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  • JMP > JSL > Journal > How to Identify Collapsed versus Expanded Items?

    Hi JMP Community, I want to extract items from an existing Journal based on their Collapsed / Expanded status. I tried to use the "Root << is collapsed (Node)" method but it is returning an empty value independently of Collapsed/Expanded status (see JSL work in progress below). (JMP 16.1, Windows 10 Pro) Questions: Is the "<< is Collapsed" method applicable to journal structures?If it does, what i...

    Thierry_S Thierry_S
    Discussions |
    Jul 20, 2022 10:21 PM
    1152 views | 3 replies
  • How do I display the heat map for a cell plot?

    Using JMP16 and I'm trying to figure out how to display the heat map when I graph a cell plot.

    CarlSchmidt CarlSchmidt
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    Jul 20, 2022 6:40 PM
    1444 views | 3 replies
  • Use variable in graph builder customize script window

    Hi   I would like to plot 3 lines and a shaded area between the outer lines using the customize script in graph builder.  The first is the line y0=x.  The second and third lines are y1= a*x and y2 = b*x.  (example a = 1.05 and b = 0.95 I want to shade between the lines y1 and y2.  I use a polygon fill to do this, but the polygon function requires fixed values and does not scale with the graph axes...

    jeffsecor jeffsecor
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    Jul 20, 2022 3:34 PM
    1169 views | 2 replies
  • How to link graph selections with JSL?

    Hi Everyone! I am using Application Builder and I have several different plots I scripted using Graph Builder. Many of the graphs are using different data tables that have been operated on using Python and sent back into JMP. Because the data goes through significant processing in Python, these tables do not include any of the same variables. I am looking for a way to connect selections on these g...

    EstelleS EstelleS
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    Jul 20, 2022 12:10 PM
    3299 views | 12 replies
  • How to connect points with line in I-MR chart ?

    Hi, I struggle to find a way to add a line to connect all points in I-MR chart. The option "Show connect line" is checked but still nothing.Anyone has an idea why ? Thanks

    LogitTurtle576 LogitTurtle576
    Discussions |
    Jul 20, 2022 8:58 AM
    1289 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Is there any way to create a multi-layer array?

    Hi, 1) I'm trying to create a multilayer array where one key, gets multiple layers. Is there any way to do this. For example, my jsl should look like: EX = Associative Array( {"Blue", "Green", "Red"}, {1, 2, 3}, {"Bear", "Gecko", "Rabbit"} );I'm trying to get it so that if I select "Blue", I get both 1 and "Bear". 2) Is there any way for an array to map for a function. For example, EX = Associativ...

    PowerOx327 PowerOx327
    Discussions |
    Jul 19, 2022 10:10 PM
    809 views | 2 replies
  • Making Bezier Curves using SVG Path Strings

    I have two SVG Paths which are constructed in the same way.  a = "M 10 60 C 20 80 40 80 50 60"; b = "M 0 -150 C 82.8 -150 150 -82.8 150 0";A quick Plot of 'a' shows the following arc New Window( "JMP 8PFU Layout Example", Graph Box( frameSize( 500, 500 ), xScale(-175,175), yScale(-175,175), penColor("blue"); penSize(2); path(a, 0); ); );However when I try to plot 'b' I get an error ...

    thickey thickey
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    Jul 19, 2022 4:06 AM
    2126 views | 6 replies
  • How to recreate the Destructive Degradation Profiler using the Graph Profiler platform?

    The Destructive Degradation platform enables to analyze data collected from accelerated testing. A number of predefined models is available. When selecting the Arrhenius model (with temperature used as the acceleration factor) to characterize the degradation path, JMP computes model estimates and provides three degradation profilers.I would like to recreate the primary Degradation Profiler using t...

    pepees pepees
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    Jul 18, 2022 9:25 PM
    888 views | 1 replies
  • ANOVA with repeated measures factors

    Hello, I want to build a model for analyzing the results of an experiment I performed, the structure of the experiment as shown in the picture.I have two treatments, each treatment contains 5 hives, from each hive I chose 6 bees, I gave each bee a task that she performed 8 trials.I measured the time required to perform each trial. I consider bees and hives as random effect, each trial as repeated ...

    Erez Erez
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    Jul 18, 2022 9:13 PM
    2993 views | 6 replies
  • Force column from CSV import as Character not Numeric Date

    Hello, My input CSV data files have a Character column in the format of: "##.##.##"."##" can be anything from 0 to 99. The issue that I am having is that for most of these combinations, when I import the CSV using a basic "Open(filename)" command, the column converts it to a numeric date type which is not useful for me. I have made patch fixes using Month/Day/Year column functions but I was intere...

    caseofmondays caseofmondays
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    Jul 18, 2022 9:25 AM
    2221 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Choice model platform and marginal effects?

    Hi everyone,I have used the choice model platform to design and analyse choice experiments. However, at the analysis step, there are some parts of JMP platform output that are not clear, and I wonder if you can provide an answer:It is not clear how marginal effects are calculated in JMP.More specifically, how do we obtain marginal probabilities from marginal utilities since neither the utility fun...

    gav2013 gav2013
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    Jul 18, 2022 7:14 AM
    809 views | 0 replies
  • July/August classes from JMP Education

    JMP Education is offering upcoming classes with a live instructor. Links go to the page in the course catalog with more information and a link to register. July 26-29: JMP: Reliability Analysis for Non-Repairable Systems August 9-12: JMP Pro: Analyzing Curves and Profiles Using the Functional Data Explorer August 16-19: JMP: Statistical Decisions Using ANOVA and Regression August 29-September 1: J...

    Di_Michelson Di_Michelson
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    Jul 11, 2022 8:50 AM
    481 views | 0 replies
  • Urgent: covariance parameter estimates are all zero (i.e. estimate, Std error, confidence interval)

    Dear All,I have been analysing a two factorial (3*4) RCBD repeated measures design by using the mixed model approach in JMP. Above is a section of the report I got. Why are the estimates zero. Other information include about the analysis include:1. 14 continuous variables measured four times at unequal time periods2. All the three covariance structures I tried (AR1, Toeplizt and spatial power) had...

    MomentMonster90 MomentMonster90
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    Jun 13, 2022 5:53 AM
    616 views | 0 replies
  • Validate column values (make sure all values in column follow a specific pattern)

    Is there a better way rather than iteration of all the rows to validate values in column? Let's say before making something with the column I want to make sure that all values in column match specific Regex. Like so:!IsMissing(Regex(Column(myColumn)[1], "^\w+(\d{3})\w+$", "\1"))I can iterate through each row to make sure that all of them match, but maybe there is a better way?  

    miguello miguello
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    May 6, 2022 11:09 AM
    482 views | 0 replies
  • SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions)

    HI, How to find estimators of FGNLS and NLS (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions) Using JmpPro.# Note that it is present in SAS in the proc syslin
    and it is in stat in the nlsur command Regards

    Raaed Raaed
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    May 5, 2022 4:45 PM
    624 views | 0 replies
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