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  • Editing chart with 'Dispatch'

    JMP 9.0.3Windows 7 Enterprise SP1I am trying to edit some 'control chart' display parameters using 'Dispatch'. It seems like the only way I can get the command to work is if I use the string for the chart title directly. I need to be able to pass that name into the Dispatch command somehow. Here's my 'not working' script:xbarname = eval("XBar of "||Testname);Control Chart(      Sample Label( :Samp...

    pticguy pticguy
    Discussions |
    Sep 12, 2014 2:27 PM
    9188 views | 1 replies
  • EMS vs REML - why do the standard errors differ?

    Hi,I've just set up a series of mixed models using the Fit Model platform using one of the JMP demo data sets ("Blood Pressure", in which I've set Doses as a fixed effect and Subjects as a random effect).  To analyse those models I have a choice of methodologies: EMS or REML (recommended), so I tried them both, added a pairwise comparison of the doses (the "LS Means Student's t" option on the "Eff...

    Discussions |
    Sep 12, 2014 12:20 PM
    5905 views | 2 replies
  • JMP Interactive HTML Examples

    Update: Now that JMP 14 is released, we've added more examples. You can read about updates to Interactive HTML in JMP 14 here and here.   We updated our JMP Interactive HTML Examples and this post for the release of JMP 13 at JMP Discovery Summit.   Interactive HTML is all about sharing, so we decided to share a few examples of interactive HTML reports with JMP Discovery Summit attendees next week...

    John_Powell_JMP John_Powell_JMP
    Discussions |
    Sep 12, 2014 7:38 AM
    8045 views | 2 replies
  • I have a column of comma separated numbers. Is it possible to separate each number into its own column?

    I have a column of comma separated numbers. Is it possible to separate each number into its own column?

    dwaterson dwaterson
    Discussions |
    Sep 12, 2014 7:31 AM
    10877 views | 2 replies
  • How may I see variable tabs in JSL Debugger

    Hi folks,I am trying to use JSL Debugger for first time and I could not control how to display botton page tabs, as Global, Local, Watch, ...I do not know why, but in my window I see the one I leave here so I can't see Variable values(even I do CRTL-SHIF- - to decrease view).Could you help me?w.  Thank youTeresa

    teresa teresa
    Discussions |
    Sep 8, 2014 2:03 PM
    3163 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • EMS vs REML - why do the standard errors differ?

    Hi,I've just set up a series of mixed models using the Fit Model platform using one of the JMP demo data sets ("Blood Pressure", in which I've set Doses as a fixed effect and Subjects as a random effect).  To analyse those models I have a choice of methodologies: EMS or REML (recommended), so I tried them both, added a pairwise comparison of the doses (the "LS Means Student's t" option on the "Eff...

    Discussions |
    Sep 12, 2014 12:20 PM
    5905 views | 2 replies
  • JMP Interactive HTML Examples

    Update: Now that JMP 14 is released, we've added more examples. You can read about updates to Interactive HTML in JMP 14 here and here.   We updated our JMP Interactive HTML Examples and this post for the release of JMP 13 at JMP Discovery Summit.   Interactive HTML is all about sharing, so we decided to share a few examples of interactive HTML reports with JMP Discovery Summit attendees next week...

    John_Powell_JMP John_Powell_JMP
    Discussions |
    Sep 12, 2014 7:38 AM
    8045 views | 2 replies
  • How may I see variable tabs in JSL Debugger

    Hi folks,I am trying to use JSL Debugger for first time and I could not control how to display botton page tabs, as Global, Local, Watch, ...I do not know why, but in my window I see the one I leave here so I can't see Variable values(even I do CRTL-SHIF- - to decrease view).Could you help me?w.  Thank youTeresa

    teresa teresa
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    Sep 8, 2014 2:03 PM
    3163 views | 1 replies
  • Appending Data To Table

    I have a large data table in JMP with several scripts saved to the table.  Each week, I receive additional data via Excel files to append to the data table and repeat the analysis via the saved scripts.  The problem is appending the data to the JMP data table from the Excel files.  Can someone explain how to do this without having to create a whole new data table each time and so that I can utiliz...

    Steven_Moore Steven_Moore
    Discussions |
    Sep 3, 2014 9:41 AM
    4159 views | 2 replies
  • What is the Adj. Power calculation in the Parameter Estimates telling me? Is this the (1 - Beta) power at alpha = 0.05?

    How do you interpret these power values?  How can an intercept have a power?thanks for your help,JoeH

    joeh joeh
    Discussions |
    Jul 10, 2014 5:53 PM
    4866 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • What robust methods are common for Process Capability Indices for Non-Nornal distributions?

    In Europe, we found it common to use Cpkn as a non-normal Cpk metric, where mean was replaced with median, and stdev was replaced with IQR/1.35.   For some "regulatory" or "customer" reports, this seems to be accepted rather than the usual "torture the data until it says its normal" approach with transformations.   Does anyone have similar experience or better ideas?   (Note:  any use of capabilit...

    mclayton200 mclayton200
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    Jun 19, 2014 2:05 PM
    4527 views | 0 replies
  • Graph Builder Remove Variable

    Hello,I am trying to use jsl to remove the x-axis variable and replace it with a different one.  It looks like I should use the GraphBuilderBox <- Remove Variable() tool, but since I change the x-axis variable multiple times, I do not know its name and would like to use the Remove Variable(Role("X"), Position(1)) method, but this does not work.  Any assistance would be appreciated.Thank you,Martin

    Martin Martin
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    Apr 15, 2014 6:44 AM
    2601 views | 0 replies
  • How to calculate average (median) of a group of variables to get the eudlidean centre

    How would I calculate the shape of the average (using the median) of a variable from a group within a data set? I need a certain function for calculating the centre of gravity (centroid) or Euclidian centre of this group of variable.
    Many thanks!!

    alexsheehy1992 alexsheehy1992
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    Apr 2, 2014 12:17 PM
    3985 views | 0 replies
  • How to establish a DOE related to multivariate analysis

    I have encountered a DOE aspect issue as below:Background:1. A new plastic mold with 20-cavity, that means each shot/trial will yield 20 parts2. each part has two critical dimensions.3. there are 11 factors/variables (injection molding machine parameters) which will have impact on these 2 critical dimensionPurpose of DOE1. By DOE, custom design, to detect which factors/parameters are RED factor or...

    mujahida mujahida
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    Mar 23, 2014 6:43 AM
    2927 views | 0 replies
  • LD50 and LT50 calculation

    Hi everybody,I would want to calculate LD50 and LT50 from a dataset organized in 6 columns:- Name of the compound (I just got 1 compound named A)- Concentration of the compound (2 dilutions per compound)- Individual number (a fixed number of 10 individuals is used per assay)- State of the individual at the end of the experiment (1 = alive, 0 = dead)- Day death (experiment last 15 days)- Experiment...

    cecilia cecilia
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    Mar 5, 2014 8:13 AM
    4769 views | 0 replies
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