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One-Versus-Rest (OVR)  and the One-Versus-One (OVO) LDA

Level I



I'm looking for a way to test a different LDA strategy than the standard One-off (or hand-out) method when trying to predict a categorical response with multiple classes.


I'm particularly interested in the One-Versus-Rest (OVR)  (also referred to as One-Versus-All or OVA)  and the One-Versus-One (OVO) strategies.


So, instead of using the default One-off LDA which seeks to solve the classication problem for all classes in the model simultaneously I would like to try testing  OVR strategy (which divides each class into two groups, trans- forming the k-class classi?cation problem into a k − 1 round binary classi?cation problem) and OVO strategy.


Any idea how to do this in JMP?


Thanks in advance!