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Collection of "funny" Jmp newbie questions

Level XII

good to know:

- how to do this and that in Jmp?

- where Jmp is different from other programs

- where Jmp is different from Jmp (inconsistencies)


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Topicadditional info
Data Tables 

Why is it not possible in Jmp:
- to define a formula for a specific cell?

- to select any 2 cells in a spreadsheet?

JMP is Not a Spreadsheet 

Is there a tutorial how to "slice" matrices? 


NB: The indexing of matrices will be improved in a future version of Jmp

why new table()? answer  
why is there no dt << n rows()?answer
Why does add row add a row to a data table - but doesn't add the values?answer
Why are there different column names for data imported via Open and MFI?answer

Is there something in JMP like freeze pane in Excel?

lock Columns

 Why do I need a numeric column to add a column with row numbers?




Graph Builder


Why do FitYbyX and GraphBuilder use different color codings?


 When comes (collision free) Column Switcher 2.0? 

Add new switcher called Role Switcher 


Why is there no Select mode in the Local Data Filter - like the one from (global) Data Filter?wish:
Local Data Filter - don't disable the SELECT option 
In the Join Tables Platform, what's the difference between
Update main table with data from second ta...
The submenus of my Jmp installation open to the left
- Where is the setting to move the submenus to t...
Why does Scripting Index/See also not list the function xyz ?you want more items to show up in see also ?
suggest them here:
Scripting Index and online Help: "see also" 
Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

Why do FitYbyX and GraphBuilder use different color codings?




Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions


Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

Why is the data table object removed from Application Builder if I close the respective data table?

(leading to a non-functional Application)


edit: Hm, perhaps it's possible to change the behavior  - here is the wish 



Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

@hogi wrote:

Why do FitYbyX and GraphBuilder use different color codings?

answer: Re: What-is-graph-builder's-color-ordering-different-than-other charts? 

If this is an issue, it can be "fixed" by switching to Jmp Blue Red Green: 



Super User

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

This is an example of one of the inconsistences in JSL.  Not all functions have a message equivalence.  I suggest that when you come across an inconsistency that you add a request to the JMP Wish List to resolve the inconsistancy 


Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

A function is a subroutine that you can call anywhere in a script. It might take one or more arguments. It returns a value. It might have a side effect, like instantiating a display box.


A message invokes a method implemented by an object.


It doesn't make sense (to me) to necessarily have a message to duplicate every function if that is what you are suggesting. What additional benefit does the message, dt << N Row, provide that you cannot get from the function call, N Row( dt )?


You must learn the syntax, keywords, functions, and protocols for any computer language.

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

@Mark_Bailey : Sure, there is no difference at all between N row(dt) and  the non-existing dt << n rows

... from the point of view of what you get.


But this post is about idioms of the jmp language which can make it hard for newbies to get what they want.

Sometimes, there are tiny "walls" or you get stuck in front of a locked door - this can be frustrating or irritating.
I could imagine that during the Trial Period some potential users of JMP got lost to other languages like Python or Matlab because of such difficulties.


The benefit of messages:

Let's imagine that a user has a data table dt and knows already that he can send messages like << get name to the object.

He also knows that typing 

dt << get

and pressing CTRL+Space will help him to get possible candidates for what he wants.

And indeed, there is a << get rows() for data tables.

Unfortunately, this function does something else


Therefore, he keeps searching and searches the Scripting Index for other messages like Nitems, Length, Dimensions and so on.

Nothing - along the idea: If you don't know the correct function name, I cannot give you the correct info.
Then he just selects the data table object and scans all these messages, which can be sent to a data table. A huge list, but none of them does what the user wants. This takes a while ...


Another user uses the Scripting index and tries





and scans the first 10 entries. Hm ...


As a next step, both  go to the JMP Community: 

and find out that they were not the only ones who had this problem - what a relief!


And that's not all.

Fortunately, there are people who passionately help other users with their problems

From now on, both can tell other people that the function is not "length()", "dimensions()",  "len()", "size()" .... , but N row().

And that dt << N Rows() is not available because it would just be the same as N row(dt) 

...  or N Rows(dt).

Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

With Jmp18, there is now a Pythonista version of dt << n rows() :



Super User

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

I don't understand your 

current data table()
data table("my name")


Level XII

Re: Collection of "funny" JSL newbie questions

I edited the original text to make it clearer.
I wondered why it is not

new data table()