I'm really confused. I've tried this method :
Names Default To Here( 1 );
TOP5 = New Namespace(
TOP5:get_dates = Function({},
today_date = Format(Today(), "yyyy-mm-dd");
start_of_month = Format(Date Increment(Today(), "Month", 0, "Start"), "yyyy-mm-dd");
evallist({start_of_month, today_date});
TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages = Function({dt},
{start_of_month, today_date} = TOP5:get_dates();
dt_top5 = dt << Summary(
Group(:Date, :Nom de fichier, :Ref Produit, :ProductName, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :Result, :Reason Error, :CodeError),
nameFilesNok = Associative Array(Column(dt_top5, "Nom de fichier") << Get Values) << Get Keys;
total_nb_total_ict = 0;
total_nb_total_fct = 0;
total_nb_nok_ict = 0;
total_nb_nok_fct = 0;
For(k = 1, k <= N Items(nameFilesNok), k++,
FileRows = dt_top5 << get rows where(
:File Name == nameFilesNok[k] & Num(Char(:Date)) >= Num(start_of_month) & Num(Char(:Date)) <= Num(today_date) & Contains(:File Name, "GOLDEN") == 0
nb_total_ict = 0;
nb_total_fct = 0;
nb_nok_ict = 0;
nb_nok_fct = 0;
total_rows = N Items(FileRows);
For(j = 1, j <= total_rows, j++,
If(dt_top5:ICT_FCT[FileRows[j]] == "ICT",
nb_total_ict = nb_total_ict + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]];
If(dt_top5:Result[FileRows[j]] == "NOK",
nb_nok_ict = nb_nok_ict + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]]
, dt_top5:ICT_FCT[FileRows[j]] == "FCT",
nb_total_fct = nb_total_fct + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]];
If(dt_top5:Result[FileRows[j]] == "NOK",
nb_nok_fct = nb_nok_fct + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]]
total_nb_total_ict += nb_total_ict;
total_nb_total_fct += nb_total_fct;
total_nb_nok_ict += nb_nok_ict;
total_nb_nok_fct += nb_nok_fct;
percent_nok_ict = (total_nb_nok_ict / total_nb_total_ict) * 100;
percent_nok_fct = (total_nb_nok_fct / total_nb_total_fct) * 100;
Eval List({percent_nok_ict, percent_nok_fct});
TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages_over_time = Function({dt},
{start_of_month, today_date} = TOP5:get_dates();
dt_results = New Table("NOK Percentages Over Time",
New Column("Date", Numeric),
New Column("Percent_NOK_ICT", Numeric),
New Column("Percent_NOK_FCT", Numeric)
// Set the format for the Date column
Column(dt_results, "Date") << Data Type(
Format( "Format Pattern", "<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>", 10 ),
Input Format( "Format Pattern", "<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>" ),
Format( "Date Abbrev", 20 )
) << Set Field Width(10);
date = today_date;
While(Num(Char(date)) >= Num(start_of_month),
{percent_nok_ict, percent_nok_fct} = TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages_for_date(dt, date);
dt_results << Add Rows(
{Format(date, "yyyy-mm-dd"), percent_nok_ict, percent_nok_fct}
date = Date Increment(date, "day", -1);
TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages_for_date = Function({dt, specific_date},
{start_of_month, today_date} = TOP5:get_dates();
dt_top5 = dt << Summary(
Group(:Date, :Nom de fichier, :Ref Produit, :ProductName, :Baie, :ICT_FCT, :Result, :Reason Error, :CodeError),
nameFilesNok = Associative Array(Column(dt_top5, "Nom de fichier") << Get Values) << Get Keys;
total_nb_total_ict = 0;
total_nb_total_fct = 0;
total_nb_nok_ict = 0;
total_nb_nok_fct = 0;
For(k = 1, k <= N Items(nameFilesNok), k++,
FileRows = dt_top5 << get rows where(
:File Name == nameFilesNok[k] & Num(Char(:Date)) >= Num(start_of_month) & Num(Char(:Date)) <= Num(specific_date) & Contains(:File Name, "GOLDEN") == 0
nb_total_ict = 0;
nb_total_fct = 0;
nb_nok_ict = 0;
nb_nok_fct = 0;
total_rows = N Items(FileRows);
For(j = 1, j <= total_rows, j++,
If(dt_top5:ICT_FCT[FileRows[j]] == "ICT",
nb_total_ict = nb_total_ict + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]];
If(dt_top5:Result[FileRows[j]] == "NOK",
nb_nok_ict = nb_nok_ict + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]]
, dt_top5:ICT_FCT[FileRows[j]] == "FCT",
nb_total_fct = nb_total_fct + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]];
If(dt_top5:Result[FileRows[j]] == "NOK",
nb_nok_fct = nb_nok_fct + dt_top5:Nb. de lignes[FileRows[j]]
total_nb_total_ict += nb_total_ict;
total_nb_total_fct += nb_total_fct;
total_nb_nok_ict += nb_nok_ict;
total_nb_nok_fct += nb_nok_fct;
percent_nok_ict = (total_nb_nok_ict / total_nb_total_ict) * 100;
percent_nok_fct = (total_nb_nok_fct / total_nb_total_fct) * 100;
Eval List({percent_nok_ict, percent_nok_fct});
and when i can my fonction in :
TOP5:Do = Function ({nb_date1, nb_date2},
//Ouverture de la table de données
dt = Open( "/D:/Project JMP/Tables/TableData PY.jmp", invisible );
// Calculate NOK percentages
{percent_nok_ict, percent_nok_fct} = TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages(dt);
// Call the new function to get NOK percentages over time
dt_results = TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages_over_time(dt);
// Display the results table
dt_results << Show Window;
I keep getting an error every time.
What I want to do is create a function that calculates the NOK percentages like the second function TOP5:calculate_nok_percentages_over_time . The difference is that this function will calculate the NOK percentage between today's date and the start of the month, then from yesterday to the start of the month, and so on, until it reaches the start of the month. The results should be stored in a new table so I can use them to create graphs.