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최근 토론

  • What's the JMP-fluent way to do this?

    Manufacturing process. In R&D, we conceptualize the product as a grid of squares.  +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---...

    mtowle419 mtowle419
    Discussions |
    Mar 10, 2025 6:57 AM
    130 조회수 | 2 회신
  • How to exclude data points starting with a specific word from a PCA and followed by a graph builder?

    Hi,I have a dataset where the sample name for some data points start with "Bad...". I want to exclude these data points starting with "Bad" from a PCA but they should still be visible in the plot.After PCA I plot the PC1 and PC2 in graph builder and here I also want the same datapoints to be excluded but visible in the graph.Is there a way to script this in JSL? So I don't need to manually exclude...

    WhiteCow2000 WhiteCow2000
    Discussions |
    Mar 10, 2025 6:44 AM
    158 조회수 | 3 회신
  • Automatic registration of addin: support for .jmpaddin?

    According to the JMP 18 help you can install one or multiple add-ins by copying the add-ins into one of two folders. However, apparently, this only works for extracted addin folders, not for .jmpaddin files - JMP simply ignores .jmpaddin files that reside in these folders.

    Is there a simple way to force JMP to install a .jmpaddin file without using the JMP GUI? Or is the only way to extract my .jmp...

    inreoh inreoh
    Discussions |
    Mar 10, 2025 6:13 AM
    229 조회수 | 5 회신
  • method validation: % bias and recovery values from DoE?

    In the qualification or validation of pharmaceutical/biotech analytical methods, we're obliged to report accuracy.  ICHQ14 allows precision and accuracy to be studied together, making Custom DoE an ideal choice.  But unless I'm missing it, it's not obvious that JMP reports accuracy (in terms of % bias or % recovery).  Can anyone point me to which of the Analyze tools would give me those values fro...

    cbell9824 cbell9824
    Discussions |
    Mar 10, 2025 5:46 AM
    138 조회수 | 2 회신
  • Select column group from a list

    Using an associative array, I have a list containing the titles of column groups (common).  I tried to use select column group with that but it doesn't work as is.  What modifications do I need to make for this to work? dt << select column group( common ); 

    SpannerHead SpannerHead
    Discussions |
    Mar 9, 2025 8:57 AM
    210 조회수 | 2 회신

최근 토론

  • What's the JMP-fluent way to do this?

    Manufacturing process. In R&D, we conceptualize the product as a grid of squares.  +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---...

    mtowle419 mtowle419
    Discussions |
    Mar 10, 2025 6:57 AM
    130 조회수 | 2 회신
  • How to exclude data points starting with a specific word from a PCA and followed by a graph builder?

    Hi,I have a dataset where the sample name for some data points start with "Bad...". I want to exclude these data points starting with "Bad" from a PCA but they should still be visible in the plot.After PCA I plot the PC1 and PC2 in graph builder and here I also want the same datapoints to be excluded but visible in the graph.Is there a way to script this in JSL? So I don't need to manually exclude...

    WhiteCow2000 WhiteCow2000
    Discussions |
    Mar 10, 2025 6:44 AM
    158 조회수 | 3 회신
  • GraphBuilder Challenge

    A Jmp graph with different Overlay categories - with a trick it's possible to create it:on the left: weight split by # doorson the right: weight split by year. Besides the trick, how can I use Overlay to create the graph? dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Cars.jmp" ); dt << New Column( "Count_Make", Formula( Col Number( 1, :Make ) )); dt << Graph Builder( Variables( X( :Make ), X( :Make ), Y( :Wt ), Over...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Mar 9, 2025 3:21 AM
    1113 조회수 | 3 회신
  • New instance of JMP® is opened each time a new file is opened

    Hi everyone,   I've searched around and found some solutions to the problem that I am having, but none of them have seem to worked for me, so I thought I would just ask again to see if anyone might have some additional insight.   I help train colleagues at our company in using JMP and one problem that we regularly encounter is that if someone opens a file from Windows Explorer while they already h...

    althompsonphd althompsonphd
    Discussions |
    Mar 8, 2025 9:07 AM
    8930 조회수 | 14 회신
  • Scripting Data Type- date properties with non-conforming format

    I'm struggling with changing this column property to a numerical continuous date. I know it's not a standard format, since it is in yymmdd and not yyyymmdd or m/d/y. Here is one of the many variations of the JSL I have tried to use that doesn't work. Is there another way? Data Table("XYZData"):Date1 of MFG << Set Data Type(Numeric, Format( "y/m/d", 10 ), Input Format( "yymmdd" );  

    Roddy Roddy
    Discussions |
    Mar 7, 2025 11:32 PM
    196 조회수 | 2 회신

최근 토론

  • Pi Import Options - the Max count option

    I haven't seen any recent posts about the Pi Importer options.  This was supposed to be an upgrade in 18, but I'm struggling with the Max Count setting especially.  I'm not sure there is really a question here, but sharing what I've learned and wondering if anyone else has other insight to share here. I focus on the Raw Data Import because of the structure of our data and trying to remove any laye...

    LoveDataViz7 LoveDataViz7
    Discussions |
    Mar 7, 2025 7:58 AM
    123 조회수 | 0 회신
  • How to add a new distribution formula to the distribution analysis

    Hi, I'm working with measurement data that should follow a specific distribution.My goal is to create a Folded Normal and a Rayleigh to compare along with other distributions already programmed by default in JMP in order to see if my data follows the expected one. Here I fit all distributions with my data and look if the normal distribution fits the best according to the AICc. I would like to do t...

    Sylvain_MENA Sylvain_MENA
    Discussions |
    Mar 6, 2025 2:03 AM
    98 조회수 | 0 회신
  • Discovery summit book signings - official list of books?

    Fellow JMP enthusiasts! During the 2024 Manchester Discovery Summit I was surprised to learn that the handing out and signing of books is a tradition. So, I am wondering whether there is a list of the books handed out & signed so far. If it exists, where to find it?I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Bitch" by Lucy Cooke, and I have a feeling "Hello World" by Hannah Frey will be a good read too.

    Ressel Ressel
    Discussions |
    Feb 28, 2025 11:25 AM
    100 조회수 | 0 회신
  • Inquiry Regarding the Use of JMP and JMP Live (Suppress Eval?)

    Hello, I am a user of JMP Live.
    I am currently utilizing a simple function within JMP to leverage the Auto Refresh feature in JMP Live for dashboard purposes. However, while the function operates correctly on my PC, it does not work properly on JMP Live.Even though I have disabled "Suppress Eval" before executing Data Publish, when I later download the data, the column where the function should be ...

    DJ_Kim DJ_Kim
    Discussions |
    Feb 27, 2025 2:59 PM
    114 조회수 | 0 회신
  • Cannot open JMP project after moving file in sharepoint

    Hi I moved a JMP project to another sharepoint folder (datatables only saved in project) - now it will open, but not load - the "thinking" button just keeps turning. I have tried downloading the project to my PC, but I get a similar result - so does my colleagues. I need to close down JMP via the task-manager.  Any tips on how to get the dataset working again? (or should I just bite the lemon and ...

    GunhildRN GunhildRN
    Discussions |
    Feb 26, 2025 1:10 AM
    96 조회수 | 0 회신
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