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  • How to add Summary Statistics for different X-axis nominal variables

    I have a large database which is formed of multiple experiments which can be separated by the scale of the experiment. I have created a scatter graph in graph builder with scale on the x-axis (a nominal variable with two values) and yield on the y-axis (continuous) with a overlay of experiment (as each experiment has repeats so there are multiple of each). Is there a way to add a summary statistic...

    Katz0801 Katz0801
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    Feb 28, 2024 1:25 AM
    1041 views | 2 replies
  • Is it possible to dynamically update "graph title" based item selection in local data filter (including multiple selections)?

    I use the following to display "my text" at the top of my charts.Dispatch( {}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "my text" )} )However, I would like to have the item(s) selected in the local data filter to be displayed in the graph title as I select them (perhaps multiple sections as comma delimited?).How to achieve this in JSL?

    Neo Neo
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    Feb 27, 2024 11:24 PM
    5251 views | 21 replies
  • How to loop images to append and save in ppt slides with different outline box title?

    Hi all I have created a function for variability plots with different parameters. My question is, can I append the images and save them as PowerPoint slides with their respective names in the outline box? I am currently doing this individually and is running this on JMP 15

    UserID16644 UserID16644
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    Feb 27, 2024 10:40 PM
    727 views | 1 replies
  • Swap X and Y axis in Variability Chart

    Hi, The names of my x-axis variables show up vertically aligned. I would not want to use 'rotated tick options'. Because this increases the horizontal dimension of the chart in an undesired way. Instead if I can swap the X and Y axis, then the input variable names will become reader-friendly, without increasing the size of the chart Please refer the image. Sorry, I had to crop the image to avoid ...

    klm123 klm123
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    Feb 27, 2024 12:49 PM
    3688 views | 6 replies
  • Remove checkbox selection in Column Info window

    I can't for the life of me find documentation on how to uncheck a box in the column info window through jsl. I'm trying to set a column data type to "Precision" and I don't want "Keep trailing zeroes" selected.  When I run the code below, "Keep trailing zeroes" is selected by default. column<<format("Precision",12,2) 

    Kyle_at_ii-vi Kyle_at_ii-vi
    Discussions |
    Feb 27, 2024 12:40 PM
    675 views | 1 replies

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  • How do you get the confidence intervals output for performance measures in the add ins imbalanced misclassification?

    I am wondering if you can let me know how can I get the performance measure Confidence Intervals (lower and the upper limit) and the alpha when I do the add ins imbalanced classification analysis to evaluate models (I picked all the models [except for generalized regression] and sampling techniques). I am able to get the PR Curve AUC, ROC Curve AUC, but I am not able to locate how to get the confi...

    NishaKumar NishaKumar
    Discussions |
    Feb 22, 2024 8:44 AM
    483 views | 0 replies
  • group file name and set lable by JSL looping, work fine but slowly

    I have a JLS works fine, but slowly, is there any method to improve it? 1. import multiple files2. base on file name rule group into a, b, c, d, e 3. base on file name rule to decide file count and set into rows for each groupNames Default To Here(1); dir = Pick Directory( "Select a directory" ); Multiple File Import( <<Set Folder( dir ), <<Set Show Hidden( 0 ), <<Set Subfolders( 0 ), <<Se...

    BayesRabbit7133 BayesRabbit7133
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    Feb 22, 2024 12:24 AM
    512 views | 0 replies
  • JMP 16 Discreet Fit to Gamma Poisson to Kulmogrov

    Hello All, Need assistance trying to get the goodness-of-fit test for the following parameters in JMP 16: 1. Discrete Fit2. Fit Negative Binomial (equivalent to Gamma Poisson as no option to choose gamma poisson)3. Goodness-of-fit4. output -> Pearson Chi-square -> no values  From past version of JMP 14, there was a gamma poisson option with a goodness-of-fit option that outputted kolmogorov's D va...

    RichC RichC
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    Feb 19, 2024 10:19 AM
    424 views | 0 replies
  • Visualizing 2-way clustering

    Hello - I have a table of 180 factors. I have used the 2-way clustering to visualize the grouping in the dendrogram, which works really well for a few factors. Close to 200? Not so much, especially in a paper. In my mind, I have basically the K-means type plot of all of the factors clumped and colored. But this doesn't make sense for factors. Is there a way that to plot the clustering on a 2-D plo...

    ehchandlerjr ehchandlerjr
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    Feb 15, 2024 2:53 PM
    429 views | 0 replies
  • Help with JMP formula (IFERROR)

    My excel formula is: =+IF(AND(E98=1, E108=1), IFERROR(E121-E$128, "NA"), "NA"). E98 = 1. E108 = 1. E121 is a calculation that came out to .267993337. E128 is a calculation that came out to -0.2792984. How can I re-create that formula in JMP? I'm trying with no success. 

    UpliftElk866 UpliftElk866
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    Feb 13, 2024 12:19 PM
    458 views | 0 replies
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