Can I add text to an image file without using Graph Box()?
How do I add text to an image file using JSLimg = Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/tile.jpg", jpg );
{x, y} = img << size;
img =img << Text( Center Justified, {50, 55}, "test" ); //?
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view all learning resourcesHow do I add text to an image file using JSLimg = Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/tile.jpg", jpg );
{x, y} = img << size;
img =img << Text( Center Justified, {50, 55}, "test" ); //?
How I draw paired data like that in JMP? Hope the help from our community.
I want to get in this display tree from the Axis Box to the TextEditBox: but with the below code, I get stuck at step 2: going to the previous sibling: Names Default to Here(1);
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight )),
Elements( Points( X, Y) )
show(start= report(gb)["Graph Builder",AxisBox(1)]);
show(step1 = start << par
If I have 2 nested for-loops, how can I break/continue the outer loop?example:for (i=0, i<10, i++, for (j=0, j<10, j++, // Do stuff if ( <condition>, // Continue with the next i ); // end if ); // end inner loop // Do some more stuff); // end outer loop
Hello all,I have the same problem as this post from 2021:,-Apr%2020%2C%202021&text=I%20see%20the%20same%20behavior,decimals%20before%20importing%20into%20JMP. I have data in an excel i...
How do I add text to an image file using JSLimg = Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/tile.jpg", jpg );
{x, y} = img << size;
img =img << Text( Center Justified, {50, 55}, "test" ); //?
Hello all,I have the same problem as this post from 2021:,-Apr%2020%2C%202021&text=I%20see%20the%20same%20behavior,decimals%20before%20importing%20into%20JMP. I have data in an excel i...
This is mostly just a frustration post over the following inconsistency with inserting 'IF' expressions into an 'IF' expression. It is my understanding that programming languages should be nothing if not consistent (and I'm aware of many other JMP inconsistencies -- it's just that this one makes no sense to me at all). /*
What I want is to generate an expression such as the one below programmatic
How to convert decimal value to binary value in another column?
Why doesn't a large and powerful program like JMPPRO contain hybrid models in time series such as the ARIMA-ANN model, ARMAX model, and others?
Why doesn't a large and powerful program like JMPPRO contain hybrid models in time series such as the ARIMA-ANN model, ARMAX model, and others?
Hi. I'm Jeon.I'm beginner of JMP. I want to have a script for making scattorplot Matrix with Items I select.Could you give me a help with it? I splited one data table to two data table. one has value of test items(*Data type : Numeric & Continuous) , another one has upper limit & lower limit.(*Charactor & Norminal) Column names(=test item names) are the same in 2 different data table. Two sample d...
It seems that, sometimes, JMP 18 struggles to import files with different regional settings. This is a problem for first-time users who need to load multiple text files from different lab machines (JSL should not be the only answer). For example, if I have Windows and JMP in English, decimal separators can be changed from default to European (e.g., 3,14 instead of 3.14). With that option activated...
Hello, I am still new to JMP but I'm trying to determine the best way to model a non-linear system (generating DOE + model fitting). Context: Long story short, I have a large experimental space that I am trying to model (10 discrete variables + 10 continuous variables). Before I jump into my full experiment I'm working with a subset (1 discrete variable + 5 continuous variables) to make sure I'm m...
嗨,我正在尝试在这里寻求帮助。我可以使用示例 1 中的数据表单实现自定义贴图的自动颜色填充,但我想使用 Samole 2 中的数据表单实现自动填充颜色,但无法实现。如果你知道如何做,请告诉我,谢谢。我想直接通过地图名称列的计数值实现地图的自动填充,而无需向名称类添加额外的数字描述列。
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
Do you need to formulate drug products to match a specific dissolution profile? Do you n...
Jump into Graphing Wednesday, Feb. 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hosted via...