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  • Standardizing Chart Displays Across the BY role

    Hi Everyone,  I'm currently using the control chart builder to produce X-Bar S Charts of measurements from a final control system.  I've created something I quite like. So I have a Box plot of the measurement for each of the test machines.  Quite useful for answering the question "Is there a problem with the test machine or the product being tested?". The problem I have is that I have each the var...

    peterrow peterrow
    Discussions |
    Jan 30, 2023 4:56 AM
    1243 views | 5 replies
  • How to make proper confidence interval plots? I tried making them using a tutorial I found here but I cannot make them appear. Why?

    Hi. I am lost here. I tried making interval plots and I cannot see them in the graph I made. Can anyone help me? 

    RonnieOmics RonnieOmics
    Discussions |
    Jan 29, 2023 7:44 AM
    721 views | 2 replies
  • JSL code for summary table creation

    im creating a summary table from dt1 called dt2. Code below. does anyone know the code for statistics column name format? i need it to be column stat. I think when its default is stat(column), it throws off the join.   dt2 = dt1 << Summary( Group(:lot), Mean(:x, :y, :z), Freq("None"), Weight("None"), Link to original data table(0), statistics column name format("column stat") ); dt1 << Upd...

    BackwardTiger97 BackwardTiger97
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    Jan 28, 2023 10:53 AM
    756 views | 1 replies
  • Control New Window Location with Multiple Monitors

    When I use JMP with multiple monitors, it tends to open pop-ups/new windows on displays other than the one I am using, oftentimes moving aside other content that I am referencing.  Is there a way to control the location of new windows - for example, when I click "column info", a new window will appear and often it is not in the same display where the data table is located....I cannot find any sett...

    ateran ateran
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    Jan 28, 2023 12:35 AM
    1246 views | 3 replies
  • How do I plot multiple XY Series in one graph?

    Dragging and dropping x and y values for multiple series data sets gives the following graphI want to see only SeriesA Y vs SeriesA  X,SeriesB Y vs SeriesB XSeriesC Y vs SeriesC X

    I do not want to see the curves for SeriesA Y vs SeriesB X   etc...In excel i am able to do it by selecting the appropriate X and Y values.  Can you please help with this plotting? 

    DualGrizzly1028 DualGrizzly1028
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    Jan 27, 2023 10:03 AM
    5779 views | 4 replies

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  • JMP Script Window - Hovering over a variable do not show the value stored in the variable if passed between scripts

    I have found that hovering over a variable is very useful feature in JMP Script Window/Editor when debugging the script. I have been working with very long script which I have divided to smaller pieces by using Include-feature. I am able to pass variable content correctly between the included scripts but it looks like hovering do not work on included script windows (showing empty variable content ...

    JanneI JanneI
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    Jan 27, 2023 5:51 AM
    607 views | 0 replies
  • Choice experiment: probability profiler baseline assumptions

    Dear community,  For the probability profiler as used to analyse data in choice experiment analysis, I am wondering how to optimally set the baseline scenario to compare probability profiler data.  Following for instance von Wedel & Hagist (2022), utilize the probability profiler to compare the baseline of the combination of attributes with the lowest marginal utilities. While such an analysis is ...

    Declan_JMP Declan_JMP
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    Jan 23, 2023 3:54 AM
    1215 views | 0 replies
  • Can we find some tutorials videos in YouTube?

    Hello everyone, passing by to say hello and to share that I created a YouTube Channel with JMP 17 Video Tutorials in english, spanish and portuguese.As an enthusiast about Problem Solving, passionated about JMP and a JMP Partner, I hope you'll come with me, subscribe to the channel and enjoy all the videos that are there and yet to come. Best regards!

    Matheus_Plana Matheus_Plana
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    Jan 15, 2023 10:27 AM
    1174 views | 0 replies
  • Data puzzles via Hanukkah of Data is underway

    If you're looking for some data wrangling puzzles, the Hanukkah of Data series of daily puzzles is underway at They're on day 2 of 8 now. As far as I can tell, you can do them whenever and there's no competitive part. I'm doing them in JMP, of course!

    XanGregg XanGregg
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    Dec 19, 2022 11:21 AM
    659 views | 0 replies
  • Slope and Intercept Collector error "matrix must be non-singular in access or evaluation of 'Inv' , Inv/*###*/(x` * x)"

    HI all,I have a question about an error I'm getting when using @stan_koprowski's slope and intercept add-in. I've posted my question on the add-in's thread but due to the much lower exposure compared to discussion posts, I thought that it might be a good idea to ask here as well. I made a mock data table with three groups and several observations in each group. When I run the add-in I am getting t...

    Lavik17 Lavik17
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    Dec 19, 2022 10:20 AM
    733 views | 0 replies
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