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How can the following python library installation commands be implemented in python in a JMP environment?
Thanks Experts!
pip install selenium-wire -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pip install blinker==1.7.0 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pip uninstall h11 pip install h11 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
1087 views | 9 replies -
the error of lack of fit and analysis of variance
i meet a question when i deal with the problems in Design and analysis of experiment.this is a two-level full factorial design with 4 center points.in my opinion,the error in lack of fit is same to the error in analysis.but i dont get the same result in this report.here are relative data and analysis report: and here is the solution in this book‘s solution manuali cant get the same result
913 views | 4 replies -
Is there a way to save a jmp-formatted table that doesn't contain .jmp in the filename?
Why is it that when you use the command save() to save a jmp-formatted table, the saved filename has to contain .jmp. Is there a way to save a jmp-formatted table that doesn't contain .jmp in the filename?
558 views | 2 replies -
How to edit folder path in jsk using python
Hi,I am using JMP 17 Pro I have jsl with folder names which needs to be changed dynamically. I want to use python to make this change, which receives new folder paths info from server I am able to open jsl using python and printing python variable in jsl using below linkhttps://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/How-to-pass-arguments-from-Python-to-jmp-script-while-running/td-p/379251 Can I use pyth...
396 views | 1 replies -
Retrieve fit model simulator settings from simulated data tables
Is there a way to retrieve fit model simulator settings (random noise, lower and upper effect range, etc.) used to generate the simulated data table from the simulated data table?
462 views | 2 replies
Latest Discussions
How can the following python library installation commands be implemented in python in a JMP environment?
Thanks Experts!
pip install selenium-wire -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pip install blinker==1.7.0 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pip uninstall h11 pip install h11 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
1087 views | 9 replies -
How to edit folder path in jsk using python
Hi,I am using JMP 17 Pro I have jsl with folder names which needs to be changed dynamically. I want to use python to make this change, which receives new folder paths info from server I am able to open jsl using python and printing python variable in jsl using below linkhttps://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/How-to-pass-arguments-from-Python-to-jmp-script-while-running/td-p/379251 Can I use pyth...
396 views | 1 replies -
Retrieve fit model simulator settings from simulated data tables
Is there a way to retrieve fit model simulator settings (random noise, lower and upper effect range, etc.) used to generate the simulated data table from the simulated data table?
462 views | 2 replies -
How to change interval lines on Plot Col Boxes
Hello, I’m trying to create a table box report from student t-test results that I can use for a report. When you run a students t-test in the Fit Y by X platform, each run has a Plot Col Box that shows the difference, lower and upper CL as a range, which is coloured by whether the CL’s cross the reference line of 0 difference. The challenge I’m having is when I try to recreate this and bring in...
416 views | 1 replies -
Namespaces and Projects
Hi, we use some Custom Functions which we share with other colleagues via an AddIn.The "custom" namespace is created in the global namespace, functions can be accessed via custom:myfunction.
The issue: Some colleagues use Projects.
a project has it's own global namespace - and from there, custom functions are not accessible:Add Custom Functions( New Custom Function( "custom", "myfunc", Function( {x
854 views | 5 replies
Latest Discussions
Error add-in manager :AddinID == selectionID
I am taking the above error once i click to build currently selected add-in button at the add-in manager.
Error Message: {"Send Expects Scriptable Object"(1, {23}, 2, "Send", here:addinTable << /*###*/get rows where(:AddinID == selectionID) /*###*/)} Error: Send Expects Scriptable Object 1 time(s). Data Table Indices: 23 Type: Error Function Name: Send Function being executed: here:addinTab
382 views | 0 replies -
JMP 18 Addins on Server - Change in Location
FYI from JMP tech support: If you are running JMP on a server, note that JMP 16 addins do not work for JMP 18 because the file paths have changed. JMP is no longer part of SAS so the file path changed from C:\ProgramData\SAS\JMP\addIns to C:\ProgramData\JMP\JMP\addIns
Changing your file path to C:\ProgramData\JMP\JMP\addIns will make addins visible for JMP version 18.pmroz
390 views | 0 replies -
How do I replace a prediction expression in a fit model with a specific expression?
Hi, I am completing a DOE and I have ran a fit model using the JMP software to define a design space based on desirability of certain variables, however one of the desirability variables is a simple ratio of two of the construct model effects, however when running the model, the model is defining its own prediction expression for this variable rather than using the formula in the data table. Does ...
313 views | 0 replies -
One-Versus-Rest (OVR) and the One-Versus-One (OVO) LDA
Hello, I'm looking for a way to test a different LDA strategy than the standard One-off (or hand-out) method when trying to predict a categorical response with multiple classes. I'm particularly interested in the One-Versus-Rest (OVR) (also referred to as One-Versus-All or OVA) and the One-Versus-One (OVO) strategies. So, instead of using the default One-off LDA which seeks to solve the classica...
453 views | 0 replies -
XGbbost training, validation and testing
Hello,I have a question about handling test datasets in XGBoost. Here's my current approach:I'm using 10-fold cross-validation for model training and validationI keep a separate test dataset completely excluded during this training phase (hide and exclude in the table before launching the model)After training, I manually generate predictions on this test dataset (save predicted to table and I unhi...
343 views | 0 replies
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ChinaShanghai May 29
12:00PM - 1:00PM EDTMar 20JMP for Teaching Data Analytics Courses
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1:00PM - 2:00PM EDTMar 21Getting Started with JMP
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
1:00PM - 2:30PM EDTMar 26Jump into Gauge Studies: Hands-On Workshop
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
Seats are limited to 30 attendees, so register now to save your spot. Date: M...