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How to fit Rayleight / folded norma distributions ?
Hello, Is it possible to fit Rayleight and folded normal distributions ? Just like we have the fit distribution platform, with goodness of fit metrics etc... Best regards,
157 views | 2 replies -
Is there an equivalent to multicollinearity for categorical variables in JMP?
I'm trying to create a predictive regression model to predict the value of a continuous variable. Not that multicollinearity matters all that much to me since I'm purely looking for prediction, but I have a large number of categorical variables (20+) recorded (along w/ 20+ continuous variables), & I'm looking to do feature selection/variable reduction so as not to over-fit the data, & was wonderi...
126 views | 3 replies -
Return "True" or "False" if multiple columns contain string
Hi, I would like to return "False" if any column data contains "hello" else return a "True" I am only able to process 1 column with if, any ideas?
2770 views | 10 replies -
Want to know what "<<" means in JSL
Hi, What does "<<" signify in JMP scripts? I'm using JMP 17
// Get the rows associated with the current excursion label excursion_rows = dt << Get Rows Where(dt:"Excursion Label"n == excursionLabels[i]);
100 views | 3 replies -
Is it possible to generate a Python script for the eigenfuctions & scores of Funcional Data Explorer
In R&D we developed an excellent wavelets model for NIR spectra; is it possible to transfer to Python so that implementation in production NIR online control is possible? If yes what are the different steps?
155 views | 3 replies
Latest Discussions
Is it possible to generate a Python script for the eigenfuctions & scores of Funcional Data Explorer
In R&D we developed an excellent wavelets model for NIR spectra; is it possible to transfer to Python so that implementation in production NIR online control is possible? If yes what are the different steps?
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Create JMP Dashboard through my python application
Hi Team, I have an existing python application which does data transformation , I want to generate a JMP dashboard through that application itself ,once all the transformation is done . I want to plot certain graphs to visualize that data . But I want it all to be done in a flow and without user's manual intervention. Is it possible? If so, I am unable to find the correct sources or tutorials fo...
152 views | 5 replies -
Create an add-in to run a python script
Hello, Thanks @martindemel for the advice, so I will repost my questions. I would like to create an add-in to run a python script, can you please help ? Thanks in advance Ahmed
209 views | 7 replies -
The y-axis scale is not changing
Hello! I am working on JMP 17 and trying to graph this data set, with the timepoints (months) on the x-axis and the pH results on the y-axis. I did the overlay as "batch". I was able to graph it, however, when I try to edit the y-axis to make the scale from 5-6 and increments of 0.5, nothing happens. I am assuming it has to be with the value and label thing, but how do I make it so its standard sc...
68 views | 1 replies -
Assessing for colinearity for categorical variables and/or binary outcome
I am seeking to assess for colinearity among categorical variables to be included in a multi variable nominal logistic regression. I understand that VIF is useful for this, but I’m unable to find VIF for categorical variables or a binary outcome. Other methods have been less initiative like a LASSO. Is there a way to, either with or without LASSO, to evaluate for colinearity? Thanks!
158 views | 2 replies
Latest Discussions
JMPの練習のため、論文のデータを用いて解析・再現をしています。 その中で3つの不純物に対してPlackett-Burman計画によるスクリーニング・中心複合計画による最適化を実施し、予測モデルを作成しました。 論文中に記載されている予測モデル式はいずれも同様のものが作成できました。 論文中では最適化の過程でプーリングをしていますが、モデルを合わせたデザインスペース作成のため、すべてのパラメーターを含むモデルを使用したと記載があります。 これに従い、プーリングしない状態、すなわちすべてのパラメーターを含む状態で予測モデル式を作成し、デザインスペースを作りました。 しかし、不純物が0.1%以上となるデザインスペースのエリアが一致せず、私の作成したものの方が広くなっています。 デザインスペース作成に用いた予測モデルの式は記載がないため不明ですが、原因はどこにあるのでしょうか。 つた...
57 views | 0 replies -
Problems with Reproducibility
I teach using JMP and I became aware of some reproducibility problems in the following cases: 1) My students who use different operating systems like windows and MacOS get different results from models that require randomization like NN even if they use the same random seed like 123. This problem is frustrating because assignments that use a random seed for reproducibility reasons are supposed t...
92 views | 0 replies -
Bootstrap f2 study timepoints used
Hello, I have not been able to find if the bootstrap f2 test applies the more than 85% dissolution discarding rule or it only signals these values in yellow. Does anyone know? Thank you
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Panel Data Analysis
Hi JMP Team, I am teaching Data analysis using JMP. Can we do a Panel Data analysis using JMP? Fixed Effects, Random Effects and Hausman Test? Also are there any JMP Add ins available for Econometric modeling? (ARCH, GARCH, etc) Thanks
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Discovery summit book signings - official list of books?
Fellow JMP enthusiasts! During the 2024 Manchester Discovery Summit I was surprised to learn that the handing out and signing of books is a tradition. So, I am wondering whether there is a list of the books handed out & signed so far. If it exists, where to find it?I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Bitch" by Lucy Cooke, and I have a feeling "Hello World" by Hannah Frey will be a good read too.
116 views | 0 replies
JMP Events
ChinaShanghai May 29
8:00AM - 9:00AM EDTMar 27Korea : JMP 살펴보기(Discovering JMP)
JMP는 15권의 사용자 설명서(JMP Books)가 있습니다.사용자 설명서(JMP Books)는 온라인에서도 확인가능하지만 JMP Marketplace 에서 '...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
Seats are limited to 30 attendees, so register now to save your spot. Date: M...
10:00AM - 11:00AM CETMar 28EMEA Mastering JMP - Die volle Leistungsfähigkeit des Graph Builders nutzen
Mastering JMP Webinar Graph Builder bietet eine Drag-and-Drop-Oberfläche mit Zonen, leicht au...
11:00AM - 12:00PM CETMar 28EMEA Mastering JMP - Déverrouiller la puissance avancée de Graph Builder
Graph Builder offre une interface de glisser-déposer avec des zones, des options de graphique facile...