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  • R integration crashing

    I've been running R integration specifically for making graphics with ggplot. Today of a sudden I started getting this error: 

    The request could not be completed because the R child process terminated unexpectedly with exit status 0xc0000409.
    Send data for "dt" failed

    I can still send data to R with other add ins that I've created, but something is happening specifically only with ggplot graph...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Jan 24, 2022 5:06 AM
    824 views | 2 replies
  • Control PDF resolution while saving a journal as PDF

    I create JMP journal based reports which I then save as PDF for sharing. The saved PDF sizes are currently typically >20MB. I am wondering if it is possible to control (in my JSL script for saving) the resolution of the graphics so as to bring the sizes of PDF reports below 10MB? If yes, could I please get an example?

    Neo Neo
    Discussions |
    Jan 22, 2022 10:33 AM
    2794 views | 5 replies
  • analyzing"count" data

    We did a study in which we collected data on publications in my field over a five year period.  For each publication we completed a 24 element checklist. The spreadsheet has one column with with integer values ranging from 0-24. I would like to compare how publications scored on the checklist by publication year (coded in a different column).  What is an appropriate statistic for such a comparison...

    dweinber dweinber
    Discussions |
    Jan 22, 2022 7:06 AM
    1715 views | 4 replies
  • Script works as expected in JMP13 but throws an error in JMP16 ?

    The following script works fine in JMP 13.2.1 and produces expected output but throws an error when run in JMP16.1.0. What part in the script is not acceptable in JMP16? Names Default to Here (1); //clear symbols (); //clear log (); dlg = New Window("Please enter the following", << Modal, <<Return Result, Border Box(Top(20), Bottom(0), Left(20), Right(20), V List Box( tb1= Text Box("partID: "),...

    Neo Neo
    Discussions |
    Jan 22, 2022 1:16 AM
    1440 views | 5 replies
  • M1 Macbook Pro JMP Capabilities

    Hi all, 
    I'm thinking about upgrading from my windows set-up and running a M1 Macbook Pro as my primary set up. I wanted to open up the discussion and see if any other JMP users were using the newest Macbook Pro and if they have run into any hurdles yet? I do a lot of R/Python integration. I do have a decent set up right now, but want to know if anyone else has tested out this connection and knows ...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Jan 21, 2022 1:52 PM
    628 views | 0 replies

Latest Discussions

  • R integration crashing

    I've been running R integration specifically for making graphics with ggplot. Today of a sudden I started getting this error: 

    The request could not be completed because the R child process terminated unexpectedly with exit status 0xc0000409.
    Send data for "dt" failed

    I can still send data to R with other add ins that I've created, but something is happening specifically only with ggplot graph...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Jan 24, 2022 5:06 AM
    824 views | 2 replies
  • Control PDF resolution while saving a journal as PDF

    I create JMP journal based reports which I then save as PDF for sharing. The saved PDF sizes are currently typically >20MB. I am wondering if it is possible to control (in my JSL script for saving) the resolution of the graphics so as to bring the sizes of PDF reports below 10MB? If yes, could I please get an example?

    Neo Neo
    Discussions |
    Jan 22, 2022 10:33 AM
    2794 views | 5 replies
  • analyzing"count" data

    We did a study in which we collected data on publications in my field over a five year period.  For each publication we completed a 24 element checklist. The spreadsheet has one column with with integer values ranging from 0-24. I would like to compare how publications scored on the checklist by publication year (coded in a different column).  What is an appropriate statistic for such a comparison...

    dweinber dweinber
    Discussions |
    Jan 22, 2022 7:06 AM
    1715 views | 4 replies
  • M1 Macbook Pro JMP Capabilities

    Hi all, 
    I'm thinking about upgrading from my windows set-up and running a M1 Macbook Pro as my primary set up. I wanted to open up the discussion and see if any other JMP users were using the newest Macbook Pro and if they have run into any hurdles yet? I do a lot of R/Python integration. I do have a decent set up right now, but want to know if anyone else has tested out this connection and knows ...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Jan 21, 2022 1:52 PM
    628 views | 0 replies
  • How do I stop JMP from opening Files and scripts open in invisible mode?

    When I open a file or a script, JMP opens it in the invisible mode. How can I turn this option off? Thanks.

    vkkumar321 vkkumar321
    Discussions |
    Jan 21, 2022 1:52 PM
    1064 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • M1 Macbook Pro JMP Capabilities

    Hi all, 
    I'm thinking about upgrading from my windows set-up and running a M1 Macbook Pro as my primary set up. I wanted to open up the discussion and see if any other JMP users were using the newest Macbook Pro and if they have run into any hurdles yet? I do a lot of R/Python integration. I do have a decent set up right now, but want to know if anyone else has tested out this connection and knows ...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Jan 21, 2022 1:52 PM
    628 views | 0 replies
  • How do I apply time fixed effects with multiple regression

    I have financial panel data and would like to hold dummy time variables fixed as I regress the other independent variables to test my model's significance. Not sure how to proceed. Is this function only available in SAS? Thanks   

    RiDe RiDe
    Discussions |
    Jan 10, 2022 11:18 PM
    546 views | 0 replies
  • separating labelled values from graph points

    I have looked in the scripting help section and all over this community and haven't found a solution for my problem so hopefully someone can help. I have a graph containing two trend lines and a bar graph and want to label the values of each point but when I set the labels both values show up on each trend line and I can't figure out how to separate the labels. I tried stacking the labelled column...

    Cdougz Cdougz
    Discussions |
    Dec 31, 2021 7:38 AM
    685 views | 0 replies
  • Expand Contours


    I understand that the contouring is done based on triangulation to data points, but is there a method for expanding them further to fit a custom SHP file I've imported into JMP? I've already set the alpha and the lowest value so the contour should cover the, 'most', area. Any other methods? Thanks! 

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Dec 15, 2021 12:49 PM
    553 views | 0 replies
  • Getting all Zeros for the AR(1) estimate/std error in a Repeated Measures Mixed Model Using JMP Pro

    I am fitting a model of a continuous response against 7 fixed effects. When running the Standard Least Squares; my residuals plots/assumptions checks don't look too bad but the Durbin Watson test is suggesting an AR(1) structure in the residuals. This is expected for this particular analysis and is consistent with other data sets looking at the same response/factors. The Time Series platform also ...

    lisa2442 lisa2442
    Discussions |
    Dec 14, 2021 7:32 AM
    671 views | 0 replies
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