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  • Non-linear modeling, plotting issue

    Hi all, I performed the nonlinear modeling on a data set which is divided in 2 groups by a label. The modeling works just fine, but is it possible to have the 2 fit curves of the dataset on the same graph? I've tried with the option Group but it doesn't work... What can I do? Thank you!  

    Domix Domix
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 10:36 PM
    8949 views | 8 replies
  • How to script all X and Y data to a single time-series graph in JMP Application?

    Hi All, I am developing a JMP Application that uses Python integration to give the application users the flexibility of loading in any (Excel) data file with industrial process data. This Application includes multiple module windows and extensive scripting. One thing I am trying to do is to simply plot all of the data from a loaded data file onto one graph, where the first column is always time (X...

    EstelleS EstelleS
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    Mar 22, 2022 12:57 PM
    2739 views | 6 replies
  • Graph box Frame Reference gets 'lost' when adding a graphics Script.

    I am trying to draw a simple Wafermap which works fine with the following code.However, when I substitute variables in for the numbers I get a missing reference error and can't for the life of me understand why this is happening. I need some JSL Expert Wisdom  F_makeWaferMap = function({myScale, myWhiteSpace, myWaferDiameter},{}, myKeepOutZone = 2000; myGraphBox = graphBox( frameSize( (myW...

    thickey thickey
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 11:32 AM
    1788 views | 7 replies
  • Script for saving residuals: Informative Names for Residuals Columns

    I am using JMP Pro 15.2.1 to generate a series of progressively simpler split-plot models (specified as Mixed Models in the Fit Model window).I have many response variables. For each of these I am generating 5 nested models . For a given response variable (for example "FinalYr5", in the attached JSL):Random effects include randomized block (:Blk#) and whole plot randomized within block (:Name( "Wh...

    cbhalpern cbhalpern
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 11:08 AM
    934 views | 2 replies
  • Why are ANOVA tables giving different results?

    Hello, I am trying to build a linear model where X1 = Time and X2 = Treatment.  When I use the Fit Model tool, I am seeing a discrepancy in the ANOVA table and the Effects table (screenshot below).  The Sum of Squares columns should add to the same total (in this case, 6277.9477), correct?  The SS under Effects Tests does not sum to this value.  Why would this be?  Am I misunderstanding the calcul...

    chris_rigdon chris_rigdon
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 11:03 AM
    8716 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Graph box Frame Reference gets 'lost' when adding a graphics Script.

    I am trying to draw a simple Wafermap which works fine with the following code.However, when I substitute variables in for the numbers I get a missing reference error and can't for the life of me understand why this is happening. I need some JSL Expert Wisdom  F_makeWaferMap = function({myScale, myWhiteSpace, myWaferDiameter},{}, myKeepOutZone = 2000; myGraphBox = graphBox( frameSize( (myW...

    thickey thickey
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 11:32 AM
    1788 views | 7 replies
  • Script for saving residuals: Informative Names for Residuals Columns

    I am using JMP Pro 15.2.1 to generate a series of progressively simpler split-plot models (specified as Mixed Models in the Fit Model window).I have many response variables. For each of these I am generating 5 nested models . For a given response variable (for example "FinalYr5", in the attached JSL):Random effects include randomized block (:Blk#) and whole plot randomized within block (:Name( "Wh...

    cbhalpern cbhalpern
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 11:08 AM
    934 views | 2 replies
  • Why are ANOVA tables giving different results?

    Hello, I am trying to build a linear model where X1 = Time and X2 = Treatment.  When I use the Fit Model tool, I am seeing a discrepancy in the ANOVA table and the Effects table (screenshot below).  The Sum of Squares columns should add to the same total (in this case, 6277.9477), correct?  The SS under Effects Tests does not sum to this value.  Why would this be?  Am I misunderstanding the calcul...

    chris_rigdon chris_rigdon
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    Mar 22, 2022 11:03 AM
    8716 views | 7 replies
  • missing color theme options on Mac JMP 16 vs 15

    I just upgraded from JMP 15 to 16 on my Mac.  Before, I could change the color theme in a contour plot under the red triangle (I prefer to look at my plots with a spectral theme). I no longer see that option with version 16.  Is there somewhere else I can change the default red to blue to a spectral theme for contour plots?Maureen

    Maureen Maureen
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 10:02 AM
    780 views | 1 replies
  • linear regression analysis - behavioral observation sampling interval

    Hello, I am a new JMP user and hope that I can learn from this forum how to use jmp to prepare my behavioral observations for a linear regression analysis to determine the relationship between various timed behavioral sampling intervals and the continuously collected data.Specifically, I have continuously collected behavioral data which I would like to convert to 1 second intervals (in SAS this wo...

    RToaffRos RToaffRos
    Discussions |
    Mar 22, 2022 3:06 AM
    704 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Column Switcher Button Removed from Plot Window Toolbar in JMP 16 for Mac

    Recently switched from JMP15 for Mac to JMP16 for Mac. I was surprised to see the column switcher button removed as an option in an analysis/plot window.  It used to reside up top next to the local data filter button (see black circle).  The option to customize it back is also missing and has been replaced by a 'properties' button.  This may also prove useful but I'm new to it.    To get the colum...

    datanaut datanaut
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    Mar 17, 2022 3:18 PM
    671 views | 0 replies
  • No table linking after saving the project?

    Hi,when I generate a summary table with the option "link to original data table" (selected by default), the two tables are linked:By selecting a row in the summary table the corresponding rows in the original table are selected.Cool.This also works for selections in Graphs and Dashboards.Very cool! Now my problem:After saving both tables to a project file, (precisely: after close & re-open the pro...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Feb 3, 2022 4:19 AM
    468 views | 0 replies
  • Setting Guardbands on Test Limits Using EMP

    Hello. I am trying to use the EMP tool to help set guardbands to my test limits based on my gauge R and R data from a final test machine.I used 10 devices and measured these devices 5 times each, across 5 different test sites on the machine.I need to know how much to guardband my Upper and Lower specs. I am having trouble understanding how to apply the data in the EMP report. I feel like this is a...

    Jbritsch04 Jbritsch04
    Discussions |
    Feb 2, 2022 8:49 AM
    574 views | 0 replies
  • How to introduce lower bounds for simulated data in Profiler platform

    Hi JMP community,   (JMP Pro 16.0.0)   I'm hoping to find out if there is a way to include lower bounds to simulated data in the Profiler platform. I have several predictors going into a model, but few data points to fit. So, in order to generate simulated ("synthetic") data, I use the Prediction Profiler platform along with the multivariate correlation structure of the data to generate thousands ...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Feb 1, 2022 11:09 AM
    461 views | 0 replies
  • Query Builder filtering on date stored in Varchar(20)

    Query Builder - date filter.SQL ServerJMP version 16.2In the database (SQL Server) I get the Date field called RETURNDATE in ‘varchar20’ – I would like to use the Calendar functionality in the filter to select my dates I tried to create a calculated column (Calc1) and specify CAST([RETURNDATE] as date), which he doesn’t like. Using SQL outside Query BuilderSELECT TOP (1000) [LABJOBNO]      ,[DESPA...

    HansD HansD
    Discussions |
    Jan 25, 2022 6:12 AM
    1183 views | 0 replies
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