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  • How to interpret the result of Covariance Analys

    Hello, my question is about the way to see the table of Covariance Analysis in JMP. I have data above, and I consider Height as covariate, and I did Covariance Analysis.  First, I think the blue box is "adjusted mean" by covariate because actual mean for Control, Fast and Slow is 12.13, 9.41 and 15.83 respectively. Therefore, second, the parameter estimate (Red box) provides intercept and τ1 and τ...

    JK JK
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 3:46 PM
    3618 views | 6 replies
  • Can I view the log of an executable (\\!) JSL?

    The first line of my jsl is \\! which makes it executable (running outside of, or without first starting, JMP.exe). My script no longer works now and relies on Get Current Directory() which returns a different path if I try to run it and view the log in JMP. Can a JSL write the standard JSL log to a text file which I can read in another text editor? My script runs as a service in the background an...

    chulew chulew
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    Nov 3, 2021 2:01 PM
    13302 views | 6 replies
  • Row and Column Names, Axis Labels not visible in JMP 16

    I recently moved from JMP 14 to JMP 16.When opening a project, the Row and Column names are not shown automatically,only after they are selected.In Graph Builder, the axis labels are not visible, except on the axis settings page.Is this an issue with the package I downloaded, or am I missing something?Thank you,Tom

    tomSorger tomSorger
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 12:01 PM
    1127 views | 2 replies
  • DOE blocking and a confounding factor

    Ok. So, I have an experiment with 5 (five) 2-level factors, F1, F2...F5. An additional variable, not of direct interest, was a hard-to-change factor that called for a  (blocking) variable F6 that essentially divided the experiment into 2 separate 1-week blocks. That's because one of our participant groups had to divide their participation into one week or the other, and we wanted to block for that...

    gchesterton gchesterton
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    Nov 3, 2021 11:35 AM
    1249 views | 1 replies
  • Creating Bar Graph (Total Open and Close Cases) and Line Graph (Time to Close Trend)

    Hi, I have this bar graph below, which indicates total escalation cases for each month (YearMo). I would like to create two similar bar graph, but with a line graph representing a trend. How can I add a line graph on top of this to show: Line Graph 1. A mean line graph representing time to close trend (in days) for each YearMo?Line Graph 2. A line graph representing total cases closed for each Yea...

    Fwied Fwied
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 10:06 AM
    884 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Can I view the log of an executable (\\!) JSL?

    The first line of my jsl is \\! which makes it executable (running outside of, or without first starting, JMP.exe). My script no longer works now and relies on Get Current Directory() which returns a different path if I try to run it and view the log in JMP. Can a JSL write the standard JSL log to a text file which I can read in another text editor? My script runs as a service in the background an...

    chulew chulew
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 2:01 PM
    13302 views | 6 replies
  • Row and Column Names, Axis Labels not visible in JMP 16

    I recently moved from JMP 14 to JMP 16.When opening a project, the Row and Column names are not shown automatically,only after they are selected.In Graph Builder, the axis labels are not visible, except on the axis settings page.Is this an issue with the package I downloaded, or am I missing something?Thank you,Tom

    tomSorger tomSorger
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 12:01 PM
    1127 views | 2 replies
  • DOE blocking and a confounding factor

    Ok. So, I have an experiment with 5 (five) 2-level factors, F1, F2...F5. An additional variable, not of direct interest, was a hard-to-change factor that called for a  (blocking) variable F6 that essentially divided the experiment into 2 separate 1-week blocks. That's because one of our participant groups had to divide their participation into one week or the other, and we wanted to block for that...

    gchesterton gchesterton
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 11:35 AM
    1249 views | 1 replies
  • Creating Bar Graph (Total Open and Close Cases) and Line Graph (Time to Close Trend)

    Hi, I have this bar graph below, which indicates total escalation cases for each month (YearMo). I would like to create two similar bar graph, but with a line graph representing a trend. How can I add a line graph on top of this to show: Line Graph 1. A mean line graph representing time to close trend (in days) for each YearMo?Line Graph 2. A line graph representing total cases closed for each Yea...

    Fwied Fwied
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 10:06 AM
    884 views | 1 replies
  • Model process parameter interactions with process time

    Hello everyone,  I have a 3 step process with 7 factors A, B, C, D, E, F, G and a single response Y. Step 1: A and B are some continuous machine settings and C is the time for which those settings are applied20 <= A <= 100300 <= B <= 70030 <= C <= 180 Step 2: D and E are continuous factors for a treatment that is applied to the samples after step 1.  Step 3: F and G are discrete numeric factors fo...

    username-SAS username-SAS
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2021 9:00 AM
    1529 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Variability Chart Platform Factor Re-Insert Positions (Not Swapping)

    Hello JMP Community, I understand dragging between any two factors swaps the location pairs in the Variability Chart platform. Is there a way to drag to specifically re-insert the factors instead? For example, can I drag "Layout" between "Horizontal" and "Wafer ID" in the attached screenshot instead of performing multiple drags to have the intended result? I am aware I can do this reordering with ...

    Technician Technician
    Discussions |
    Oct 26, 2021 11:04 AM
    798 views | 0 replies
  • how can I use structural equation model to make predictions?

    Hi, I built a structural equation model and it works well. I would like use the model to make some predictions. Basically, what I want to do is to change the value of a variable and then JMP can calculate the values of other variables. Is there any way i can output the model equation so that I can use it to predict? Thanks.

    lujc07 lujc07
    Discussions |
    Oct 22, 2021 11:54 AM
    547 views | 0 replies
  • Get (x & y) intercept values from linear fit of the linear region of a curve/data and store them in a new column

    I have JMP data table with data from several parts for which a Capacitance 'C' has been measured as a function of reverse voltage 'V' (0 to -5 V in -0.1V step). A plot of [1/C]^2 vs V has a linear part for small reverse bias (say from 0 V to -0.5V and data is available at 0, -0.1, -0.2, -03, -0.4 -0.5 V within this range). How to do a linear fit to the points between 0 to -5V for each part, extrac...

    Neo Neo
    Discussions |
    Oct 22, 2021 10:15 AM
    555 views | 0 replies
  • Debugger report for finding bottlenecks

    I'm trying to find bottlenecks in a large script with many includes.  I can run the debugger to profile the script but I'm wondering if there's a better way than just looking through each included script for the highest number.  I'm imagining a pareto.     Anyone know a good method to analyze script performance?  

    vince_faller vince_faller
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    Oct 22, 2021 7:31 AM
    476 views | 0 replies
  • world map server compatibility

    I have successfully used 1-2 world map servers in the past through GraphBuilder but am encountering issues recently (JMP Pro 16). I can't figure out if it's something on my/JMP's end, or the WMS themselves. For instance, the US government has all these presumably WMS-like mapping products:  Note: tiled services may show up as Web Map Tile Service (WMTS), rather than WMS. Most software that can loa...

    abmayfield abmayfield
    Discussions |
    Oct 22, 2021 4:56 AM
    543 views | 0 replies
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