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  • graphing s-parameters in dBm using s2p (touchstone) file

    I'm new to JMP, using version 15.2.1 and trying to graph s-parameters for a Power Amplifier using an .s2p (touchstone) file exported from a Rohde & Schwarz network analyzer. I'm using the sNp file importer add-in which creates the data table, but when I try to setup my graph for power vs. frequency, my results don't look as expected. Any suggestions? Thank you.

    metazeta metazeta
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2024 11:45 AM
    581 views | 1 replies
  • Locking all columns in JMP

    How do I lock all the columns in my JMP table with JSL? 

    AsymptoticCos AsymptoticCos
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2024 9:55 AM
    946 views | 4 replies
  • Lock a column in script while working with multiple tables with same column names

    I have three tables I am working with in my JSL. I am calling these dt1, dt2, dt3.  dt1 has the columns A, B, C, Ddt2 has the columns B, X, Y, Zdt3 has the columns D, Q, R, S I want to lock B in table dt2. How do I do that? The usual ":B << lock (1)" script is locking B in dt1. 

    AsymptoticCos AsymptoticCos
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    Jun 20, 2024 8:16 AM
    513 views | 1 replies
  • How to unzip using JMP Zip Archive Commands

    In an earlier question I asked, I asked if it was possible to unzip files.  I read a blog (Using FILENAME ZIP to unzip and read data files in SAS - The SAS Dummy), but at the moment I am having a hard time following it using JSL.   I have a folder with 150 zipped folders in it.  Each folder has a device name, followed by an order score, then the date (ie. Device  I want to creat...

    natalie_ natalie_
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2024 6:24 AM
    18533 views | 6 replies

    I have a DOE results I would like to model with Support Vector Machine (there are strong non linear effects that can't be estimated with a polynomial model) How do I install the SVEM add in?

    frankderuyck frankderuyck
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2024 5:21 AM
    2668 views | 10 replies

Latest Discussions

  • graphing s-parameters in dBm using s2p (touchstone) file

    I'm new to JMP, using version 15.2.1 and trying to graph s-parameters for a Power Amplifier using an .s2p (touchstone) file exported from a Rohde & Schwarz network analyzer. I'm using the sNp file importer add-in which creates the data table, but when I try to setup my graph for power vs. frequency, my results don't look as expected. Any suggestions? Thank you.

    metazeta metazeta
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2024 11:45 AM
    581 views | 1 replies
  • Residuals analysis

    Hi,  I'm performing regression analysis of data and determining the residuals. When inserting the data by order of analysis and by random order, I get different residuals values. I checked if the data is correct and it is. Does the order of data affects the residuals calculations? And if does, why?  Many thanks!

    msilva92 msilva92
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    Jun 20, 2024 5:13 AM
    708 views | 2 replies
  • Best approach and alternative to simple logistic regression to model the probability of belonging to a group

    Hello  I need a little help on picking the right approach to solve my pronlem. I have a continuous variable X than can take any value between [-45 0].I have a dataset of X values for 12 distinct groups, see below their histogram. I'm trying to build two models:1) A model that, for a given new value of X gives me the probability of belonging to each goup and gives me the most likely group.2) A mode...

    KarlA026 KarlA026
    Discussions |
    Jun 20, 2024 4:02 AM
    2884 views | 14 replies
  • Parallel Plot - Lining Up Axes

    Hi All, Having some trouble in constructing a parallel plot, does anyone know of a way I can line up the 0-4 on the left axis with those on the right? I would like to retain the thick lines if possible, the data in these columns is currently labeled as Character - Ordinal. I was able to merge axes as numerical columns however this loses the thick lines. Is there any solution to this? Any help is g...

    rohanmital rohanmital
    Discussions |
    Jun 19, 2024 9:31 AM
    1084 views | 2 replies
  • extend Definitive Screening Designs to  Face Centered central composite designs (FCCCD)

    Hallo, can JMP extend Definitive Screening Designs to  Face Centered central composite designs (FCCCD) and evaluate them?It seems that FCCCD are the only designs which contain a considerable number of runs in common with definitive screening designs. Sincerely Thommy7571

    Thommy7571 Thommy7571
    Discussions |
    Jun 19, 2024 8:31 AM
    1521 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Fit Johnson capability analysis

    Hello,Is it possible to modify the constant value zval in the capability analysis? thank you

    pojamet pojamet
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    Jun 14, 2024 4:40 AM
    384 views | 0 replies
  • When we bootstrap a nonlinear model, how are the bootstrap parameters calculated?

     JMP has proved to be an invaluable tool, and we are using JMP's nonlinear platform to fit various kinetic models that are now being used for regulatory purposes.   We need to be able to describe to various agencies around the world such as FDA, EMEA, how the bootstrap parameter list is generated within JMP.   We don't need extreme detail, just a description in plain lay-person's English that can ...

    GammaZulu GammaZulu
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    Jun 12, 2024 8:49 AM
    389 views | 0 replies
  • Formating when saving Journals as PDF

    The formatting that is inherent in a journal displaying a panel box is lost when saving that journal as a pdf.  Is there a way to maintain the thoughtful look and feel of the journal?PanelBox("Bill To", textbox("aaa"))I am still in JMP 14, on Windows 10.

    mann mann
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    Jun 7, 2024 2:38 PM
    521 views | 0 replies
  • Cox PH Survival plot with CI?

    We're trying to run a survival analysis with Cox proportional hazards for time to reinjure knees after surgery for those who return to sport before/after 9 months with covariate of age and level of sports. I'd like to be able to generate the survival plots with 95CI's along with the analyses.
    I've watched the recent tutorial but it didn't address these points.
    Can anyone point me to resources to do ...

    RodWhiteley RodWhiteley
    Discussions |
    Jun 7, 2024 5:05 AM
    416 views | 0 replies
  • ordinal logistic regression variable selection

    I’ve conducted an ordinal logistic regression analysis with 3 independent variables. I then want to ask if adding an interaction to an independent variable is warranted. What is the best approach for determining whether to retain the interaction term or not? Do you base this decision on the p-value of the parameter estimate of the interaction term, p-value of the interaction term in the Wald Test,...

    JudithSS JudithSS
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    Jun 6, 2024 6:19 AM
    402 views | 0 replies
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