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  • Reshaping data: what is the best way to aggregate rows of the same object into one row?

    I have a table with more than a thousand rows. A row is an object that has 5 measurements associated with it at each event.  An object may appear in multiple rows because of multiple measurements performed at different events,  Here is what the table looks like.  Alias column is the object name (the 19 objects seen here are unique, i.e, measured only once).   What I need is a table where each row...

    Discussions |
    Nov 22, 2021 7:41 AM
    1375 views | 2 replies
  • Tabulate question

    Hello everybody,   I have a question regarding the Tabulate report.  Here is an example using the Big Class data table. What I would like to display is only the mean value for height and only the maximum value for weight. I know it is feasible when the variables are in columns but I didn't manage to do it when they are in rows. Maybe there is a drag and drop trick to do it... Thanks in advance fo...

    anne_sa anne_sa
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    Nov 22, 2021 7:14 AM
    1727 views | 5 replies
  • JSL help: Can Outline Boxes be assigned functions?

    Hi All,     I was working on coding for a different subject when I needed to search the community for some support, but I came across this post from many years ago and it got me wondering, could it be done (there was no solution to the original post)? Can Outline boxes be assigned a function so that depending on their open/close state, it will close/open other outline boxes? If another outline box...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Nov 22, 2021 5:37 AM
    1776 views | 6 replies
  • Regression model based on DOE with many repetitions

    Hi community, I've received a data set from an experiment where a product was dropped from a certain height and its performance tested afterwards, resulting in a pass/fail response.There were six different configurations of the device, and 16 specimens of each configuration. All 96 specimens were drop tested in random order.The main reason for the many repetitions for each configuration is that th...

    mbnielsen mbnielsen
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    Nov 22, 2021 4:44 AM
    1052 views | 2 replies
  • PCA common scale

    Hello JMP communityIs there a way to perform PCA using a common scale the way it is possible to do so with K-means cluster?I ask because the common scale K-means cluster is a lot better for my data but I want to remove the clustering data and just show the PCA biplot with axesBest,

    ezorlo ezorlo
    Discussions |
    Nov 22, 2021 1:26 AM
    2697 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Tabulate question

    Hello everybody,   I have a question regarding the Tabulate report.  Here is an example using the Big Class data table. What I would like to display is only the mean value for height and only the maximum value for weight. I know it is feasible when the variables are in columns but I didn't manage to do it when they are in rows. Maybe there is a drag and drop trick to do it... Thanks in advance fo...

    anne_sa anne_sa
    Discussions |
    Nov 22, 2021 7:14 AM
    1727 views | 5 replies
  • JSL help: Can Outline Boxes be assigned functions?

    Hi All,     I was working on coding for a different subject when I needed to search the community for some support, but I came across this post from many years ago and it got me wondering, could it be done (there was no solution to the original post)? Can Outline boxes be assigned a function so that depending on their open/close state, it will close/open other outline boxes? If another outline box...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Nov 22, 2021 5:37 AM
    1776 views | 6 replies
  • "Create Process Capability" Option not seen under "Distribution" in JMP 16 trial. Please advise.

    "Create Process Capability" Option not seen under "Distribution" in JMP 16 trial. Please advise.

    db84 db84
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    Nov 21, 2021 12:01 AM
    726 views | 1 replies
  • matplotlib on JMP graph builder

    Hi I'm trying to combine matplotlib and JMP graph builder, but I don't know if it is possible. I want to plot a particular graph that I only could plot on matplotlib; but I want to take the advantages about the JMP graph builder interface, like data filtering. It is possible to show a matplotlib plot over the JMP graph builder interface? Thanks in advance

    ziboltis ziboltis
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    Nov 20, 2021 6:50 AM
    1929 views | 4 replies
  • Combine data from different workbooks in stack format

    Hi JMP experts,  I am looking for an option to club the data from different excel workbooks into one JMP file by stacking them under one header. Please suggest best option to import the data from multiple workbooks [Please remember that it is not worksheet] By the way, I am using JMP 15 pro, on Mac OS. Thanks in advance. 

    maghizhbalaji maghizhbalaji
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    Nov 19, 2021 4:42 PM
    3443 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • DoE with two-choice experiments, continuous response variable

    We want to rank the preference  of population of animals for n different recipes. Recipes are tested in two-choice assays, where groups of over 100 individuals can choose one choice or the other. Preference for the group is computed as a preference index, a continuous variable that is between -1 and 1. Is there an experimental design that would help reduce the number of combinations to test in ord...

    Alexa_Guigue Alexa_Guigue
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    Nov 19, 2021 7:06 AM
    567 views | 0 replies
  • Can I share dashboard with specific person in JMP Public?

    Hi, I would like to share my dashboard in JMP Public. However, there are only two choices: "only share with me" and "share with everyone". Is there anyway to share with specific persons? Thanks.

    lujc07 lujc07
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    Nov 9, 2021 7:41 AM
    529 views | 0 replies
  • Changing axis scale with superscripts

    I'm wondering how to change my axis scale with superscripts. I am using unicode font to write the superscripts but I am having trouble applying the superscripts to my axis. I want the minimun to be 10⁻¹⁰ and maximum to be 10⁻³. I have attached scrrenshots below of what I'm stuck on. I'm thinking I need to use a custom format but I can't figure it out. Y axis scale needs to be LOG.   

    hannahmcnamara hannahmcnamara
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    Nov 7, 2021 1:02 PM
    485 views | 0 replies
  • Predictive Modeling Using JMP Pro is Scheduled!

    The Predictive Modeling Using JMP Pro course is scheduled in the Live Web classroom 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm EDT, Monday-Thursday, 11-14APR2022. Learn how to build and understand predictive models such as generalized regression models, support vector machines, naive Bayes, decision trees, and neural networks. We'll also compare complex models and score new data in JMP. Click here for the course page and...

    KathyKiraly KathyKiraly
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    Nov 5, 2021 6:50 AM
    573 views | 0 replies
  • Variability Chart Platform Factor Re-Insert Positions (Not Swapping)

    Hello JMP Community, I understand dragging between any two factors swaps the location pairs in the Variability Chart platform. Is there a way to drag to specifically re-insert the factors instead? For example, can I drag "Layout" between "Horizontal" and "Wafer ID" in the attached screenshot instead of performing multiple drags to have the intended result? I am aware I can do this reordering with ...

    Technician Technician
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    Oct 26, 2021 11:04 AM
    799 views | 0 replies
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