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  • Overwrite Excel Sheet

    I can create new sheets in a Excel file using "Create Excel Workbook" without any issue only if the sheets do not exist in the excel file.The problem come when the sheets already exist in the excel file and I try to overwrite them.There are some cells that remains with the old data, and I do not want them! Is there a way to have a full overwite of the sheets usign "Create Excel Workbook" ?Is there...

    Fabrizio_Ruo Fabrizio_Ruo
    Discussions |
    Jun 15, 2021 1:49 AM
    3923 views | 4 replies
  • How to back-transform Mean Confidence Limits to the original response form

    Hello!I built a multilinear regression model using natural logarithm transformation of my original response.How can I back-transform Mean Confidence Limits JMP calculates for each particular predicted value to have it in terms of my original response form?  Can I use next known relationship SD [ln(y)] ≅ RSD (y) to figure out PredSE confidence interval for my original response?Thanks!

    konstantin konstantin
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    Jun 14, 2021 10:29 AM
    1567 views | 2 replies
  • How does one copy the same data down across several rows?

    You know how one can drag or double click to copy a cell down to the end in Excel. Is there an easy way to do that in JMP? Or is the best way just to type up my data in Excel which is much easier/faster for me? 

    Lcheng Lcheng
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    Jun 14, 2021 9:35 AM
    2849 views | 2 replies
  • How to remove/hide the sigma message at the bottom of a control chart?

    Hello all I have a formatting issue where at the bottom of a Control Chart i have a message with "Note Sigma was specified during launch" in the bottom left hand corner. If I right click I can select to hide it. Unfortunately i have many charts with the same message. My question isIs this available through preferences to not display this message? If no, is there any other alternative? thank you

    AlexS AlexS
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    Jun 14, 2021 8:17 AM
    1864 views | 5 replies
  • Graph Builder > Spaghetti Plot With Average: How to create without Customization?

    Hi JMP Community, I'm trying to produce a large number of "spaghetti plots" with average lines for 3 categories as shown below but the only way I was able to build this example is by using a Custom Graphics Script: Is there a way to produce this graph more efficiently by for example combining more than 1 overlay criteria? Also, what is the proper syntax to assign specific color to the Markers adde...

    Thierry_S Thierry_S
    Discussions |
    Jun 14, 2021 7:17 AM
    2023 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Overwrite Excel Sheet

    I can create new sheets in a Excel file using "Create Excel Workbook" without any issue only if the sheets do not exist in the excel file.The problem come when the sheets already exist in the excel file and I try to overwrite them.There are some cells that remains with the old data, and I do not want them! Is there a way to have a full overwite of the sheets usign "Create Excel Workbook" ?Is there...

    Fabrizio_Ruo Fabrizio_Ruo
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    Jun 15, 2021 1:49 AM
    3923 views | 4 replies
  • How to back-transform Mean Confidence Limits to the original response form

    Hello!I built a multilinear regression model using natural logarithm transformation of my original response.How can I back-transform Mean Confidence Limits JMP calculates for each particular predicted value to have it in terms of my original response form?  Can I use next known relationship SD [ln(y)] ≅ RSD (y) to figure out PredSE confidence interval for my original response?Thanks!

    konstantin konstantin
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    Jun 14, 2021 10:29 AM
    1567 views | 2 replies
  • Comma as a Decimal Point

    In many/most parts of the world a comma is used to indicate a decimal place rather than a period.  I know that JMP supports this through the support of regional settings, but I don't what what happens in practice.   A couple of specific questions:   1. Is the regional setting respected when typing data into a JMP table i.e. for PI you would enter 3,14   2. If I use the char function to convert thi...

    David_Burnham David_Burnham
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    Jun 14, 2021 4:33 AM
    8993 views | 7 replies
  • Looking for a way to have a single local data filter control multiple graph in a report

    Hello, I've built a report with multiple graphs. The graphs are showing different aspects of the same data. I'm looking for a way to script so that I can specify a single local data filter to control multiple graphs in the report. I could use the data filter instead but I see  2 issues with that approach:1- In JMP16, it seems that that data filter cannot be included in a report along with some gra...

    Sburel Sburel
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    Jun 13, 2021 7:32 PM
    700 views | 1 replies
  • Dynamic Calculator Add in to Calculate Statistics As i Select and Unselect Rows

    Hi All,  Am looking for a add-in to JMP to calculate the basic statistics (quantiles, means, medians, stdevs, ranges) of my tables automatically based on the rows/columns I am picking and changing in a different window, charts are a bonus, but just come comparison tables would be great now; Rather then plotting graphs over and over. Any recommendations? Thank you!

    Italianbaby757 Italianbaby757
    Discussions |
    Jun 12, 2021 11:53 PM
    1562 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Using a List to Filter in Custom Query Builder - Question

    Hello, I would like to use a list to filter within a continuous column in Query Builder. Range and then join does not work as my data set from my database will be tens of millions of lines, so I would like my list to be the only thing queried. I would like to use a list (I have a separate data sheet with the column) of about 40 or so unique numerical values and use that in the filter for a custom ...

    Benjamin_S Benjamin_S
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    Jun 3, 2021 7:59 AM
    1072 views | 0 replies
  • Can I control text size in a word cloud inside a dashboard container?

    Hi all,I have a dashboard with a data filter, a map, and a word cloud that looks like image 1 below. I have two formatting issues with the word cloud I'd like to fix. First, by design, when I make different selections using the data filter, the subset of records that are shown in the map changes and the word cloud applies only to that selection. However, when I change the data filter selection, th...

    caseylott caseylott
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    Apr 28, 2021 12:03 PM
    1005 views | 0 replies
  • 多重比較での生存曲線の書き方 Bonferroniなど

    4群での生存曲線をJMPproでの書き方を教えて下さい。 また、JMPで「環境設定グループ」から「レポート」を選択し、「ローカルデータフィルター」を出せればできる方法も紹介されていたのですが、「ローカルデータフィルター」を出せません。 どの方法でもよいので、JMPProで、多重比較法を用いた生存曲線の書き方をどなたか教えてください!宜しくお願い致します。

    27070 27070
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    Apr 20, 2021 1:41 AM
    1953 views | 0 replies
  • Fantasy Baseball League

    I am in a 16 team fantasy baseball league. Each week we tabulate totals for home runs, batting average, stolen bases, wins, saves, era, etc. If my team has the most home runs, I win that category for the week. We track 10 statistics so after each week I may have a final score of 6-3-1. My question is how can I use JMP to check what my score would have been if I had played each of the other 14 team...

    atlas100 atlas100
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    Apr 19, 2021 1:29 PM
    793 views | 0 replies
  • Generation of overdispersed poisson count data (vs gamma poisson)

    Hello, I would like to reconcile the parametrization used in the Random Gamma Poisson(lambda, sigma)with the over-dispersion parameter as estimated in generalized linear model platform. Take for instance the attached table. Here the generating function is  Random Gamma Poisson(exp(1+3*:X1),10)Running glm with poisson/log + overdispersion I obtain: Overdispersion = 6.09.    Is there any way to link...

    matteo_patelmo matteo_patelmo
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    Apr 12, 2021 9:53 AM
    955 views | 0 replies
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