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  • JSL: close data table not responding

    Hi, I have three opened data tables defined by dt_pp, dt_pp_t, dt_final and I want to close them. My script contains the following lines:   Close( dt_pp, No Save ); Close( dt_pp_t, No Save ); Close(dt_final, No Save);   If I run the whole script, it closes the two first data tables and not the last one. But if I select this particular line and run it, it works and the table closes.  What am I doin...

    Aziza Aziza
    Discussions |
    Apr 22, 2018 11:38 PM
    6645 views | 3 replies
  • Debugging JSL script

    Hi All, When I encounter a problem in the script, I try to put the cursor on the variables and it used to show me the last stored value of different variables in log window, instead of specifically typing show(variable). I am not sure what I changed in settings/preferences, it doesn't show up anymore. I am using JMP 13. Anyone came across this issue? Thank you

    vishwasanj vishwasanj
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    Apr 22, 2018 7:00 PM
    4643 views | 1 replies
  • Variable behavior in JSL functions

      My scripts generally have two main components: A main function followed by the GUI code, all in the same file. I typically use variables that are contained within the Here namespace, get the variables from user input, and call the main function from an 'OK' button box. I don't pass the main function any variables, and just use the variables that were assigned upon the 'OK' button box script. I a...

    mikedriscoll mikedriscoll
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    Apr 22, 2018 6:09 PM
    12019 views | 9 replies
  • IR Chart label and LCL

    I have the following script which works well, it creates multiple IR charts based off values in a list generated from the unique values from a datatable.  I would like to label each chart the same as the value in the list it was generated from.  I would also like to set all my lower control limits to 0.   I can't see how to do this. summarize(SNTime2, UnitNames = by(Column("Sub_name")));

    Discussions |
    Apr 22, 2018 9:36 AM
    5493 views | 3 replies
  • Creating Voronoi Diagrams in JMP or JSL

    Hi all, I'd like to create a Voronoi diagram within the JMP environment. I have a set of point coordinates (X & Y) that are located within the same plane (Z). I'd like a way to show the density of the points per unit area. A Voronoi diagram would be one way to accomplish this. It shows the boundary around the point which is defined by half-way between the euclidean distance between that point P1 a...

    thisismiller thisismiller
    Discussions |
    Apr 21, 2018 6:28 PM
    15258 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Debugging JSL script

    Hi All, When I encounter a problem in the script, I try to put the cursor on the variables and it used to show me the last stored value of different variables in log window, instead of specifically typing show(variable). I am not sure what I changed in settings/preferences, it doesn't show up anymore. I am using JMP 13. Anyone came across this issue? Thank you

    vishwasanj vishwasanj
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    Apr 22, 2018 7:00 PM
    4643 views | 1 replies
  • Best way to work with .jmp files saved on SharePoint

    Hello,Our company uses SharePoint quite extensively for project files, and an increasing number of projects include user's .jmp analysis files. However, when viewing the files in SharePoint the .jmp entries have the "other file type" icon. Of greater concern is when a user loads their file. They are expecting it to behave in a similar way to other Office documents, i.e. when they hit Save in the a...

    drc_lewis drc_lewis
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    Apr 16, 2018 1:38 PM
    12067 views | 3 replies
  • Not getting same results in neural network run from menu vs run from script.

    I am trying to run a script that automates screening the eight different penalty modes in Neural Network and outputting the results into the current table. I have been troubleshooting why I am not getting different results from the different Fits in the script. This led me to look at the results for each individual penalty mode when the model was set up from the Neural Menu vs the script. The scri...

    jwalk jwalk
    Discussions |
    Apr 16, 2018 6:05 AM
    12341 views | 8 replies
  • Control Chart Builder with source data from multiple columns

    I like the visualization provided by the Control Chart Builder.  In particular I like the stacked Xbar-R plots in one figure, the built-in distribution with normal distribution fit overlay, and automatic control limits calculated overlaid on the charts.  Unfortunately, many different data sources I'm working with aren't entered in full to our JMP tables.  Mean, range and standard devivation are ca...

    sbiedrzycki sbiedrzycki
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    Apr 13, 2018 5:32 AM
    7641 views | 4 replies
  • Comparing means of two categorical factors including interactions

    Hello, I am analyzing some data collected over the past year. For privacy reasons, I don't want to dive into it too much, but I think I've developed a simplified version of the experiment that I can use to ask questions. I have a randomized design with a 3x4 factorial arrangement. We'll say that I have a "Day" factor (Day 1, Day 10, Day 30) and a "Treatment" factor (Approach A, Approach B, Approac...

    acbart acbart
    Discussions |
    Apr 13, 2018 12:12 AM
    4201 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results

    Hello everybodyI am going to undrestand the P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results. But different interpretations of these values can be found in the web. It seems that the true interpretation is related to null hypothesis and confidence intervel.The results of the study are as the attached pictures.Could any body inform me what exactly these statistics are saying and base on w...

    aryasohrabi aryasohrabi
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    Mar 17, 2018 2:22 AM
    3543 views | 0 replies
  • Convert separate DATE and TIME columns in formats YYYYMMDD and HHMMSS into a single column

    Hello, I manage an addin for my company where all data is imported into JMP via command line utilities owned by our automation team. My addin translates a users request into a formatted command and issues the command in the background. The data is returned back as a text file on the users system. My addin can then load the data from the text file. The issue that I have is that the columns vary bas...

    Picard Picard
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    Mar 15, 2018 1:57 PM
    2379 views | 0 replies
  • pseudo r square in JMP choice model platform

    Hi,I am using JMP's choice model platform to analyse some Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) data. I am trying to find the pseudo r square but the platform does not provide it. Is there a way to calculate pseudo r square based on the results JMP presents under the choice model platform? I know pseudo R square comes up as entropy RSquare under JMP's fit model platform, nominal logistic fir for respon...

    DG DG
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    Mar 11, 2018 6:27 AM
    2004 views | 0 replies
  • chnging colors on PCA plot

    Hi,I seem to be able to change the color of the circle around the PCA plot but not the arrows which remain red no matter what I do. I changed the circle by Right Clicking on the plot --> Customize --> Circle and selecting the black color. I did the same using the option of Customize --> Arrow but nothing changes.Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks a lot.Helga

    helga55 helga55
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    Mar 9, 2018 2:20 PM
    3247 views | 0 replies
  • .jsl scripts will lock files even while set to read and execute permissions only

    I am having an issue where an add-in script which runs another script via the include(); function is locking the included script file while other users are running it. This renders me unable to update that script. I tried setting the permissions on the repository and the file as read and execute only but it still locks when other users access it.

    nbullen nbullen
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    Feb 5, 2018 12:05 PM
    2077 views | 0 replies
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