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Collection of "funny" Jmp newbie questions

Level XII

good to know:

- how to do this and that in Jmp?

- where Jmp is different from other programs

- where Jmp is different from Jmp (inconsistencies)


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Topicadditional info
Data Tables 

Why is it not possible in Jmp:
- to define a formula for a specific cell?

- to select any 2 cells in a spreadsheet?

JMP is Not a Spreadsheet 

Is there a tutorial how to "slice" matrices? 


NB: The indexing of matrices will be improved in a future version of Jmp

why new table()? answer  
why is there no dt << n rows()?answer
Why does add row add a row to a data table - but doesn't add the values?answer
Why are there different column names for data imported via Open and MFI?answer

Is there something in JMP like freeze pane in Excel?

lock Columns

 Why do I need a numeric column to add a column with row numbers?




Graph Builder


Why do FitYbyX and GraphBuilder use different color codings?


 When comes (collision free) Column Switcher 2.0? 

Add new switcher called Role Switcher 


Why is there no Select mode in the Local Data Filter - like the one from (global) Data Filter?wish:
Local Data Filter - don't disable the SELECT option 
In the Join Tables Platform, what's the difference between
Update main table with data from second ta...
The submenus of my Jmp installation open to the left
- Where is the setting to move the submenus to t...
Why does Scripting Index/See also not list the function xyz ?you want more items to show up in see also ?
suggest them here:
Scripting Index and online Help: "see also" 

Accepted Solutions
Super User

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

Is there a tutorial how to "slice" matrices?
I just found infos like this one 
with some basic indexing like

mat[from::to, from2::to2]

Is indexing also possible "relative to the end" (minus sign doesn't work) or indexing with open start or end (leaving the slot empty doesn't work)?



edit: wish 

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

why is it

current data table()
data table("my name")


new table()

(without "data") - because there is no data yet in the table? 

Here it seems that "tables" and "data tables" are something similar, but this is definitely not true: 

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

why are there so many messages that I can send to a data table but not

dt << n rows()

just working:

n rows (dt)


edit: wish

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

Why does add row add a row to a data table  - but doesn't add the values *)?

*) adding values with the same syntax  just works for Table Boxes


dt = New Table( "Untitled" );
dt << add row( {1} );

New Window( "test",
	tb = Table Box( String Col Box( "string col", {"a"} ), 
	Number Col Box( "number col", {1} ) )
tb << add row( {"b", 2} );



edited: wish to provide a shortcut function like add row(list of values) also for data tables
(very convenient for data collection in for loops - e.g. for debugging) 

Super User

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

The message 

      Obj << Add Row( {values, .....} )

is a valid message for the Display Object, Table Box

The message

     Obj << Add Rows( ,n., ,At Start|At End|After(m)> | { list of ( column name = value ) pairs } ))

is a valid message to add rows to a data table.

Both messages allow for the adding of rows, but in different formats, since the objects are very different in functionality

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

When I import a text file without header - why are the column names


and when I import the same file via "Import Multiple Files ...", they are 




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Super User

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

I assume it is because 2 different developers created the 2 different applications.

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

another one:
Is there something in JMP like freeze pane in Excel?


(in JMP it just makes sense wrt. columns:

i.e. to have some index columns visible on the left, independent of the actual position in the table.)


Super User

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

Lock Columns ( might work
