention. We need to figure out how many classes (some using the first intervention some using the second intervention) are needed t...

    nyan nyan
    Discussions |
    Aug 30, 2021 8:00 AM
    688 views | 1 replies
  • Cox Regression variable selection

    Hello everyone, is there a way to select variables for Cox regression using a stepwise model in JMP? The stepwise regression model from the Fit Model only has a "Y" category, whereas for Cox-regression I would imagine that in order to choose the best variables I would need an option to add both a "Y" category (event), as well as an "X" category (Time to event)? If not would I put the event in for ...

    jmpquestions123 jmpquestions123
    Discussions |
    Aug 30, 2021 6:48 AM
    990 views | 1 replies
  • Confidence Intervals for functional DoE

    Hi everyone, I tried to use the functional DoE Platform and have to admit that it works really great. However, I miss the possibility to visualize the uncertainty of my models in the profiler. Is there any way to include a CI . If not analytical solvable, maybe via Bootstrapping?Looking forward to your help! Thanks!

    Marco_ Marco_
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    Aug 27, 2021 6:36 AM
    846 views | 2 replies
  • First time using JMP

        Hi guys,

    For my master thesis, i am working on pupil diamanter measurement and my supervisor told me to install JMP Pro and she took one of my trial participants and cleaned up the raw data.

    However, she wouldn't be able to meet me for some time and asked me to clean up the data like she has. The issue is that I never tried the program before. Now some of it makes sense with regards to deleting ...

    Ben1 Ben1
    Discussions |
    Aug 27, 2021 3:51 AM
    2999 views | 12 replies
  • How does JMP initiate the values of w and b for logistic regression loss function? How to simulate the same iterations as JMP reports?

    I have got some questions about the LR model.- How does JMP initiate the values of w and b for logistic regression loss function? - How does Relative Gradient derive(formula of this value)?- What is the difference between Relative Gradient and NormGradient?- Which parameter does this gradient value represent? w or b?- Why no mention of the gradient update of the b(interception) parameter?  I just ...

    baiyun baiyun
    Discussions |
    Aug 26, 2021 3:56 AM
    806 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Applying Boolean Logic to filtering/selecting records in a Dashboard/Application built from multiple platforms

    Hi everyone,  I've been working on a systematic map to accompany a literature review on forest bird habitat relationships that is getting much closer to completion. A hearty shout out to community members @cwillden , @txnelson , @danschikore , @brady_brady , and technical support crew Adam Morris, Sarah Seligman, Laura Archer, and Wendy Murphrey for helping me get this project this far along.  I f...

    caseylott caseylott
    Discussions |
    Aug 17, 2021 11:15 AM
    895 views | 0 replies
  • Projects Window List in JMP 15 for Mac -- Reorder?

    I'm trying to use JMP projects more with the promise of re-using graphs and analyses on new sets of similar data. I'm using the Window List in the UL as a kind of 'table of contents' that I can click into to see/show my findings for various analyses.  There is a flow to the findings which I'd like to order in that Window List.  Is this possible? I can't click and drag an entry for a window up or d...

    datanaut datanaut
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    Aug 16, 2021 6:38 AM
    467 views | 0 replies
  • 请问JMP有哪些模型可以用于预测股票价格的未来走势?

    这是个异想天开的问题: 大家都说股票价格的未来走势预测是艺术、不是科学。
    但我还是想看看JMP具体哪里模型能用于这方面。  我尝试过使用决策树、随机森林、xgboost。

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Aug 2, 2021 1:01 AM
    566 views | 0 replies
  • Categorizing term lists for Word Cloud display and/or filtering

    Hi all, I have a word cloud based on unstructured text from journal articles. Many of these terms fall into common categories, e.g.: 1) tree species, 2) bird species, or 3) geographic locations. Many of these grouped terms are relevant to my user group, but difficult to locate amongst the large number of terms in my corpus (particularly when uncommon terms don't show up in the Word cloud). I was w...

    caseylott caseylott
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    Jul 29, 2021 12:32 PM
    678 views | 0 replies
  • Partial redundancy analysis in JMP

    I need to check the effects of three explanatory variables which are 1) fish_length, location, and sex on a set of response variables (PC1…..PC7).
    First I need to test the effect of size (fish size), and in case if the effect of fish_length is significant then I need to use the residuals of the first pRDA test to check the effects of location and sex using RDA. Also I will need to use the residuals...

    ukhandurrani ukhandurrani
    Discussions |
    Jul 22, 2021 9:33 AM
    1007 views | 0 replies
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