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  • Export JMP Table as JSON

    Extending @Craige_Hales excellent answer in JSON <=> JMP, is there a way to convert a JMP table to a JSON file that will preserve the row order of the original table (for human readability)?  Using JMP 17.2.0.

    robot robot
    Discussions |
    Aug 12, 2024 9:31 AM
    1430 views | 7 replies
  • Graph display issue

    Hello everyone, I’m having an issue with my graph display. I selected the line option, but the first column appears as a line while the second shows points, and there’s also an enumeration appearing. Please see the attached image for clarification.   // Créer un graphique de ligne pour "Percent NOK ICT" et "Percent NOK FCT" graph1 = Graph Builder( Size( 600, 400 ), Show Control Panel( 0 ),...

    Yass Yass
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    Aug 12, 2024 8:26 AM
    888 views | 4 replies
  • Plotting a Distribution Tracking Chart Over a Defined Date Range

     Hi everyone,

    I hope you're all doing well ! I have a question and would really appreciate your help.

    I've been working on a function to create a NOK tracking chart that shows the NOK percentages over a specific date range. Here's a quick rundown of what i want my function to do :
    - I get the start and end dates for the current month.
    - Next i creat new table to store the NOK percentages for each date...

    Yass Yass
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    Aug 12, 2024 1:27 AM
    2943 views | 19 replies
  • Process capability platform is missinging function of analyzing data with different distribution types

    Hi there, I recently discovered JMP 15 process capability Platform (Analyze -> Quality and Process -> Process Capability) is currently lacking function of calculating process capability based on the fitted distribution. Instead it always assume all data is normally distributed and it is quite misleading (at least this assumption should be noted somewhere so user can understand how the cpk / ppk is...

    HarryD HarryD
    Discussions |
    Aug 11, 2024 11:54 AM
    2996 views | 7 replies
  • Can't identify the problem

    Hi !  I wanted to generate a list for a user so he ca choose the abscissa he wants (for a graph) here is the script :    // Créer une liste des options pour la liste déroulante options = {"Supplier", "Supplier_Quarter"}; // Créer une boîte de dialogue personnalisée avec une liste déroulante dlg = New Window("Sélectionnez une abscisse de travail", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box("Sélectionnez un...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
    Discussions |
    Aug 11, 2024 8:10 AM
    512 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Can't identify the problem

    Hi !  I wanted to generate a list for a user so he ca choose the abscissa he wants (for a graph) here is the script :    // Créer une liste des options pour la liste déroulante options = {"Supplier", "Supplier_Quarter"}; // Créer une boîte de dialogue personnalisée avec une liste déroulante dlg = New Window("Sélectionnez une abscisse de travail", <<Modal, V List Box( Text Box("Sélectionnez un...

    PercentileBat71 PercentileBat71
    Discussions |
    Aug 11, 2024 8:10 AM
    512 views | 1 replies
  • Initialize data - very useful - but fragile!

    Hi, the initialize data settings in the column menu are quite useful.
    Who managed to control the settings via JSL?

    In the scripting index, I just found:which fits to "constant" mode. How can I set the other modes? 

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Aug 11, 2024 2:45 AM
    756 views | 4 replies
  • Question about R2 for weighted linear regression in JMP

    I used JMP to conduct a weighted linear regression analysis. However, RSquare value of the regression output by JMP (around 0.76) doesn't match my own calculation using the general formula of R2 = 1 - SS_residual/SS_total (around 0.78). The regression parameters output by JMP match my own calculation, so I suppose the regression was conducted correctly. I was wondering if R2 output by JMP is incor...

    hongyu1 hongyu1
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    Aug 11, 2024 1:49 AM
    789 views | 1 replies
  • Does the partition platform require equal variance?

    I have highly right skewed data (see distribution Leaks/mi Yr attached), only about 400 leaks on ~4,000,000 segments of pipe. I use the partition platform to identify factors for our model with differences in leak rates. But my data indicates unequal variance (attached RefService2023wLeaks - FitY by X, fails 4 of 5 variance tests). Does the partition platform require equal variance? By the Central...

    billboard billboard
    Discussions |
    Aug 11, 2024 1:33 AM
    906 views | 2 replies
  • Manually amending a DoE experiment suggested by JMP

    If for whatever reason, it is not possible to run a particular run, but a related one is possible, can the DoE design be manually amended? For example, if experiment ++-++ is suggested but is not possible and ++--+ is (and the latter does not appear elsewhere in the original design) can the user manually make the substitution, whilst bearing in mind that this change will likely alter the significa...

    kjwx109prime kjwx109prime
    Discussions |
    Aug 11, 2024 1:04 AM
    788 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Characters as Markers: How to get rid of the shadows?

    I like the ability to add outlines to data points. This is very useful for separating partially overlapping data points.Unfortunately, when characters are used as markers, the outline mode looks very unprofessional - kind of like shadows, but without blur.Besides turning off the outline mode - is there a way to get rid of the "shadows"? (view in My Videos)  Names Default to Here(1); dt = Open( "$S...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Aug 9, 2024 3:04 AM
    329 views | 0 replies
  • I would like to find another political scientist or other social scientist who has worked with mapping congressional districts and counties

    There are great bodies of data presented by counties (disease incidence, education, income). There are other bodies of data presented by congressional districts (incumbents, vote percentages, etc.)  I want to find someone who has mapped the counties and the congressional districts into the same space.  I know this can be done with ESRI products, but  I wanted to avoid jumping off the JMP platform....

    LNitz LNitz
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    Aug 8, 2024 8:15 PM
    365 views | 0 replies
  • App Interface saved in a journal

    Hi There 
    Some time ago, I created a nice interface using Application Builder and I saved it as a journal. Now I need to make a few modifications to the interface, rearrange buttons, add boxes, and so on. I am unable to import the journal into the app and have the interface appear in the Module tab. It is a very busy interface ...Is there a way to have it?

    Mioffe Mioffe
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    Aug 7, 2024 5:01 PM
    332 views | 0 replies
  • Multivariate Rho Boostrap option not in Mac Jmp 17.

    I am not getting the bootstrap option after running multivariate Spearson's Rho. How to proceed further? I want a forest plot with correlation and CI. <Jmp17>

    NoSQLBird361 NoSQLBird361
    Discussions |
    Aug 2, 2024 11:00 AM
    340 views | 0 replies
  • Overlying map files and merging content

    I have two map files--one of economic and health conditions by US  county.  The other of  congressional districts. I wish to overlay the county map on the congressional district map and attrribute the county measures to the ( larger opr smaller) congressional districts.  For example, what is the average rate of coronary heart disease in districts represented by  women versus those represented by m...

    LNitz LNitz
    Discussions |
    Aug 1, 2024 2:04 AM
    350 views | 0 replies
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